Then a little yellowing liquid left.

This saber was so scared that he lost control of his bowels and bowels.

This let Xia Jue some disgust of back a few steps.

Just when Wutong wanted to start, a voice full of Zhongqi came in.

"Stop it

After the voice came out, Xia Jue and others saw an old man coming in with a group of bodyguards.

"Dad, help me, help me." Almost not stunned, saber saw the old man coming and was full of strength. He quickly stood up and ran to catch the old man's arm.

"It's a useless waste. I've lost the face of my Xia family." The old man shook off Saber's hand.

After shaking off Xia Bai's hand, the old man looks at Zhou Yuan and others who have no breath on the ground, takes another look at Wu Tong, and finally looks at Xia Jue.

"Are you Xia Jue?" The old man is not sure.

Because Xia Jue's face now is just like a sky and a ground compared with ten years ago, and it can't be recognized.

"Dad, he is Xia Jue, but he said it has nothing to do with our Xia family." Before Xia Jue's reply, Xia Bai made a sound.

Hearing this, the old man believed it.

But he didn't know why Xiajue had become like this.

"Why do you do that?" The old man's meaning, of course, is to ask Xia Jue why he wanted to kill them.

"Why do I need to explain to you when I do things?" Looking at the old man, Xia didn't look at all, as if he was a stranger.

"You're... Rebellious." Xia Jue's words made the old man's chest heave.

"Don't forget, you still have my Xia family's blood. Are you sure you want to fight against my Xia family?"

"Hum, ten years ago, you were instigated by this shameless villain to drive me out of the family. Since then, I have nothing to do with your Xia family. What's more, do you have the qualification to fight against your Xia family now?" Xia Jue sneered.


How many years.

The old man can't remember how many years no one dared to talk to him like this.

And now the person who said this to him was his own son. How could he not feel angry.

"Wu Tong, what are you doing? Why don't you do it?" Xia Jue doesn't have time to talk to each other here.

"I see, Mr. Xia." Wu Tong goes to Xiabai, who is hiding behind the old man.

"Don't make it difficult for me, Mr. Xia." Xia Jue only said that he wanted to move Xia Bai, so Wu Tong didn't want to fight with the old man.

"Hum, Wutong, didn't your master teach you how to do things? Even you dare to move our families in Kyoto. It's very brave." In the face of Wutong, the old man was not afraid, and he didn't mean to get out of the way.

"Mr. Xia, I respect you because you are old. Don't think I'm really afraid of you." Wu Tong is not willing to be outdone.

"Uncle Dian, teach this boy how to be a man. Don't think he has a false name. No one can control him in the world." The old man said to a thin man in his fifties.

"Yes, master." The man named Dianbo stood up.

"Well, I can't help myself." Wu Tong snorted coldly and attacked the thin man.


Wu Tong and the thin old man named Dianbo collided with each other.

However, the result is that Wu Tong retreated four steps, while the other side only retreated two steps.

Everyone in the audience was shocked to see this scene.

Before, shaper only knew that this teleuncle was a subordinate of his father for many years, but he never knew that this teleuncle was so hidden.

You know, this is martial arts.

The most proud person of Wu family.

And his father's electric uncle actually has such strength, he really can't understand why his father let the Xia family so low-key.

Here before heard the movement down to observe has not dare to make a sound Wu tea three people are also extremely shocked.

Apart from Mr. Xia in front of them, they have never seen anyone who can get the upper hand when they have a fight with Wu.

And in front of this ugly thin man did it.

I didn't expect that there was such a powerful figure hidden in Kyoto.

And this character has been hidden in the Xia family for so many years.

It's amazing that they have not been able to keep such a big secret for so many years.

What Wucha can imagine is that if there is a conflict between a family and the Xia family in recent years, then this skinny old man is definitely a person who can influence the trend. He is a trump card of the Xia family.

Xia Jue couldn't help looking at him when he saw that the thin man was able to compete with Wu Tong.

At this time, Wu Tong also set off waves in his heart.Originally, he thought he had no rival in Kyoto.

I can't imagine that the Xia family is hiding such a number one figure, which makes him look dignified.

Generally speaking, the first move he took was to fall behind.

But Wu Tong doesn't think the other side is stronger than himself.

He thought it was just his carelessness. Once he got serious, he didn't know who would win.

Don't say much.

The two men who tried to find out went on fighting again.

The fighting between the two sides is dazzling because of the speed of body method.

People only see that the two seem to be equal, no one can help each other.

Xia Jue's eyesight is far beyond ordinary people's ability.

At present, although Wu Tong and this thin man named Dianbo seem to be equal in strength, Wu Tong has already suffered some losses in some moves, but these are covered up by Wu Tong's young and strong physical quality.

Sure enough, Jiang is still hot. Xia Jue sighed in his heart.


The two sides are even again and the score is open.

At this time, Wu Tong's abdomen was punched by the electric uncle, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

On the other side, the electric uncle was panting and didn't get hurt.

"Heroes come out of teenagers. I can't imagine that you are such a genius from a martial arts family." Dianbo seems to sigh.

"Hum, I didn't expect that you are such a master hidden in Kyoto." Wu Tong replied.

"Young man, there are people out there, and there are mountains out there. We can't even fight back in front of the really powerful people."

This makes Wutong think of Xia Jue behind him for the first time.

He said the real master is not like Xia Jue this kind of person.

But does Xia Jue really hurt a lot in this world?

Wu Tong shook his head.

He didn't think there were so many powerful people like Xia Jue in the world.

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