Xia Jue couldn't hear the fat man mocking him. He just slapped him in the face.

Yao elder sister a public see this scene all silly eyes.

Xia Jue is too overbearing.

If you want to make a mockery of him, do it.

The fat man was also slapped by Xia Jue.

"Don't you dare to beat me to death?" The fat man sprang to his feet.

"It's light to slap you. I'll kill you if you don't hurry." Xia Jue threatened.

"Do you know who the hell I am? This factory is owned by my uncle. I said that if you don't supply it, you won't supply it, so that Su's group can be the master."

Can Su's group be the master?

If Su Yihan doesn't understand why the fat man doesn't supply her now, he's a fool.

It seems that her father-in-law and son are playing tricks again.

"Your uncle did, right?" Xia Jue picked up the phone.

"The factory on XX road in the suburb. I'll buy it in five minutes."

One side of the fat man and sister Yao, they heard this some funny.

This is not the way to pretend.

I want to buy the factory with one phone call.

Do you think you are the richest man in the world?

Just as everyone was waiting to see Xia Jue's joke, the phone that the fat man put on the table rang.

It was his uncle who called.

He picked it up carefully: "Hello, uncle."

"Ah Fu, our factory has been bought by a person with a very good background. If you still want to work, please make up to the new boss. If you don't want to work, go home."

The fat man wondered if he had heard the wrong thing.

His uncle's factory is earning money every day. How can he be willing to sell it.

"Uncle, our factory has a lot of orders every year. How can you sell it so much if you can earn so much money?"

"Ah Fu, this factory is the work of my uncle for decades. Do you think I want to sell it? That's because if I don't sell it, I may not get anything. Do you understand? "

Now, fat men don't understand.

Less than five minutes after Xia Jue's call, his uncle called to say that the factory had been sold, and he was forced to sell it according to his uncle's voice.

Who else could have done this besides Xia Jue?

But I heard that Xia Jue was not su Changqing's son-in-law?

How can there be this energy?

"Now it's not your uncle's. you can roll up and get out of here." Xia Jue said sarcastically to the fat man.

Xia Jue's words make the fat man's face green and red.

To tell you the truth, he is not willing to let him go so easily.

Because it used to be his uncle's factory.

He can not only get high wages, eat kickbacks, but also in charge of hundreds of people in the factory.

It can be said that in the factory, he is the local emperor, who can call the wind and rain at will.

But if you leave the factory, who the hell knows him?

And on weekdays, he can be said to beat and scold the employees in the factory.

Most people in the factory hate him to the bone, only because of his authority in the factory, they don't dare to express it.

If you leave the factory, these employees will not give him a good face.

Will certainly spit and ridicule him.

How can he bear it?

"That Please, I have eyes, I should fight, but I really want to work here, can you give me a chance

In order to keep his job, the fat man has to give in to Xia Jue. He hopes Xia Jue can let him stay in this job.

Sister Yao and several staff members behind her were dumbfounded to see this scene.

Before, they thought that Xia Jue was just pretending.

But now I see the fat manager. I don't know what Xia Jue said is mostly true.

But it's too shocking.

Xia Jue just called and bought a factory in less than five minutes.

It sounds like a fable.

You know, this is not an ordinary factory.

He not only supplies raw materials for sushi group, but also supplies raw materials needed by many enterprises in Zhonghai city.

The annual turnover is estimated to be several billion.

This Xia Jue a phone call past to settle?

How much energy does it take to do this?

Yaojie and others dare not imagine.

Although it has a certain degree of immunity to Xia Jue.

But Su Yihan was shocked by Xia Jue again.

What else can Xia Jue not do?

"Get out of here, the factory doesn't need your garbage." Xia Jue said impolitely.Fat man has no way, can only pick up things to leave.

When he went to the gate of the factory, some unwilling to look at the sign above, and finally can only leave.

"Go and gather the other leaders of the factory here for a meeting." Xia Jue said to sister Yao.

"OK, I'll go right now."

Sister Yao's view of Xia Jue is completely different now.

In his mind, Xia bajue is a mysterious figure who has no ability to visit the door.

But seven or eight minutes later.

Some factory leaders came to the office one after another.

After moistening his throat, Xia Jue said, "from today on, this factory will change its owner."

Because of the short time, the rest of the factory didn't know what had happened.

So as soon as the host changed, these leaders raised their mobile phones to call their boss.

Five minutes later, they had confirmed the authenticity of the news.

They start to feel uneasy in their hearts, and don't know if Xia Jue wants to fire them.

"From today on, she'll be in charge of you." Xia Jue pointed to sister Yao.

Sister Yao didn't expect that Xia Jue would say that. She couldn't react for a moment.

"I Do you mean me? "

Sister Yao points to herself uncertainly.

"Yes, it's you. What do you think?"

"But I'm from the Su group."

It's a fake to say that sister Yao doesn't want to accept the position.

After all, she's just a little errand worker in Soxhlet group.

Moreover, because he is an employee of Su Yihan, he is often looked down upon and ridiculed by people from other departments.

Now that pie has fallen from the sky and she has been promoted directly from an errand clerk to managing such a large factory, how can she be reluctant to do so.

"Wife, what do you think? It would be a pity if you bought such a factory and nobody took care of it."

Su Yihan gave Xia Jue a white look, and did not say yes or no.

"You will be responsible for the management of this factory in the future, but the most urgent thing is to hand over the raw materials to my wife first."

Xia Jue said directly to sister Yao.

When sister Yao saw that Su Yihan had no objection, she was ecstatic: "OK, I'll arrange it now."

"Take me to the warehouse quickly and send out the raw materials that Su group needs immediately." Sister Yao said to the leaders who were still standing.

Seeing that Xia Jue didn't want to fire them, the leaders felt relieved and quickly led sister Yao.

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