More than half an hour later, Wu Cha came back with a thin man.

"What do you want to do? Do you know who I am? I'll tell you to let me go, or I'll let your family die." As soon as the skinny man entered the security department, he began to yell.


Wu Cha put his foot on his leg, and the man knelt down in an instant.

"Be honest. What did Mr. Xia ask you and what did you answer, you know?"

"I'll answer your mother." The thin man's temper also rose.

Hearing this, Wu Cha couldn't bear it. He was beaten severely.

"Don't fight, don't fight, I said, I said." The thin man can't bear it after all.

"Toast, no penalty." Wu Cha stood up.

"I ask you, do you know a man named Fang Shao in Sifang international?" Asked Xia Jue.

"Of course. What's the matter?"

"Don't you know what he offered

"There is a reward offered by Su's real estate, but I don't know who did it, because it's the task assigned by the above. As a person in charge of the provincial capital, I just release this task to the public, and I'm not qualified to know who issued the reward."

"Can you cancel this offer?" Xia Jue asked again.

"I can't cancel it. I said I'm just the person in charge of the organization in the provincial capital. I can't manage this."

Hearing this, Xia Jue frowned. It seems that it's very difficult.

"Then who can cancel the offer?"

"It's up to the top of the organization."

"Where is your high level?"

"I don't know."

"Don't you dare to be honest." It was Wu Cha who kicked him heavily.

"I didn't lie to you. I really don't know." The thin man howled.

"All right, all right." Xia Jue stopped his action, "how do you usually contact the organization?"

"We have a website, I am a member of this website, and the senior managers give us instructions through this website." Said the thin man.

"There is a computer here. Open this website and have a look!" Xia Jue pointed to the computer.

"Yes, I'll open it now." The skinny man came to the computer immediately and knocked on the keyboard.

After a while, he entered the address and opened a website.

Xia Jue and others have a look at the content of the website.

There is a reward plate on the top of which is the reward task of Su's real estate. It shows that more than 300 killers have taken up the task.

However, the task still shows unfinished status.

"It's a great effort to kill 10 million ordinary employees, 20 million managers and above, 40 million senior executives and 200 million president." Xia Jue snorted coldly.

"Mr. Xia, what shall we do now?" Wu Cha asked.

"It's very simple. With the address of this website, we can track its IP source."

"But for websites like this, they all have professionals to hide their addresses. It's not so easy for us to find them."

"I know a top hacker and he'll help me find it." Xia Jue picked up and dialed a number.

"Hey, Charlie, I need you to do something for me."

"You are my friend, if you have anything to do." A burst of broken Chinese came over the phone.

"I need you to help me find and trace the address of a website. I'll send it to you now. The sooner the better."

"Don't worry, Jue. My technology is top in the world. I'll help you find it in 20 minutes at most."

"All right." Xia Jue hung up the phone and sent the website to him.

About twenty minutes later, Xia Jue's phone rang again.

"Dear Jue, I have found the IP address of this website for you, he is in the capital of your country..." the other party said an address.

"Well, thank you, Charlie."

"No, it's my pleasure to work for you."

"Look for this address and see where it is." After hanging up the phone, Xia Jue gave Wu Cha the address just written on the paper.

Wu Cha nodded, came to the computer and knocked on the keyboard.

"Well, this optical information company seems to be the property of the Chu family." Wu Cha made a sound of surprise.

"Chu family, what's the origin?" Asked Xia Jue.

"Chu family is a mysterious family in Kyoto. This family is very low-key, rarely involved in the struggle between the powerful families in Kyoto, and no one knows what business the Chu family does, but one thing can be confirmed is that the Chu family is extremely powerful.

I remember that three years ago, an old powerful family offended the Chu family in a quarrel in a restaurant. As a result, the powerful family got rid of its name in Kyoto overnight, which made Kyoto people realize that the Chu family is a sleeping tiger, and no one dares to offend it again. " Wu Cha recalled the past."Is it that the Chu family specializes in this kind of business of killing people and stealing goods?" Wu Kaifu also has doubts.

"If so, it can explain why the Chu family is so low-key. After all, this kind of business can't be seen." Wu tea is thoughtful.

"What's the relationship between your Wu family and their Chu family?" Xia Jue asked suddenly.

"Our Wu family has never met with them." Wu Kaifu returned.

"Let the people of the Wu family talk to them immediately, and ask them to cancel the reward immediately. If they don't, they will bear the consequences." The summer Jue doesn't take any hastily to say.

"I understand, Mr. Xia. I'll inform my Wu family to go and have a talk with them." After Wu Tong finished, he picked up his cell phone.



Wu family.

The owner of the Wu family put down the phone and called the housekeeper in.

"If you go to the Wu family, just tell them..."

"yes, sir, I see." The housekeeper went out immediately.

In a beautiful area with mountains and water in the suburb of Kyoto, there is a huge house in this area.

The house was surrounded by heavily guarded bodyguards.

"Who is it?"

The bodyguard at the door of the house saw a car parked at the door, and immediately came up on guard.

"Wu family, Wu Fu." Wu's housekeeper came down from the car.

"Wu Fu of Wu family?"

This is the red man around the master of the Wu family. There is no intersection between the Chu family and the Wu family, so the bodyguards of the Chu family don't know what he is doing when he comes here so late.

"It turned out to be steward Wu. I don't know why steward Wu came to my Chu family?"

"I want to see your householder. Go and report it immediately."

Chu's bodyguard's face is uncertain, and finally he decided to go with the announcement.

"Just a moment. I'll go and report it." The bodyguard then walked into the house.

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