Think of this week yuan's face and began to make up the pain.

Originally intended to let this summer Bo come to them to be a peacemaker, now it seems that not only can't be a peacemaker, I'm afraid will also want to cause trouble.

"What do you say, brother Xia?" Zhou Yuan asked.

"No matter how powerful he is, he is only a human being. If he is a human being, he will have weaknesses. I think we can make a plan and invite Wu Tong of the Wu family to come and take charge. At that time, no matter how powerful he is, I'm afraid he won't be able to escape from us."

"Brother Xia, it's easy for you to talk about it. It's not so easy to just ask Wu Tong to do it without talking about how to plan to deal with him."

"If there's anything we can't do, as long as our five families unite to pay some price to the Wu family, the Wu family owner will definitely agree to send Wu Tong out." Saber is quite sure.

"What do you say we should do?" At present, the hope of peace talks is estimated to be in vain. For the sake of the Zhou family, there is only one way, so Zhou Yuan decided to listen to Xia Bai's ideas.

"Dig them out, and then take the initiative to fight hard, otherwise your Zhou family will be restless." Xia Bai sees Zhou Yuan's worries. He believes that Zhou Yuan will agree for the sake of the Zhou family.

Zhou Yuan was silent for a long time.


He agreed with shaper.

Since Xia Bai wants to get rid of Xia Jue so much, he also wants to solve the problem of Xia Jue, but he can also use a lot of power of Xia family. Why not.

After making up his mind, Zhou Yuan ordered people to run the Zhou family machine at full speed, intending to dig out the foothold of Xia Jue and others.

The other three families here have also launched their own network and started to inquire.

Xia Jue and others didn't mean to hide their tracks. He and ah Gou stayed in a hotel in Kyoto, so the news was heard by Zhou Yuan and others.

"They are in the Haolin hotel. Please contact the Wu family."

Zhou Yuan nodded and dialed the owner of the Wu family.

After the five families paid a heavy price, the owner of the Wu family finally agreed to send Wu Tong to fight for them once.

"It's too expensive for Wu Niang." Kong Shang was a little dissatisfied with the lion of Wu family.

"I can't help it. Wutong is worth the price." Shu Hui was not too surprised.

"It's said that this martial arts expert is very powerful. Even in the international battlefield, there are few opponents. I'd like to see if he can beat Xia Jue." Cheng Jie has some expectations in his eyes.

While Zhou Yuan and others were still discussing some matters in the meeting room, a motorcycle with double exhaust pipes stopped in the Zhou family's manor.

After stopping the motorcycle, the driver took off his helmet and went to the manor.

This man looks ordinary.

It's so common that no one even looks at the crowded streets.

He was wearing a special red dress with a big "Wu" tattooed on the back.

"Who are you?" The guard on guard at the door reached out.

"Wu family, Wu Tong." The ordinary looking man spat out the short four words.

But just a short four words fell in the ears of the bodyguards at the door, just like thunder on the ground, which made their legs begin to shake unconsciously.

Because the name of martial arts is too big.

As big as the whole of Kyoto, almost everyone knows.

A few minutes later, Wu Tong was taken to the conference room.

Seeing that Wu Tong came to the conference room, a group of people didn't dare to neglect him and immediately stood up to greet him.

For Zhou Yuan, although this martial arts skill belonged to the younger generation, because his name was too loud, several people did not dare to put on airs in front of him.

"Time, place, how to deal with it?" Wu Tong spat out this sentence, as if as long as the other party can tell him this information, he will be able to deal with it.

"Wu Tong, listen to us first, this man is not ordinary, he is very fierce..."

"there is nothing serious in front of me, it's just a group of garbage, you just need to tell me where the other party is and how to solve it, I will deal with it." Wu Tong interrupted Zhou Yuan before he finished.

Seeing Wu Tong so arrogant, several people couldn't help looking at each other.

It's said that Wu Tong is arrogant and never takes anyone seriously. It's true to see him today.

"They're in rooms 513 to 519 of the hotel, and I want them to die immediately if I can." Since Wu Tong is so determined and confident, Zhou Yuan doesn't plan to go on.

"Help you to get rid of these people, and the Wu family's deal with you will be concluded. Promise that the Wu family's interests will be delivered within three days, or you will bear the consequences." Wu Tong left this sentence.

After Wu Tong left, Shu Hui's face suddenly pulled down: "this Wu Tong is very arrogant. It's good to treat us as well as the people of the major families. He didn't give us a good face.""To be famous when you are young, you can't be compared with ordinary people." Kongshan shook his head.

"I'm afraid Wutong is not safe. I think we have to take people there. At that time, even if Wutong is defeated, we can rely on people and tactics to mend the sword." Saber reminded.

"Yes, we have already paid such a high price. We can't let the tiger go back to the mountain. We must beat him to death. Otherwise, with this guy's great ability, we will have endless troubles. Let's follow him immediately." Zhou Yuan said that he was about to leave.

Shuhui Kong shangchengjie also understood this truth and immediately followed Zhou Yuan out.

Not long after Wutong put on his helmet and rode on a motorcycle, Zhou Yuan and other bodyguards drove to the direction of Haolin hotel.

When Zhou Yuan arrived at Haolin Hotel, instead of going to each room to solve them one by one, he went to the front desk

"let all the 513 to 519 guests come down to me, just say someone is looking for them." Wu Tong is too lazy to deal with them one by one. He wants these people to come down together, which saves him a lot of time.

"Who are you, sir?" Asked the front desk.

"Bang." Wu Tong hit the stone platform next to the front desk with one punch, when he instantly concave into a large piece, "do as I say, don't let me say the second time, understand?"

"I see, sir. I'll inform you right away." The front desk ran away in a hurry.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhou Yuan and others outside also arrived here with a large number of bodyguards.

But for the time being, they just stood outside and didn't dare to come in, because they were afraid of angering Wu Tong.

"What is this Wutong doing in the lobby?"

"Yes, didn't you tell him the room number? Has he forgotten? Shall we go in and remind him? "

Zhou Yuan and others looked at Wu Tong standing in the lobby of the hotel and couldn't understand.

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