"Mr. Xia, please give me a way to atone." Wu Tong doesn't dare to argue with Xia Jue. He has to get Xia Jue's forgiveness, otherwise he will be doomed.

"Do it for me for three years and write it off in three years." Xia Jue said lightly.

Xia Jue's words made Wu Tong think.

Three years is not a long time, and I can still stay with Xia Jue. Maybe I can learn his moves. That's a good thing.

Wu Tong, who wanted to understand this, was very happy.

"I agree with Mr. Xia."

"Get ready, come back to the provincial capital with us tomorrow, and send them to the hospital for treatment first." Xia Jue left this sentence and went upstairs to his room.


at the same time.

The provincial capital is located in Su's real estate building.

Due to Wu Kaifu's death order that they should not leave the company building for the time being, a group of employees had to stay in the company.

"Brother Fu, some of the employees are making a fuss about going home." A security guard from the security department came to Wu Kaifu's side.

"Don't pay any attention to them. They are dead when they go out now. These killers who want to get rich are still staring at them outside." Wu Kaifu took a telescope and looked out.

"I see, brother Fu." The security guard nodded and left.

There were five people in the cafe opposite Su's real estate company.

These five people are full of evil spirit, some people who are too close to them feel a cold feeling.

"Hasn't anyone come out yet?"

Five people came to a card seat, and two young men with binoculars were sitting in the card seat.

"They don't seem to be scared when we step out of the door." One of the young men replied.

"There are so many people here, why don't we all go up and make a fortune together?"

"Take it for granted, Lao Ba, who would like to be an outsider? No one is a fool. Everyone is waiting to be an outsider."

"Hum, it's just a bunch of cowards. Let's go ahead and kill more fat sheep to make more money."

"I'm going to go up, but we don't have to fight these minions with them. Let's just catch Su Yihan."

"The second is right. Now the reward has doubled. We can get 200 million yuan for killing Su Yihan. We don't need to rob these minions with them, so that they can drink soup and share some of the security of Su's real estate for us."

"When shall we start?"

"When it's completely dark and we break their switch, we'll go up. By the way, old five, is the night vision ready?"

"Ready, big brother."

More than half an hour later.

The sky in the provincial capital was completely dark, and night came.

Behind the Soxhlet estate building.

The old man named five appeared in the cafe before.

Old five came to a switch below, and then toward the inside is still in the same thing, throw things in, old five turned and ran.


There was an explosion at the switch.

Then Lao Wu saw that the lights of the whole building of Su's real estate went out from top to bottom.

At this time, Su's real estate was in the security department.

"What's the matter? Why is there no electricity all of a sudden?"

The security department was in a panic.

This is the provincial capital, and the electricity of enterprises like Su's real estate is specially supplied, so there is no saying that there is a power outage.

If it's not a power failure, there must be something wrong with the switch. However, the probability of the problem is too small. In addition, it happened at this juncture. People have an uncertain premonition.

"Don't mess. Stick to your posts. We still have spare power. We can support for a while." Wu Kaifu motioned to everyone not to panic.

"No, brother Fu, they moved." A security guard with a telescope gave a warning.

Hearing this, Wu Kaifu also picked up his telescope, and sure enough, there were more than a dozen figures on the opposite side coming towards Su's real estate building.

"Wu Feng, go down to the town and kill one by one. Don't weaken your momentum." Wu Kaifu said.

"Yes, brothers, follow me." Wu Feng went down with ten dogs.

After Wu Feng took the people down, the people from the other side also came to the door.

without any nonsense, both sides immediately started.

With Wu Feng in charge, the dozen people who came from the other side were soon cleaned up.

"Brother Feng, sit down." One of the men moved the chair behind Wu Feng's butt.

Wu Feng was not polite, so he sat up at the door.

"Lao Tzu is at the gate. If they have the ability, they will come. One Lao Tzu will kill the other, two Lao Tzu will kill the other." Wu Feng shows his power.The five men who had been watching in the coffee shop saw the scene and their faces became heavy.

"Fortunately, some people can't bear to do it before us, which makes us feel the bottom of Su's real estate."

"Yes, I didn't expect Su's real estate to have such a powerful expert."

"Hum, no matter how powerful it is, it's hard to fight with two fists and four hands. Let's get in touch and let's go together."

"Yes, big brother."


"brother Fu, we have a situation." The security guard, who has been monitoring the security department, has found the situation again.

Wu Kaifu picked up the telescope and looked at it, but his face suddenly became solemn.

The other side seems to have negotiated, and now they are all coming towards Su's real estate.

Wu Kaifu immediately picked up the walkie talkie.

"Wu Feng, Wu Feng, get ready for the fight. A large number of people from the other side will come right away."

The following Wu Feng heard this words beat elder brother excited spirit, he instantly stood up and roared: "cheer up, the other side came a lot of people."

Before long, the fighting between the two sides began again.

The more Wu Kaifu, who has been watching all the time, looks, the less optimistic the situation is.

Because there is a steady stream of people coming from all sides of the other party, and there is no supplement on their side. No matter how fierce Wu Feng and others are, they will be consumed to death.

"All down." The order of martial law restoration.

Now the other party has made it clear that they are going to fight to the death with them, so Wu Kaifu and others have little meaning to stay here, so Wu Kaifu asked them to go down to support.

After all the people from the security department went down, Wu Kaifu drank water and prepared to go down.

He knew that it would be a long night and he had to prepare for a long fight.

"Kill, the chance to make a fortune is just around the corner. After this village, there will be no such shop."

"Rush, brothers, victory is just around the corner. They can't stand it for long."

Su's real estate building door so red eyes, want to get rich voice one after another.

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