"What if you guess wrong?"

"Wrong guess? I'll give you two billion. " Chu Yuan said softly.

"OK, that's settled. Brother, if you guess right, I'll give you two billion."

"All right."

"One, two, three..." Chu biezhi began to look at the battlefield below and count carefully.

Ten minutes later.

"There are 61 Wutong and 85 ugly eight monsters. Ha ha, they are beyond. These two guys can really fight. I won." Chu biezhi exclaimed excitedly.

Chu BIE Zhi was excited, but Chu Yuan's brow wrinkled.

It's not because we lost two billion.

It was the strength of these two people that worried him.

If it goes on like this, the bodyguards of their Chu family are cleaned up by them, which is not worth the loss.

"Close the enemy, let the eighteen Arhats come out and move." Chu Yuan said to the man beside him.

The eighteen Arhats are not monks. It's just a name for the eighteen most powerful people in the Chu family.

Although the strength of these 18 people is not as strong as Wutong, each one has at least one third of the strength of Wutong. When the 18 people unite, their strength is naturally incomparable, which is a trump card of their Chu family.

And it's time for this ace to come in handy.

"Yes." The man who turns away is called Guan.

Wutong Yu Xiajue is fighting. Suddenly they find that the bodyguards no longer rush up, but quickly retreat back, which makes them a little confused.

When they were surprised, they saw eighteen people come to the battlefield together.

"I'm afraid these guys are not easy to deal with, Mr. Xia." As a master, Wu Tong's perception has already told him.

"Go up and practice with them." Xia Jue said.

"Yes." Wu Tong nodded and walked slowly towards the eighteen people.

"Let's get together." Wu Tong made a provocative clean-up.

"Tut Tut, it's a pity to think that you are going to die in our hands today." Then one of them came up.

The man came up, and the seventeen people behind him followed.

"Well, I don't know who died." Wu Tong snorted coldly and then attacked the other side.

The eighteen men scattered when they saw Wu Tong attacking them.

If there are people who don't know how to fight here, they must think they are running away, but they are not.

I saw his door scattered around, and then in an instant towards the attack of Wu Tong surrounded into a fist, followed by the circle quickly closed.

Wu Tong in the circle saw the situation and said that it was not good.

Because in the circle, no matter which target he attacks, it seems that he will be attacked by the other 17 people, which makes him have to worry.

Because of the worry, Wu Tong in the circle didn't dare to move at will, but his eyes kept floating around to be on guard.

Wu Tong doesn't dare to make random moves, but it doesn't mean that the other 18 people don't dare to make random moves.

Eighteen of them began to move slowly and close to Wutong like a net.

Once they have closed up, no matter how powerful Wu Tong is, he can only be besieged and beaten passively by them.

Wu Tong is naturally aware of this situation. He doesn't worry too much and directly connects to one of them. He plans to defeat this person and open the gap to escape from the sea of people.

As long as he escaped from the cage, he vowed that he would never give these ten people such opportunities again. He would choose to fight with them and then slowly break them one by one.

At that moment, when Wutong started the action, the other 18 people were not willing to be outdone. They closed the cage a little faster.


Wu Tong in his chosen target to spell a record, only to see the other side moved his pace, back more than ten steps, I then quickly returned to the original position.

Wu Tong didn't expect this guy to react so quickly, but just when he wanted to hit the second shot again, the 17 men from all directions had closed to him.

"Bang bang."

Wu Tong was a little careless and got a few fists. Fortunately, his ability of carrying and hitting was not bad. These fists didn't hurt him too much.

"Ha ha, this Wutong is boasting how powerful he is, and he also claims to be the first master in Kyoto. But he's still under our hands. If it comes out, I'll see what face he has." Chu biezhi is very happy to see Wu Tong in a mess.

"I can't say that. Wutong is still very powerful, but the eighteen Arhats cooperate with each other, and their strength is excellent, which makes Wutong lose the upper hand." Chuyuan didn't make a fuss.

"Brother, how long do you think that ugly eight monster can hold out in front of the eighteen Arhats?" As soon as Chu BIE Zhi's eyes turned, he seemed to think of something."Why, do you want to bet with me again?" Chuyuan saw what his brother thought.

"Ha ha, brother, don't you want to win back your two billion dollars?"

"Well, let's bet another two billion. I'll bet that ugly guy won't last five minutes."

"It's a deal." Chu biezhi smiles and turns his head to the battlefield below.

Below the martial arts in eighteen Arhats under the siege has gradually begun to be in a mess, as the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat four hands.

What's more, these 18 people have 36 hands.

No matter how strong his fighting ability is, he can't resist it, so there is a trace of blood in the corner of his mouth at the moment.

"Help me, Mr. Xia." Wu Tong didn't care to lose face at this time. He only knew that if Xia Jue didn't do it again, he would die under the fist of these 18 people.

"Wu Tong, you really let me down." Shaq shook his head and stood out.

Seeing that Xia Jue came out, eighteen Arhats were on guard, and their movements slowed down, because they knew that he was more powerful than Wu Tong.

Here, Wu Tong saw that Xia Jue was going to fight, but he didn't care what Xia Jue said, so he rushed to Xia Jue.

Eighteen Arhats saw that Wutong wanted to go and quickly stopped them, but Xia Jue, who quickly came towards them, stopped them.

Taking advantage of the eighteen Arhats dare not do action at this time, Wutong finally escaped the eighteen people's encirclement.


After escaping the encirclement, Wu Tong sat on the ground and gasped.

"Tongge, are you ok?" Wu Cha came over with concern.

"It's OK. Go and fight with a dozen of these guys." Wu Tong panted, "this Chu family is really a good guy. There are so many masters hidden."

Wutong is really depressed.

The former Xia family had the electric uncle, but now the Chu family has 18 guys.

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