The little gangster was beaten. Knowing that he was not Xia Jue's opponent, he helped each other and left.

Su Yihan began to call someone to solve the problems at the scene.

In the afternoon.

Another group of workers came to the construction site. These workers took care of the equipment and other things at the site, and then started the work as usual. Su Yihan and Xia Jue left at ease.

When Xia Jue's car reached a block, Xia Jue stopped the car.

"What are you doing here?" Su Yihan asked.

"I'll buy you some clothes."

It's been a long time since Su Yihan went shopping.

So she didn't refuse.

"All right."

So they walked into the block.

"This guy is so ugly and his girlfriend is so beautiful. Why?"

"It's a flower on the cow dung."

The pedestrians in the block saw a pair of "wonderful flowers" like Xia Jue whispering.

Xia Jue has been wearing this mask for a long time. He has been used to it for a long time, so he will not mind these people's eyes.

But Su Yihan is different.

Although she has long accepted the fact that she married Xia Jue.

But she was still uncomfortable to be instructed by so many people with different eyes.

Xia Jue and Su Yihan stop at the center of the block.

Because Xia Jue seems to have a good style when he sees the shop in front of him.

"Go in and have a look?"

Su Yihan looked up at the store.

This is a luxury brand GUCCL store.

"No, Xiajue, it's too expensive here. Let's go to another place to have a look."

"Here's how much it costs." Xia Jue raised his feet and went in.

Seeing Xia Jue go in, Su Yihan has no choice but to follow him.

Just stepped into the GUCCL store, they immediately attracted the eyes of the people in the store.

The difference between them is one reason, and the other is that the people who step into this kind of store must have a lot of money. Where would anyone dare to come in wearing clothes of stall stalls.

So the people in the field doubted whether the two men had gone wrong.

The shop guide came frowning.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is GUCCL store. May I help you?"

The shopping guide read "GUCCL" a little louder for fear that Xia Jue and Su Yihan did not know the same.

”guccl? What brand is this? " Asked Xia Jue.

Xia Jue seldom cares about the brands of these clothes, so he doesn't know much about them.

When the shopping guide heard this, he felt contemptuous.

It seems that he is just an ugly and ignorant country bumpkin. He has never heard of GUCCL in luxury goods.

Ugly and without money, I don't know what such a beautiful girl wants for him.

Just as the shopping guide wanted to drive Xia Jue out, a voice rang out again.

"Yihan, it's you?"

Su Yihan heard someone call him and turned his head.

"It's a coincidence, Xie Linlin." Su Yihan turned around and saw that she was her classmate in college.

But Su Yihan doesn't like to make friends with Xie Linlin.

Because this Xie Linlin is a money worshiper.

When she was at school, she changed dozens of boyfriends a month, which was more diligent than changing clothes.

"Let me introduce you. This is my boyfriend. His name is Deng Fei. He is the general manager of China shipping trade."

Xie Linlin pointed to a man holding her arm beside her and said.

As soon as the shopping guide heard that this was the general manager of China shipping trade, his eyes lit up and he decided to be Xie Linlin's shopping guide after their conversation.

"This is..." Xie Linlin points to Xia Jue.

Xia Jue turned around, "I'm his husband."

Seeing that Xia Jue was so ugly, Xie Linlin felt sick.

"Also Han Na, you are married. Why don't you tell me? If you want to tell me, I will give you a big red envelope."

Xie Linlin was amused to hear the news.

In the University, Su Yihan is recognized as the University flower.

There are countless people chasing her.

This made Xie Linlin jealous of her at that time.

I didn't expect to marry such an ugly man in the end.

If you're ugly, it's OK.

But look at this ugly man's clothes.

In addition, the shopping guide asked him before that he didn't even know the GUCCL brand, so she could be sure that the ugly guy didn't have much money.

"It's Yihan's husband. Hello, I'm a classmate from Yihan University. This is my boyfriend Deng Fei." Xie Linlin introduced again.

"My name is Xia Jue.""It turned out to be brother Xia. I don't know where brother Xia is now?" Deng Fei asked with a smile.

"The unemployed." Xia Jue replied faintly.

Hear this answer, Xie Linlin is despised even more.

"Yihan, you're here to buy clothes. Just tell me which suit you like. Anyway, we're going to buy a lot of things this time. We'll take the card with you by the way." Xie Linlin said condescending, as if giving to Su Yihan.

One side of the guide after hearing this, secretly frightened.

It's worthy of being the general manager of China shipping trade. It's really rich and powerful. You can send such expensive luxury ornaments as soon as you say you want.

He hurried to Xie Linlin's side and got closer.

"No, Xiajue. Let's go." Su Yihan ignores Xie Linlin and pulls Xia Jue to turn around and leave.

"What do you want to go? I think this dress style is good. Let's have a try. Shopping guide, take this set down and let my wife have a try." Xia Jue pointed to a pink dress and said.

The shopping guide is at Xie Linlin's side. He is afraid that Xie Linlin will be robbed by other shopping guides, and he is not willing to leave.

Seeing that the shopping guide was indifferent, Xia Jue was a little upset.

"Guide, are you deaf?"

When the shopping guide heard this, he wanted to scold, but he finally put up with it.

"This dress costs more than 20000 yuan. Are you sure you want to see it?" Shopping guide said to Xia Jue sarcastically.

Xie Linlin looked at the scene as if she was watching a play.

She can't wait to see Xia Jue make a fool of herself and then leave with Su Yihan.

"Do you want me to say it a third time? Take the clothes for me. If you can't, ask your store manager to come."

You're the only hillbilly who wants the store manager to come.


I'll see how you end up.

The shopping guide left Xie Linlin's side, and then went to take the red skirt that Xia Jue wanted.

"Try it!"

"Buick, let's go." Su Yihan saw that more and more people began to pay attention to this place, and he looked embarrassed.

See Su Yihan want to go.

The guide is ready for sarcasm.

He had to let everyone know how good this ugly hillbilly was.

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