Top floor office of Soxhlet group.

Su Changqing and Su Junhao are planning something.

Just then the door of the office was pushed open.

Secretary Fang came in in a hurry: "no, Mr. Su, all the raw materials needed for cooperation with Tianhai have been transported to the processing plants of our group."

"What did you say?" Su Junhao's eyes widened.

"We didn't ask Fang Hao's factory not to give Su Yihan raw materials, but let our people go there to release them. What's the matter with him?" Su Changqing also asked.

"I'm not very clear about Mr. Su. I just called Fang Hao and asked him. He said that he had sold the factory to others." Secretary Fang replied.

"How can this be possible? Fang Hao's factory is profitable every year. Why does he want to sell..."

"This It's not clear. " Secretary Fang bowed his head and did not dare to look at Su Changqing.

"Dad, this is not the top priority. That bitch has already got the raw materials to our factory, so it's imminent for our group to enter the real estate business"

If Su Junhao, how can su Changqing not know.

Su's group is now facing a bottleneck in its development. In Zhonghai, it has always been a second rate enterprise and can not go further.

So if Su group wants to go further, it has to develop new business.

In recent years, the housing prices in Zhonghai have been rising all the way.

Su Jianwei, the owner of the Su family, focused on this business.

Now the main business of Soxhlet group is selling construction cement and various materials, which is a little involved in the real estate industry.

But it's just a little bit involved.

As for wanting to step into the industry.

It's hard.

Because this industry has been firmly controlled by traditional powerful groups such as Shengshi and Tianhai.

Anyone who wants to step into this industry will not hesitate to be suppressed by these groups.

So in recent years, Su Jianwei often attends the banquets of dignitaries to get a share of the industry.

But it was always rejected.

But now it's so hard to get things done. Xia Jue and Su Yihan solve the problem.

If the group enters the real estate industry successfully.

That's their big credit.

Su Jianwei will no doubt look at Su Yihan with new eyes..

Many people in the group will recognize Su Yihan more.

This will completely shake the authority of their father and son.

No way.

Su group can enter the real estate industry, but it must enter under the leadership of his father and son, not under the leadership of Su Yihan and that ugly eight monster.

"What should we do now?" Thinking about it, Su Changqing did not think of any good way.

"Mr. Su, I have a way." Secretary Fang's eyes turned.

"Tell me what to do."

Su Changqing Su Junhao asked in unison.

"It's better for us to find a group of gangsters to make trouble on the construction site, so as not to let the workers work normally and affect their progress.

If it goes on like this, the group will lose a lot of money every day.

Then he kicked Su Yihan away for this reason, and no one could say anything. "

"It's a good way, but the ugly one can fight so well. Who can stand the trouble in front of him?" Su Junhao is still worried about Xia Jue's skill.

"No matter how hard he can fight, can he still stay in the construction site 24 hours a day? Just find more people." Room Secretary added.

Su Junhao thought it was the same reason.

"Yes, I'll arrange it."


Xia Jue and Su Yihan just came out of the factory and received another call.

"Well, I'll be there in a minute."

"What's the matter?" Asked Xia Jue.

"Some gangsters hit people and smash things at the construction site. Now many workers and machines have been smashed." Su Yihan looks dignified.

"It seems that someone is trying to prevent you from completing the cooperation with Tianhai." Xia Jue joked.

Of course, Su Yihan knew that this matter should have something to do with his uncle and son.

"Otherwise, don't worry about so many things. I wish I could support you with your husband."

"I don't want you." Su Yihan looked out of the window and said:

"the Su group was founded by my grandfather. Why can my uncle and son monopolize it?

I know that my father wants to be recognized by my grandfather, but he only treats him as a waste, so I, as a daughter, must fight for his own things. "

This is the first time that Su Yihan confides with Xia Jue.

"Don't worry, I will do what you think." Xia Jue looked at Su Yihan and said.

Su Yihan gave him another look.

……The car came to the construction site.

Many workers on the construction site were beaten to pieces, and all kinds of equipment and materials of excavators and cranes were smashed to pieces.

A dozen little gangsters are holding sticks to look for targets everywhere. As long as there are intact things, they will smash them.

Just as they hit it.

Suddenly, I saw a big car coming in.

Then I saw Xia Jue and Su Yihan get out of the car.

"Lying trough, these days as long as they have money, these women dare to be ugly." One of them was sour.

"Go and ask him what he does."

A dozen little gangsters gathered around.

"Ugly, what do you do?" A little gangster provocatively asked Xia Jue.

"Beauty, is it worthwhile to follow such an ugly monster for some stinky money? Come and talk to me. I promise you that you will be popular and spicy, which is no worse than following this ugly monster."

These little gangsters are provocative and arrogant.

Su Yihan subconsciously stepped back a few steps, because he knew that with Xia Jue's temperament, these little gangsters might not feel well.

"Ugly, are you deaf or dumb? I'll ask you something."

Xia Jue was still indifferent and looked at them coldly.

"Don't say it, brothers, give it to me."

More than a dozen little gangsters raised their sticks and rushed up.

"Bang bang."

Xia Jue blows a blow and hits a gangster with stinky mouth in the face.

This Hun heavily fell on the ground, and his teeth kept falling out of his mouth.

Xia Jue's fist is as fast as lightning.

A group of little gangsters didn't fight at all, so they fell to the ground.

"Oops, oops, oops, oops, oops."

Teeth fell all over the floor at the scene.

Because these people's mouths are so smelly, Xia Jue specially chooses their mouths to fight.

"Who asked you to come?" Xia Jue picks up a thug on the ground.

"Damn you, fuck you..."


Before the thug finished, Xia Jue hit again.

As a result, the little gangster's only remaining front teeth fell to the ground again.

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