About ten minutes later, the bodyguard came back.

"Please come in. Our master has rested. If you have anything to do with the Wu family, we can see you."

Hearing this, Wu Fu changed his face and finally agreed: "please take me to see him."

"Come with me." The bodyguard turned to lead the way.

The bodyguard took Wu Fu to a hall.

Wu Fu saw a man sitting on a sofa in the hall.

This man is Chu Yuan, the eldest son of the Chu family.

"Long time no see, Mr. big." Wu Fu gave his hand.

"Come on, fauber, please sit down."

Although Chuyuan was polite on the surface, he didn't stand up, because in front of him was just a steward of the Wu family. If he could meet him, it would be a face to the Wu family. His Chu family didn't have to pay such a compliment to the Wu family.

Phoebe didn't mind, so he did it directly on the sofa.

"I don't know why Uncle Fu came to my house so late?" Chuyuan picked up a cup of steaming tea on the table and took a sip.

"Guangxin company heard that it's your Chu family's industry. I don't know if it's true or not, Mr. big?"

Hear light letter company Chu Yuan facial expression had slight change, but soon disappeared under his cover.

"That's right." Chuyuan put down his tea cup.

"Well, I'll open the window and tell you the truth. A friend of our Wu family is on the" list "of your Guangxin company, so I don't know if Mr. DA can cross out the name of my friend?"

Now Chu Yuan knew why Wu Fu came here. It was because of this.

However, this is the pillar industry of their Chu family. For decades, their Chu family has never had a bad reputation in this industry, which is why most employers trust them.

Once the Chu family did what Fu Bo said, they would be a pioneer, which would have a credibility impact on their Chu family in this industry, so Chu was not willing to do so.

"Fubo, this is the foundation for our Chu family to settle down. We can't break the rules easily. You have to ask your friends to discuss with the employer, and we will cancel it only when the employer agrees.

If the employer does not agree, then we have no way. After all, we are facing tens of thousands of customers. Once we do something, everyone will see it. " Chuyuan explained slowly.

"I know it's going to make your Chu family embarrassed, but as long as you're willing to do so, our Wu family will thank you in the future." Said Wu Fu.

Chuyuan still shook his head.

Their Chu family has never been involved in the affairs of the big powerful families in Kyoto. Of course, there is no need to exchange interests with these families.

Because their Chu family took a completely different road from theirs.

This is the truth of the so-called difference between Tao and non collusion.

"Mr. big, this is specially assigned by the master of my Wu family. If it can't be done, I can't go back to work." Wu Fu saw that the other party's oil and salt didn't enter, so he just carried out the owner.

"No matter who it is, my Chu family will never do anything to destroy their reputation." Chu Yuan firmly said.

"Do you really refuse to give me the face of the Wu family?" For Wu Fu, he pulled down in an instant.

Although he knew that the strength of the Chu family was not weak, he did not expect that the Chu family would dare not give them face.

Chu Yuan did not speak, he just picked up the tea cup.

Takehara knows what that means.

It means there's no need to talk about it.

"Chuyuan, does your father know such a big thing?" Wu Fu was a little angry and called each other by name.

"Without my father, I can make the decision myself." Chu Yuan's cloud is light and wind is light.

"Chu Yuan, I'll give you a piece of advice. This is not a matter that our Wu family is begging you, but a matter that our Wu family is saving you. If you don't cancel the reward, my friend won't be so easy to talk to you."

"Hum, our Chu family has been living in Kyoto for hundreds of years. Although we are a little low-key, do you think we just eat dry food?"

"OK, Chuyuan, you will regret your choice now." Fauber turned and left.

"Dad, I don't know how powerful Wu Fu is. He dares to threaten our Chu family." After Fubo left, a man in his twenties came to Chuyuan.

"His Wu family has some strength, so he can be so arrogant, but his strength may be bought by other families, but we Chu family don't need to give them face."


after returning to the Wu family, Wu Fu immediately came to the Wu family's owner and told the story.

"Did the Chu family really say that?" The owner of the Wu family can't believe it. It's just to cancel a reward. It's just a little help to the Chu family. They won't give them face.

"That's right. We don't pay any attention to the Wu family." Said Wu Fu.

"Hum, this Chu family." The owner of the Wu family slapped his hand on the table and said, "call Wu Tong and ask him to tell Mr. Xia about it. Since the Chu family won't agree, let Mr. Xia go to their trouble and test the truth of the Chu family.""I see, master."

Su's real estate office building, Xia Jue and others are still waiting for the news of the Wu family in the security department.

"Ding Ling Ling."

At this time, Wu Tong's phone rang.

"Well, I see." After answering the phone, Wu Tong turned black.

Before, he was still in front of Xia Jue and said that the Wu family would be able to deal with it, but he didn't expect that the Chu family would not give them the Wu family face. This was a complete face beating.

"Go ahead." Xia Jue said.

"Mr. Xia, the Chu family refused to cancel the reward." Wu Tong said this with a stiff head.


"They said it would break the rules of the industry."

"Aren't they even afraid of your Wu family?"

Hearing this, Wu Kaifu, Wu Tong and others were eager to find a crack in the ground.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xia. It's our Wu family that is incompetent." Wu Tong stood up uneasily.

"Well, since they don't want to, I'll wipe them out." Xia Jue just came back from Kyoto. To be honest, he doesn't want to go to Kyoto again.

But now it's the last step. If you get rid of this last step, you can get rid of this annoying reward. Xia Jue must finish this last step.

Provincial Airport.

A plane took off again and headed for Kyoto.

On the plane, Xia Jue also took a nap because he was too tired.

An hour later, the plane stopped at Kyoto airport.

"Here we are, Mr. Xia." Wu Tong reminds Xia Jue in a low voice.

"Good." Xia Jue opened his eyes lazily.

Get rid of these guys as soon as possible and go back to sleep!

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