"Isn't this dress too colorful?"

Su Yihan, who came out of the fitting room, said to the mirror.

Xia Jue nodded.

At first glance, this dress is quite eye-catching, but it doesn't conform to Su Yihan's calm temperament.

One side of the guide to see this scene, as he thought.

The look of disdain is no longer hidden, directly hanging on the face.

"Hum, if you can't afford it, don't pretend to be big. You'll get all your clothes dirty." The shopping guide gave a cold hum.

This made Su Yihan's face silent.

How can anyone talk like that?

That she's soiled her clothes doesn't mean she's soiled?

She immediately said dissatisfied: "how can you talk like this?"

When the shopping guide heard Su Yihan's reply, he was angry.

"You still have reason. I've told you that this is GUCCL for a long time. If you can't afford it, you still have to come in and try to install the big head. Do you know that we need special cleaning before you put it in the container?

Now it's good that you didn't pay the cleaning fee. How dare you talk back? "

The momentum of the shopping guide is not small.

Soon the customers in the shop came closer to see what was going on.

"Well, there's nothing to look at. It's just that two wage earners have entered the wrong shop."

"This man is a real waste. He is ugly and has no money. It's hard for such a beautiful girl to follow him."

"The man thought that he couldn't afford to buy, and he had to come in and try on other people's clothes, so he quarreled with the shopping guide."

The people who came close to me looked at the scene and pointed.

Su Yihan is embarrassed and aggrieved by so many people's criticism.

"I can't afford anything. I bought this dress and wrapped it up for you."

Xie Linlin seems to be trying to break through for Su Yihan, shouting to the shopping guide.

In fact, Xie Linlin made her voice only now on purpose.

Because she wants to wait until everyone around to pay attention to this scene, so that her voice can more satisfy her vanity.

On hearing this, the shopping guide looked very happy.

"OK, I'll wrap it up."

"Wait a minute."

Xia Jue, who has been watching this group of clowns, makes a sound.

Hearing Xia Jue's voice, people quickly gathered their eyes on him.

"What's the matter with you?"

The shopping guide patiently looks at Xia Jue. If Xie Linlin hadn't already said that he wanted to buy the clothes, he would have directly asked Xia Jue to drive them out.

"Wrap up all the clothes here for me, plus this one in your hand."

Xia Jue's words made people doubt whether they had heard wrong.

One dress here is counted as ten thousand.

That would cost millions.

At present, Xia Jue is just a country bumpkin. Do you want to buy it?

It's a real hit.

"What did you say?" The shopping guide asks Xia Jue again.

"I said wrap up all the clothes here. Are you deaf?" Xia Jue took out a black card from his pocket.


"It seems to be."

"That's the VIP card of the Bank of China. The overdraft limit alone is five million." A man of insight said in surprise.

Speaking of this card, the overdraft limit alone is five million.

The crowd was secretly frightened.

I can't believe that this ugly monster is hidden.

Xie Linlin was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that Xia Jue didn't show his mountain and water. He was so generous.

But that makes sense.

If Xia Jue didn't have some money, how could su Yihan be such an ugly man on the list.


When I was at school, Su Yihan was as spotless as a white lotus. Any attempt to pursue her was rejected.

Now, it's just that I didn't get the big money. Once I met the big money, I didn't send it to my door.

The shopping guide was dumbfounded when he heard people's comments.

He didn't expect such a hick to have so much money.

If you know that he is so rich, he would not dare to make sarcastic remarks.

However, he thought it was better to put aside these thoughts.

Because if all the clothes in the store are sold, how much commission can he get?

It's really rich overnight.

Dazed by the sudden wealth, he quickly showed a pug expression: "yes, sir, I'll wrap it for you."

The onlookers also admire the change of the face of the shopping guide.

"Wait a minute."

Just when the shopping guide wants to take over Xia Jue's VIP card, Xia Jue sends out his words again.The shopping guide looked at Xia Jue in fear and didn't know what he was going to say.

"You are nothing. You are qualified to take my card and let your store manager come."

Hearing this, the shopping guide felt bitter.

If the store manager is allowed to entertain Xia Jue, where will he get the Commission of selling clothes?

The feeling of falling from heaven to hell made him want to die.

"That Excuse me, sir. I've done a good job

The shopping guide didn't want to miss the chance of getting rich, and begged Xia Jue in a low voice.

"People respect each other. When you look down on others, you should think about the consequences." Xia Jue said in a flat tone.

The shopping guide's face turned red and he wanted to find a way to get in.

There are so many people who can't hide the big news here.

Soon he left and informed the store manager to come here.

The store manager is a woman in her thirties.

Before she came here, she had learned about the situation through other shop assistants.

After coming to Xia Jue, he immediately bows down to apologize.

"I'm sorry to have made you unhappy in this shop, sir." After the store manager finished, he looked at the shopping guide standing on one side: "you go home first to reflect for a week, and this month's bonus is gone."

The shopping guide's face was like ashes.

Even if you miss such a chance to get rich.

Not to mention the immediate stoppage, but also put their own bonus into it.

It's really a loss to my wife and a loss to my soldiers.

However, he did not dare to disobey the store manager's orders, because it was hard to find a job now, so he needed it.

"Sir, did you say you would wrap all the clothes in the shop?"

"Yes, go." Xia Jue handed the card to him.

"That Can you let the guests in the shop choose first and then wrap it up after they leave? " The store manager looks embarrassed.

It's not that she doesn't want to earn a commission.

It's just that those who can get into this luxury shop are rich or expensive.

If Xia Jue takes all the clothes here, what else can other guests buy? It will offend many guests.

So she carefully asked Xia Jue, want to let Xia Jue don't let them difficult to do.

The other people who were watching the play finally thought of it.

Especially some women.

It's not easy to go shopping and buy clothes. All of a sudden, the clothes are packed. What do they buy?

So many guests began to scold.

"It's great to have a little money. Who here doesn't have money?"

"Yes, it's just a broken VIP card. I have dozens of such cards myself."

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