"Wutong, you.."

several people pointed to Wutong with angry eyes.


A few people shake a face, still walked toward hotel lobby after all.

"Mr. Xia, people have been brought in." Wu Tong came to Xia Jue.

"Are you all from the Zhou family?" Xia Jue looked at these people without expression.

"I'm not from the Zhou family. I'm from the Shu family. It's none of my business to misunderstand Mr. Xia. If there's nothing wrong, I'll leave first." The bundle Hui Eye Bead son a turn said this words.

At this time, Shu Hui can't care about his family. He's keeping what he's saying.

After the reminder of Shu Hui, the rest of the people also recovered.

"Mr. Xia, I'm a married man. This has nothing to do with me. I just come to see the excitement."

"Yes, Mr. Xia, I'm from the Kong family. I'm just passing by. It's none of my business."

"You..." Zhou Yuan saw that several family members who were on the same boat with him had separated from him one after another. For a moment, he was speechless.

Xia Jue watched these clowns perform without saying a word.

"Mr. Xia, it's none of my business." Shu Hui left this sentence and turned to leave.

At this time, Xia Jue took a look at Wu Tong.

Wu Tong understood what Xia Jue meant.

But he was also in a dilemma.

If you ask him to fight against these families, they will be under great pressure after it is spread out tomorrow.

But soon he made a choice.

If Xia Jue is upset, the Wu family will not survive tomorrow.

This multiple choice question is not difficult for him to do.

Make sure to pay attention to Wu Tong and go away immediately.

Beam Hui is pretending to calm out of the hotel, suddenly he felt someone behind him came towards him, he immediately looked back.

When he saw that it was Wu Tong, his heart immediately raised to his throat.

He didn't care so much and rushed out of the door.

But Shu Hui is old in the end, and his legs are not sharp. How can he run faster than Wu Tong.

Soon Shu Hui was overtaken by Wu Tong and kicked to the ground.

"Wu Tong, what do you want?" Wu Tong looks at Shu Hui in horror.

Wu Tong ignored his words and kicked him in the neck.


Shuhui's neck was kicked off and he died after convulsing for a while.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Yuan, Xia Bai and others saw that Xia Jue's words didn't agree with each other, so Wu Tong was scared to death and his legs were shaking.

"Spare me, Mr. Xia."

Zhou Yuancheng and Kong Shang knelt down and kowtowed for mercy.

Only saber insisted on not kneeling down.

"You're Xia Jue, right? I'm Xia Bai. Don't you remember me? I'm your brother and father. He's been missing you all this time. Can you go back and have a look? Up to now, there is no good way for Xia Bai. He can only play the emotional card. He hopes Xia Jue can spare his life for the sake of everyone being the same father.

"Are you saber?" Hearing the young man's words, Xia Jue couldn't help but focus his eyes on him.

He hasn't seen this guy for ten years, and he has forgotten his appearance. Now Xia Jue looks at him carefully and finds a trace of his outline.

"Yes, Xiajue, we are brothers." Seeing that Xia Jue recognized him, Xia Bai felt a little uneasy.

"You're just a bastard, and you deserve to be my brother?" Xia Jue sneered.


as the saying goes, Xia Jue not only hit him, but also slapped him in the face, which made him feel very depressed.

If Xia Jue had dared to talk to him like this in the past, he would have let his bodyguards beat him to death, but now he had to bow his head.

"Xia Jue, it's none of my business. I just heard that they want to deal with a man named Xia Jue. I'm afraid they're dealing with a misunderstanding. I just came to confirm it." Said Sharpe cunningly.

"Ha ha, misunderstanding, I'm afraid you want me to die." Xia Jue directly broke through the road.

"How can it be? Although you and I were not born to the same mother, we are brothers whose blood is thicker than water. How can I have such a rebellious idea?"

Xia Bai seems to be talking about himself, but in fact, he is also speaking to Xia Jue.

The latent meaning of his words is that brothers are cruel to each other, which means treason. Let Xia Jue not do it.

"When you used a trick to drive me out of the family, didn't you think you would have such a day?But what I didn't expect was that you jumped out before I came to you. This left me a lot of things to do. Now that you are in my hands, let's take revenge. " Xia Jue's voice was cold.

"Don't do this, Xiajue. Your father will be angry if you do this." Xia Jue's oil and salt don't come in, let Xia Bai start to panic, he will their father to move out.

"Since he drove me out of the family ten years ago, our previous friendship has been cut off on that day. He is not my father, and the Xia family has nothing to do with me. Do it!" Xia Jue looks at Wu Tong.

"I understand." Wu Tong agreed with difficulty.

It was a bitter fruit of his own making, so he had to swallow it.

"Mr. Rao, we will give you our property."

After hearing this, Zhou Yuan and others were so scared that they even lost consciousness in their legs.

"Click, click, click."

The three kneeling on the ground were directly solved by Wutong.

"I don't want to let Xiajue go. I don't want to leave my home."

The fear of death entangled in Saber's heart, he could no longer restrain the fear in his heart.

Xia Jue didn't speak, so he looked at him calmly.

He has to thank this guy.

If this guy didn't use the means to drive him out of the family ten years ago, how could he get this opportunity today.

However, things always have to be one size fits all, you can't just because you get the opportunity, you can't stop revenge.

So in front of him, he has to pay for the mistakes he made in those years, and the price is death.

Wu Tong is approaching Xia Bai step by step. With Shu Hui's lessons, Xia Bai has no courage to escape.

He fell to the ground trembling.

All of a sudden, Xia Jue and ah Gou smell a strange smell.

The crotch of summer cypress was slowly wet.

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