Chapter 185 go back

Chapter 185 go back

the battle lasted about an hour.

The number of people on the opposite side is decreasing, but the number of people on the opposite side is not increasing.

It's not the way to go on like this. Wu Kaifu began to think about it in his heart.

"Wu Feng, resist first." After Wu Kaifu finished this sentence, he stepped back.

Finally escaped the entanglement of these guys, Wu Kaifu took out his mobile phone and dialed a call to Xia Jue.

"Mr. Xia, they did it. I'm afraid we can't support it for too long."

"I'll be back by nine." Xia Jue's voice came from the other end of the phone.

After putting down the phone, Wu Kaifu took a look at the time.

It's half past seven. Can Mr. Xia come back before nine?


Xia Jue in Kyoto called Wucha immediately.

You three, and let Wutong get to the airport right now.

Kyoto airport.

A private plane rose slowly into the air.

"Mr. Xia, did they do it?" Of course, Wu Cha is asking the killers who come here for a reward.

"Well." Xia Jue nodded.

In an hour.

In the Provincial Airport.

Xia Jue and his party stepped down from the plane.

Then several people got on a helicopter.

The Provincial Airport is half an hour's drive away from the building of Su's real estate company. In order to save time, Xia Jue directly got a helicopter.

"Dada dada."

The helicopter flew back in the direction of Su's property.

"Brother, it's almost time. Let's go." The old eight in the coffee shop saw that the people of Su's real estate had begun to give up.

"Do it." The man called big brother stood up.


Five men joined the battle.

"Bang bang."

No one is more powerful than ordinary killers. Where they go, several people will fall down in Su's estate.

Here Wu Feng also noticed this situation, and he immediately came to these five people.

"This is a master. Let's play together." The second knew that Wu Feng was hard to deal with, so he asked four people to deal with him.

Five people dare not neglect, have drawn out a dagger to Wu Feng.

"Bang bang."

Without saying anything more, the two sides began to fight.

Wu Feng was one to five, and soon he was not only on the side, but also on the top and bottom of his body.

Am I going to die here today?

Wu Feng began to despair.

Just when Wu Feng was in despair, suddenly the sound of "dada dada" came from the sky.

Then they felt as if a gust of wind was blowing towards them.

All of them stopped their actions and looked up at the sky. A helicopter had come to the top of their head.

Looking at the helicopter, people were not sure, so at the same time, they all had a question in their hearts, that is, whether the helicopter is an enemy or a friend.

When people were still in a daze, the helicopter above dropped a rope, and then a shadow slid down the rope.

After this man came down, he didn't talk much nonsense. He started directly at these people who wanted to earn a reward.

At this time, the crowd finally reacted.

"He's not with us. Fuck him." One of them called out the voice.

After the man yelled this, the fight resumed.

"Mr. Xia is back. Brothers, let's go." When Wu Kaifu saw Wu Cha coming down from the helicopter, he immediately knew that Xia Jue had come back. He was excited.

Here is also surrounded by five people in the middle of Wu Feng heard this is also very happy.

It was full of despair before, but now it's back to some color.

"Hum, Mr. Xia is back. You rotten fish and shrimps will die." Wu Feng coldly looked at the five people in front of him.

"What Mr. Xia, Mr. Li, no matter the water comes tonight, we will take his head to get a reward."

No matter how many people there are, the five people directly start to work towards Wu Feng.

Wutong also rowed down after the three men on the helicopter slipped from the rope.

Wu Kaifu, who had been watching the helicopter, saw that Wu Tong's mouth was open in an O shape.

He didn't expect that even Wutong came here in person.

Is it Mr. Xia's request?


Otherwise, how could Wutong come here in person.Thinking of Wu Kaifu, I'm excited. With Wu Tong and Xia Jue, I'm afraid that no matter how many people come here today, they will be dead.

After that, Xia Wujue rowed down the rope.

"Keep a few alive." Xia Jue wants to dig out the organization offering a reward to Fang Shao.

"I understand." Wu Tong nodded and joined the battle.

These small fish and shrimps can be dealt with by Wu Tong. Xia Jue is not interested in working hard. He immediately walks into the company.

After going to the company building, Xia Jue saw that the staff inside were all afraid. Obviously, they also found the situation downstairs.

Pushing the door into Su Yihan's office, Su Yihan is startled.

"Xia Jue, you've finally come back. I'm scared to death. What happened downstairs?" Su Yihan's face has faded.

"It's OK. I'll take care of it." Xia Jue doesn't want Su Yihan to know too much about such things.

"How can we solve this problem? Our employees' lives have been seriously threatened. Just now, several more employees submitted their resignation applications to me."

"If you want to resign, just let them go. No enterprise can see the rainbow without going through the storm."

"But it's too frightening. If you don't do it, you'll have to pay for your life..." Su Yihan looks very uneasy.

"It's OK. I promise you'll be safe. Give me a little more time." Xia Jue vowed.

Su Yihan looked at Xia Jue's firm expression, but he didn't say anything more after all.

Half an hour later, Wu Kaifu pushed the door and came in.

"Mr. Xia, please take care of it." Wu Kaifu said.

"Can they go home?" After hearing this, Su Yihan immediately asked Xia Jue.

"It's not safe now. Let them stay in the company for one night first. If they have any opinions, they will be paid twice as much this month, so that they won't have any objection."

"That's... OK." Su Yihan has some helplessness.

After leaving Su Yihan's office, Xia Jue comes to the security department.

"Mr. Xia."

"Mr. Xia."

"Are these the five?" Xia Jue looked at the five men kneeling on one side.

"That's right. These five guys know a lot, so we kept them." Wu Kaifu said.

"Did you ask anything?"

"Asked out, their on-line is a person named Zhao Kui, has let people look for."

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