"I said to my in laws, is it really so serious, let's arouse the masses?" As soon as Cheng Jie entered the door, he asked.

"Yes, in laws, this is Kyoto. Who can make you Zhou family happy? Are you making fun of us?" The name of the speaker was Kong Shang, the younger brother of the master of the Kong family.

"In laws, please tell us about it." Said Shu Hui of the Shu family.

Here is Kyoto. Several people don't understand why Zhou Yuan said things so seriously on the phone.

Zhou Yuan when the cause and effect of the matter to give a few out one by one.

"No, how can there be such a terrible person in this world?"

"Do you mean that your Zhou family sent hundreds of elite bodyguards to destroy the whole army in the past?"

Several people were shocked when they heard the cause and effect of the incident.

"In laws, did you let the people of Wu family do it?" Cheng Jie asked.

Only the Wu family could deal with such a terrible person, so Cheng Jie asked this question.

"The people of Wu family didn't do it, because there are also experts of Wu family around them." This is what Zhou Yuan heard from the third aunt.

"The other side also has experts of Wu family. It seems that they are not one. You can't find out the identity of this person in law?" Shuhui thought.

"At present, I only know that the other party is from the provincial capital. I have asked people to find out what happened to them. I believe we will have news soon."

"Well... But you don't have to worry about your in laws. No matter how powerful these guys are, they can't lift any waves in the capital. Our three families have brought nearly 1000 elite bodyguards to your Zhou family. You can be relieved." Don't worry about it.

"It's hard for my family to sleep and eat one day when this man is here." Zhou Yuan sighed.

Since he became the owner of last week's family, nothing has ever bothered him so much. But he is so worried by the other party. He is really a coward.

"When the time comes, we'll find out how to deal with the four family members. I don't know what we can do when they die." Shu Hui is not so worried as Zhou Yuan.


Wu Cha and Xia Jue found something unusual before they got close to Zhou's manor.

"Mr. Xia, in the past, the Zhou family would never have such a strong security force. It seems that they are also on guard." Wu Cha looked at the distance, the Zhou family was full of patrolling bodyguards.

"Good guy, there must be thousands of people." Ah, the dog's mouth is open.

Seeing the situation, Xia Jue frowned.

Although Xia Jue is powerful, he is just a person, not a God, and he will be tired. It has cost him a lot of physical strength to solve those bodyguards before, and now he can't stand it if he rushes into the camp of thousands of people.

After thinking about it, Xia Jue still thinks that he should not act rashly for the time being. He plans to find a place to rest before making plans.

"Turn around."


the figure of Xia Jue and others here can't hide from the Zhou family who had been on guard for a long time.

Several bodyguards with binoculars told the housekeeper of the Zhou family about the situation. The housekeeper of the Zhou family came to the meeting room again.

"Sir, they seem to have come, but they have gone."

"What do you mean, be clear." Zhou Yuan raised his ears.

"Just now a few cars came about two kilometers away from our manor. They stopped for a few minutes and then left again." Said the housekeeper.

"Oh?" Hearing this, Zhou Yuan became suspicious.

"In laws, it must be the other party who saw that our security forces are so strong that they dare not act rashly."

"Well, yes, it should be."

"Oh, there's something wrong with our strategy. We shouldn't expose our security forces. We should hide them and invite them to come in again after they come in." Kong Shangyi patted his head.

"Yes, Kong Shang, you're right. Since the other side has retreated, they must know that they can't defeat us. It's our negligence." Beam Hui also suddenly understood.

"Master, I found it." Just then a man rushed into the meeting room.

"Say it." Zhou Yuan can't wait.

"His name is Xia Jue. He used to run a land company with his wife in Zhonghai. Later, the company's business developed to the provincial capital, and then clashed with the major real estate developers in the provincial capital.

A few days ago, this man cleaned up the major real estate developers in the provincial capital by means of thunder. Fang Yu, the nephew of the third aunt, fled to Kyoto to seek refuge today. This man also chased us all the way, which caused conflicts with us. No, these are secondary. This man has another identity, that is, he is a member of our summer family in Kyoto. "

The Zhou family has a huge network of relationships. Once the family machine works, Xia Jue's affairs in the secular world will soon turn upside down."What, it's the Xia family?"

"The Xia family?"

Zhou Yuan and others were surprised to hear that they were actually from the Xia family.

"Yes, the owner, but although he is a member of the Xia family, he was expelled from the family ten years ago."

"Out of the family? Then how can he invite the people of the martial arts family to be his bodyguards? Is there anyone in the Xia family helping him secretly now? " Zhou Yuan kept guessing.

"I don't know, because there is no information to show that someone in the Xia family has helped Xia Jue."

"In laws, why do you have to use this brain power to figure it out? Since it's the Xia family, it's much easier. We can find the Xia family to talk about it." Kong Shang said.

"Yes, in order to avoid any misunderstanding, we should talk to the people of Xia family." Shu Hui also said.

Zhou Yuan nodded, took out his cell phone, found a phone called "Xiabai" and called.

The owner of Xia family has been admiring for years. Now the specific matters of the family are handled by this Xia Bai. He is also recognized as the next generation of the owner of Xia family.

After a while, the phone was connected.

"Brother Zhou, what brings you here today?"

"It's very important for you to come to discuss with my brother Fang Zhou." Zhou Yuan said.

"Well, I'll be late when I'm done with these things."

The strength of Xia family and Zhou family is between Bo Zhong's and Bo Zhong's. although Xia Bai is not the owner of Xia family now, theoretically speaking, it is still one level lower than Zhou Yuan's, but it is only theoretical.

In fact, their respective identities are equal.

Now Zhou Yuan calls him to Zhou's home.

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