The front desk comes all the way to the room of ah Gou and others and knocks on the door.

"Sir, it seems that someone is coming to trouble you. Do you want to go down and solve it?"

"Trouble us? How many of them are here? " Come out of the room, asked the dog.

"Just one."

"What did you say?"

"There's a man on the other side."

"I'll go down now if one dares to be so rampant." Ah, the dog said and then knocked. Several people went down the hall.

Ah, in order not to disturb Xia Jue's rest, the dog only brought some of his subordinates. When he came down, he saw an ordinary man standing by.

"You're the one who's going to trouble us?" Ah, the dog looks at each other coldly.

"Are you from rooms 513 to 519?" Wu Tong asked without expression.

"So what?"

"Yes." After Wu Tong finished this sentence, his body turned into a remnant wind.

"What a speed, be careful!" I didn't expect the other party to be so good at it.

"Bang bang."

Ah, as soon as the dog's voice fell, his two men flew out.

"Are you the Wu family?" At this time, the dog finally saw a big "Wu" behind Wu Tong.

Wugou's family didn't pay attention to Wutong's words.

Wu Tong's ability to deal with ah Gou can be said to be a big gun attacking mosquitoes. Ah Gou's subordinates don't have the ability to fight back at all.

"This Wutong is really powerful." Outside the door, Shuhui, who was watching the scene, was a little smacked.

"Otherwise, why do you think he has such a great reputation?" Kong Shang thought it was normal.

"You dare to touch us, do you know who we are? We are Xia... "

" bang. "

Ah, just as the dog said this, he flew out and smashed on a chair.

"Poof." Ah, the dog vomited a mouthful of blood and tried to support his body. He wanted to stand up, but the pain from his chest made him move for another half a minute.

Ah, the dog looked down at his chest. There was a big concave in his chest. It seemed that he had broken several ribs.

If he had known that the other side was so powerful, he would have informed Xia Jue. Unfortunately, it's useless to regret now.

"Wu Tong, these are just minions. Let's get rid of Xia first." Zhou Yuan outside the lobby yelled.

"Let your master come down." Wu Tong comes to ah Gou.

"You are looking for death. Do you know who our master is?" Even if he is beaten like this, ah, the dog is not half afraid of him.

Because he knows how miserable he is now. After Mr. Xia comes down, this guy will be miserable.


Wu Tong slapped the dog in the face again.

"Tell your master, my name is Wutong. Let him get over here and die right away."

"I hope you don't regret it later." Ah, the dog picked up the phone tremblingly.

"Mr. Xia, something happened in the lobby."

"Who is it?" Xia Jue's tone is still so calm.

"He said his name was Wutong." Ah, the dog is looking at Wutong.

"I'm coming down."


The elevator door opened and a figure came out of the elevator.

"This is the guy, Mr. Xia." Ah, the dog looks at Xia Jue coming out of the elevator and wants to get up.

"Don't think about it. No one can save you today for the people I want to move." Wu Tong saw Ah Gou's sarcasm, then turned his head and looked at the person who came out of the elevator.

But when he saw what the man looked like, his face froze.

Wutong seems to see the most photographed thing in the world.

Because this face was a nightmare he didn't want to think of day and night.

Does Zhou Yuan's group of people let him deal with the man in front of him?

Thinking of this, Wu Tong broke out in a cold sweat.

Before, he only asked about the time, place and how to deal with it. He didn't bother to ask who the other party was.

Because for Wutong and Wujia, there are not many people in the world who can make them upset.

But this man is one of the things that he can't stir up.

It's a coincidence that something happened in the world, and it happened that he met it. Thinking of it, Wu Tong felt bitter.

He is now in a dilemma. He doesn't know what to do. After all, he is the one who has moved the master in front of him.

"Wu Tong, that's the asshole. Deal with him quickly."

"Wu Tong, it's him. If we get rid of him, it's the end of the matter."

Zhou Yuan and others outside have never met Xia Jue, but Xia Jue's face is easy to recognize, so they also know that this person is Xia Jue.It's hard for Wu Tongzhen to ride a tiger here. The voice of Zhou Yuan and others is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire, making the sweat on his forehead slide down.

If he can't give a good explanation to the Lord in front of him today, I'm afraid the whole martial arts family will soon disappear, because he knows the power of the Lord in front of him.

"Shut the hell up." Wu Tong yells at Zhou Yuan and others fiercely.

Wu Tong hates these bastards.

These bastards don't know how to get into trouble with the terror figure in front of them. Even if they die, they will be dragged into the water. He Wutong swears that if they survive today's disaster, he must settle the accounts with these guys.

Zhou Yuan and others outside were scared by Wu Tong's roar.

They don't understand how Wu Tong's attitude changed so much.

Because before Wu Tong was still an arrogant, nothing in the eyes of the noble demeanor, but now this demeanor with his anger, where there are half of the noble look.

"Well, Xia... Mr. Xia, I was trapped by them for this misunderstanding. I didn't know they wanted me to deal with you." Wu Tong said to Xia Jue with a stiff head.

Zhou yuanxiabai and others outside are all silly after hearing this.

What's the situation?

It's martial arts.

The arrogant Wu Tong, who is known as the first master in Kyoto, why is he so servile in apology in front of Xia?

This is simply subverting their three outlooks, so that they can't figure it out.

"Well, if you don't know, you can beat my people like this? Wait a minute. I'll go to your Wu family for an activity. After that, can I just tell you that I don't know? " Xia Jue said in a flat tone.

Although Xia Jue's tone was flat, it fell into Wu Tong's ears like a lethal talisman.

If this master really went to the Wu family, his Wu family would soon disappear, and Wu Tong would be scared to death.


Wu Tong couldn't resist the pressure and knelt down to Xia Jue.

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