These people completely aroused Xia Jue's anger.

If the former Xia Jue only broke out three points of strength, then now it is five points.

Autumn wind sweeping leaves general, the first to rush over the ten bodyguards did not see Xia Jue's action, then screamed and flew out.

"Hiss." Seeing this, old four took a breath.

It's no wonder that Zhou Shao and the third aunt came here with a large number of people twice, but they were defeated. This person's strength can't be measured by ordinary people.

Even the master of Wu family can't resist his moves, can't he?

However, after the third aunt's reminder, Lao Si brought 400 family bodyguards.

Although these bodyguards are not Xia Jue's opponents alone, they are just as powerful as many people.

Even if four hundred pigs stand in the same place for him to kill, he will be tired to death, not to mention four hundred well-trained bodyguards. Old four is confident that he will kill Xia Jue with the sea of people tactics.

When Lao Si was making this idea, Xia Jue, who was like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, had killed 40 or 50 bodyguards.

Looking at the situation in this game, the old four's stable mood was suddenly tense.

After a while, nearly a hundred bodyguards were lying down.

Now his mind began to strain.

When he looked up at Xia Jue in the field.

Xia Jue didn't have any breathing and lack of strength, and even the sweat on his body didn't appear. It seemed that it didn't take any effort to deal with these bodyguards.


Is this guy human or not?

How can there be such abnormal characters in the world.

"No matter what you're armed with." Old four can't calm down, meet so elder brother abnormal person, maybe today he will carry in.

The bodyguards in the field wanted to be armed when they saw that Xia Jue was so terrible, but Lao Si had an order to catch him alive. Now, as soon as he heard that he was dead or alive, he immediately took out daggers from his waist.


The bodyguards didn't know who called, and then the bodyguards with daggers attacked Xia Jue one after another.

The fight and scream are still coming.

However, in addition to these voices, old four and others also heard some different voices.

This sound is similar to the "clang clang" sound of striking iron, which makes Lao Si a little confused. He doesn't know where the sound comes from.

"Bang bang."

Xia Jue swept five or six bodyguards with a whip.

Then the people behind the five or six bodyguards stabbed Xia Jue with daggers.

"Clang clang."

The voice came out again.

Now the old four finally knew where the voice came from. The voice was made by stabbing Xia Jue with a dagger.

Old four was startled to learn of the situation.

This is either Xia Jue's armor or the kind of iron cloth shirt that Xia Jue will wear on TV.

Of course, old four can't believe that someone in the world really knows this kind of Kung Fu. Xia Jue must be wearing armor or something.

I can't believe this guy is so cunning.

"This guy is wearing armor. Stab him in the neck and on the head." The bodyguards in the old four court gave a loud shout.

The head and neck are all flesh and blood. I see how you can stop it. Old four snorted coldly.

Heard the old four shout, the bodyguards in the field stare at Xia Jue's head position one after another.

Just then.

Xia Jue behind a bodyguard to find the right opportunity to close to Xia Jue's side, he raised the hand of the dagger fierce stab.

Naturally, this scene was also seen by Lao Si, who had been watching the situation carefully.

In order to avoid being seen by Xia Jue's flaws, the fourth elder, even though he was overjoyed in his heart, still tried to keep his expression unchanged.

But when he thought that Xia Jue would die, the change happened again.


It's still the annoying beating of iron.

And this bodyguard's dagger just stayed in the back of Xia Jue's head, unable to penetrate half an inch, and there was no sign of blood flowing out.

The people in the field are all dull when they look at this scene. Some bodyguards who are just planning how to deal with Xia Jue have left their thoughts behind.

This is the head. There is no armor to protect the body. Why can't it be pierced?

It's subverting people's perception of the world.

The first one who came back was the bodyguard who stabbed Xia Jue's head with a dagger. Because he was the client, he woke up faster than others.

The first thing that he recovered was to lift the dagger in his hand and stab Xia Jue's head with all his strength.


The sound of striking iron was a little louder than before, but it made no contribution. The dagger still couldn't get in.In the hearts of all the people, there was another storm.

This is not a TV shoot. How can anyone in the world really know the Kung Fu of the martial arts world?

On one side, the dog's men and the Wu family were also shocked.

Ah, the dog's men have been with Xia Jue for a long time.

They only know that Xia Jue is very powerful and has a strong background, but they didn't expect that Xia Jue still has such terrible Kung Fu, which is an eye opener for them.

Wu Cha three people here finally understand that they are so afraid of Mr. Xia.

Who is not afraid of this kind of Kung Fu?

Here Xia Jue slowly turned around and looked at him: "is it fun?"

"You... You... You're not human." The bodyguard was so shocked that he couldn't speak very well.


Xia Jue directly smashed him out.

The loud noise made everyone in the field completely recover.

The bodyguards began to step back and dare not approach Xia Jue any more.

Because now Xiajue is not so simple as an enemy in their eyes. Now Xiajue is just a devil to them.

"Don't panic. Don't be scared by him. It's just a cover up. Where is anyone in the world really invulnerable? Brothers, give me a few more stabs, and he will show his flaws soon." In order to stabilize the morale of the army, old four made up a pair of words that he didn't believe.

"Fourth... Fourth brother, what shall we do now?" Several bodyguards who retreated behind the fourth were in a bit of a panic.

"There is no way out but to fight to the death." Old four knew that if the ugly man could not be solved today, then when the ugly man found the Zhou family, they still had no way to escape.

I can't run away, so I'll fight with him in the end.

"Take my phone and let the owner know immediately. Once we have a mistake, let the owner prepare for it." Old four gave the phone to a bodyguard nearby.

Old four brought out all the elite of the Zhou family.

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