Late at night.

Everywhere, men and women are still looking for the red and green lights in Kyoto.

Through the bustling city, Xia Jue Wu, Tongwu tea and others came to the suburbs where the Chu family was.

At this time, the light inside the Chu house was gradually out, and only the bodyguards outside the house kept walking back and forth.

All of a sudden, the bodyguard at the door saw two vehicles coming in the distance.

So late at night came two vehicles, which let the bodyguard at the door to a bit of spirit.

"Who are you?" The bodyguard approached the vehicle and asked warily.

As soon as the bodyguard's voice dropped, a man came down from the car.

"Wu family, Wu Tong."

Wu family?

Didn't the Wu family come before?

Why are you here again?

This makes the bodyguards at the door a little confused.

"If you have something to do, come back tomorrow. Everyone in charge of the Chu family has fallen asleep."

"Bang bang."

The bodyguards didn't want to talk too much with each other.

"There's an invasion, there's an invasion." The rest of the bodyguards saw the scene and yelled at the headset.

Waiting for the bodyguard to shout out the words, I saw the Chu house's internal lights lit up a lot in an instant.

After a while, a large number of bodyguards with iron bars and daggers came out of the house.

"Do it." Xia Jue sent out the words of opening.

As soon as Xia Jue's voice fell, Wu Tongwu tea and others moved in an instant.

In a meeting hall of the Chu family.

Chu batian, the owner of the Chu family, has been awakened by what happened at the door, and Chu Yuan and other family backbones have also rushed over.

"Who dare to make trouble in our Chu family?" Chu batian doesn't know what's going on outside.

"Father, the visitor claims to be Wu Tong. It looks like he's from the Wu family." Chu Yuan said.

"Wutong? His Chu family has nothing to do with him. Why did he go to war with my Chu family? " Chu batian is a little confused.

"Father, the thing is like this..." Chu Yuan said that Wu Fu came to find him before.

"You're right about this. My Chu family thinks it's impossible to break the rules just because his Wu family came to beg for help. Get me through to the owner of the Wu family. I'll ask him in person if Wu Hong really plans to fight with my Chu family."

The strength of the Wu family is not weak. If it's not a last resort, the Chu family doesn't want to go to war with each other. Once they go to war with the Wu family, the Chu family will be greatly hurt, so he wants to tell the Wu family that it's still time to stop.

Soon, the servant will dial the phone to Chu batian's hands.

"Wu Hong, do you have to fight with our Chu family?"

"What do you mean?" The owner of the Wu family at the other end of the phone doesn't know that Wu Tong and Xia Jue have come to the Chu family.

"Hum, what do you mean, you let Wu Tong come to my Chu house to make trouble? What do you mean?" Chu Ba snorted coldly.

Hearing this, Wu Hong instantly understood what was going on.

"Chu batian, I warned you a long time ago. It's still too late for you to cancel the reward. I think you and I are all from Kyoto. I can help you to make peace with Mr. Xia."

"Ha ha, where do you take my Chu family? Since you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end." Chu batian hung up.

"After the matter is settled, send Wutong's head back to the Wu family and put it at their door so that they can see that this is the end." Chu batian left with a wave of his sleeve.


Several people in the Kung Fu meeting, Xia Jue and others have broken through the defense of the bodyguard, into the house.

Although Xia Jue and others put down dozens of bodyguards in a short time, there are still a lot of bodyguards around them in the Chu house.


The head of the bodyguard of the Chu family gave a big drink, and then a horse waved his dagger to attack Xia Jue and others.

"Bang bang."

Fighting and shouting are incessant. If it wasn't for the sparsely populated suburbs, I'm afraid there would have been residents to complain at this time.

"That's Wutong, but who's the ugly guy?" Chu Yuan, standing on the upper floor of the house, was staring at the scene of the fight.

"It seems that he is not from the Wu family." Next to Chuyuan's brother Chuzhi don't guess.

"This guy seems to be more powerful than Wutong. He should not be one of the top five people of any origin."

"If this person can work for my Chu family, then my Chu family will have one more general." Chu Yuan looked at Xia Jue and began to love talent.

"Big brother wants to attract him?" Chu biezhi asked.

"Yes, go down. I'm going to talk to him about the future of Wu family and the future of Chu family." After Chuyuan finished, he went down.

"Stop it." After coming to the battlefield below, a man beside Chuyuan called to the bodyguards.

As soon as the bodyguards saw Chu, they stopped one after another."What's your name, young man?" Chuyuan smiles to Xiajue.

"My name, you don't deserve to know."

"Ha ha, I like personality. Come with me. I'll give you three times as much as the Wu family can give you. If the Wu family can't, I'll give you the Chu family." Chu Yuan began to recruit Xia Jue.

"With you, with you?"

Xia Jue's words made Chu Yuan's face suddenly pull down.

It's true that he appreciates Xia Jue's personality, but it doesn't mean that Xia Jue can kick his nose and face in front of him.

"Young man, don't be so ignorant of heaven and earth. I don't know how many people can't get into my Chu family. I'll give you another chance to join my Chu family. If you don't, you will die." Chuyuan cold road.


Xia Jue kicked a bodyguard in front of him.

Later, the bodyguard smashed the opposite Chuyuan like a parabola.

At this time, the man beside Chu Yuan flashed to Chu Yuan like a ghost, and then kicked the bodyguard to one side.

"Bold, you are looking for death!" The man looked at Xia Jue coldly.

"If you don't know what's good, you won't keep one." After Chuyuan finished saying this, he turned and left.

After this man looked at Xia Jue, he left behind Chu Yuan.

Without Chu Yuan's interference, the fighting on the scene started again.

Chuyuan and others returned to the conference hall to observe the fighting.

"It's interesting to watch a group of sheep enter the tiger's mouth, still struggling desperately." Chu Yuan murmured.

"Ha ha, brother, can I make a bet with you?" Don't smile.

"What's the bet?"

"How many more can you guess?"

"I can guess that he is not so famous in Kyoto even though he is about 60 years old." Chu Yuan said.

"Guess which one of the ugliest ones can fight several more?"

"This guy's ability is better than Wutong. I guess he can still play 70 to 80." Chu Yuan thought for a while and said.

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