Although the other side has clearly said that there are very important things, but he still has to hold the airs that the Xia family should have.

"Brother Xia, it's urgent. I owe you a favor from the Zhou family. Please come here immediately." Zhou Yuan, of course, knew what Xia Bai was thinking, so he lowered his posture.

Seeing that the master of the Zhou family had said this, Xia Bai was not good enough to hold the airs any more. He immediately replied, "brother Xing Zhou, I'll go there now."

It's about half an hour later.

With a few cars, Xiabai comes to the gate of Zhou's manor.

"BOGO, there seems to be something unexpected at home this week." A man next to Zhou Bai looks at the bodyguards who are heavily guarded.

Of course Sharpe saw it.

Combined with Zhou Yuan's tone before, Xia Bai thinks that something big has happened to the Zhou family.

He immediately got out of the car and went into the Zhou family's manor.

It wasn't long before Xiabai was taken to the Zhou family's meeting room.

In the meeting room, Xia Bai saw the Shu family again, and all the people who married the Kong family had come here, which made him more curious about what happened to the Zhou family.

"Brother Kong, brother Shu, brother Cheng, you are all here." Xia Bai asked politely.

"Yes, something happened. My in laws asked me to come and discuss it." Several responded.

"Brother Zhou, what's the matter?" Saber pulled a stool and sat down.

"I'd like to ask if there is a man named Xia Jue in your Xia family." Zhou Yuan said.

Hearing this, Saber's face suddenly solidified.

He hated to hear that name for so many years.

Because compared with the Xia family, Xia Jue was originally the successor of the Xia family, and he was just an illegitimate son.

At that time, he and his mother used some means to drive Xia Jue out of the family.

But ten years later, Xia Jue came back, and it was said that he had made a name for himself, which made his father, the current Xia family leader, send someone to take him back to his family.

He and his mother were really worried about this for a long time. Fortunately, in the end, Xia Jue was wise and didn't follow his father's advice to return to the family. Otherwise, he would have to consider using means to solve Xia Jue's threat.

But now all of a sudden, hearing that Zhou Yuan mentioned Xia Jue, Xia Bai began to feel uneasy. This guy didn't want to go back to Xia's home again. He thought that Xia Bai's eyes had become cold.

"Brother Xia?" Zhou Yuan couldn't help but make a sound when he saw that Xia Bai's face was cloudy and sunny.

Hearing Zhou Yuan's reminder, Xia Bai recovered from his mind.

"I don't know what brother Zhou asked Xia Jue to do?" Saber decided to knock it out first.

Because he didn't know what it meant to become a family with the Shus this week.

If Xia Jue and these companies join hands to deal with him, they will be in trouble.

"The thing is like this. Xia Jue and I may have a misunderstanding. I don't know if you can be a introducer. We want to have a talk with him." Zhou Yuan said.

A misunderstanding?

Is there any conflict between Xia Jue and Zhou family?

But if he had a misunderstanding with the Zhou family, how could the Zhou family talk so well?

You know, the Chou family is also a bully in Kyoto, where can they accommodate a little fool.

That's right.

Are you afraid of my Xia family?

Very likely.

No wonder yuan is going to find him this week. It seems that he wants to ask for their attitude towards the Xia family.

However, if Xia Jue lived his life honestly, he didn't want to do too much for everyone's sake.

But now it seems that he has come to Kyoto, which means that he must have something in mind. If his father thinks of him at this time, it's hard to say the position of the head of his family.

No way.

We can't let this happen.

Now that he has just offended the Zhou family, he may be able to get rid of him with the knife of the Zhou family.

Think of here, summer Bo showed a trace of ruthless smile.

Don't blame me, Xia Jue. You asked for it.

"Don't talk about it. This Xia Jue has made a big mistake and has already been driven out of the family by my Xia family. You can handle it at will. My Xia family will never have a second word." Said Sharpe, who had made up his mind.


hearing Xia Bai's words, Zhou Yuan and the family of Shu and Kong looked at each other.

"Brother Xia, we don't want to deal with him for the time being. We just want to talk to him. If you can help us get off the line, my Zhou family will be very grateful to your Xia family." As a last resort, Zhou Yuan did not intend to fight with Xia Jue to the end.

Now there are thousands of bodyguards in the manor to protect him, which is safe for the time being.

But he can't hide in this cage all the time. Once he leaves the manor, he will go out with thousands of bodyguards, otherwise he will be in danger if he is watched by Xia Jue.On hearing this, saber didn't have any expression on the surface. In fact, he was quite surprised at this time.

He has already said that. Why is it that this week's family is still bent on peace talks rather than doing anything.

And this week, the family seems to be a little afraid of Xia Jue. What's the matter?

With full of doubts, Xia Bai said again: "brother Zhou, you have to tell me in detail what's going on, so that I can judge."

Zhou Yuan was silent for three seconds, and then slowly spoke out the cause and effect of the matter.

"What, you said your Zhou family sent 400 bodyguards, and they were all cleaned up by him in the past?" Sharpe can't believe it.

"Yes, it's brother Xia, otherwise I won't let you come to see if you can make peace." Having said that, Zhou Yuan was not afraid of losing face.

Now saber was not calm any more. His face was very gloomy.

He finally knows why the old man wanted to take Xia Jue back to his family a few days ago. It turns out that Xia Jue is so capable now.

If the old man really took him back, he would become the God of the sea of the Xia family. The Xia family would have more prestige and nobody would dare to provoke him.

But correspondingly, his Xiabai became a waste, a waste who could only live in the light of his Xiajue. As for the position of the head of the family, I'm afraid he didn't want to think about it. This is what he would like to see.

No way.

In any case, we can't let him into the sight of the old man again. We must kill him completely.

Saber made a decision quickly.

"This is Kyoto. Is your Zhou family really willing to be shited by him? It's a joke, isn't it Xia Bai looks up at Zhou Yuan.

This makes people's eyes focus on Saber's body.

Because from these words, people immediately analyzed that Xiabai and Xiajue did not deal with each other.

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