Chapter 196 Wu family training

Chapter 196 Wu family training

Chu Yuan dials the phone number on the note.

"Doodle doodle."

"Who is it?" The phone rang for a long time, and finally a lazy question came from the opposite side.

"Guan asked me to come to you." Chu Yuan said carefully.

"Close the enemy? What happened to him? " He asked.

"He asked me to come to you. Now he should be dead."

After Chuyuan said this, the other side was silent for a long time.

"I give you an address, you come here..." then the other party said an address to Chu Yuan.

"OK, let's go to Mashan." Chu Yuan put down the phone, then turned on the navigation and galloped away.


the night passed quickly, and the fish belly in the sky turned white gradually.

Xia Jue at the top of the first room in the middle yard only felt that he had a wonderful dream.

But no matter how wonderful the dream is, it will wake up. Now he will wake up.

When he woke up, he looked around. He only remembered that Guan Yao came last night, and then he pressed his head for him, and then he fell asleep.

Thinking of this, Xia Jue was slightly surprised.

He knew his mental strength and knew that because he was used to guarding against the enemy, there was always a sense of mental tension in his head. It was impossible for him to sleep in such a sudden. What kind of tactics did the other side use to press his head?

Xia Jue began to look for Wu Yao's figure, but saw Wu Yao sleeping on the table.

At the moment, Wu Yao is like a sleeping beauty. Her long eyelashes and oval face complement each other. Her figure half lying on the table shows her exquisite figure completely.


Xia Jue put on his shoes.

But it was the sound of wearing shoes that woke Wu Yao up.

Wu Yao first looked around vaguely, and then saw Xia Jue. She also instantly remembered what happened last night.

After Xia Jue fell asleep last night, she didn't dare to leave alone, because once she left, she would be punished by the owner.

In the end, she was too sleepy to go to bed alone, because she was afraid that Xia Jue would be unhappy when she woke up tomorrow morning. Finally, she could only lie on the table and fall asleep.

"Are you awake?" In fact, Wu Yao was embarrassed. After all, they spent the night doing nothing.

"I told you to go back last night. Why didn't you go back?" Xia Jue said without expression.

"I... I'm pressing your head for you..." Wu yaoyue said in a low voice.

"What technique did you use? Why did you go to sleep without my consciousness?" Xia Jue felt that he had to defend.

Wu Yao's technique is so strange that even he can catch the way unconsciously. If someone wants to do something bad to him when he is asleep, it's bad.

"This is a traditional Chinese massage technique handed down by the Wu family since the Ming Dynasty. How about it? Do you think it's refreshing today?" Wu Yao is quite proud.

Wu Yao is right. Xia Jue feels much better today. This is a feeling he has never felt before.

"Can you pass that on to me?"

Xia Jue thinks that if Su Yihan learns, he may be able to enjoy this feeling every day in the future. He thinks that the little girl won't refuse. Xia Jue secretly guesses.

"This... This is our Wu family's skill of not passing it on, but even if it's passed on to you, you can't learn it for a while and a half.

Our boys have to learn martial arts from childhood, while girls have to learn this skill from childhood. It takes more than ten years of training day after day to achieve something. " Wu Yao said.

"It's a pity." Xia Jue sighed. He didn't expect that this technique would take such a long time to practice. Even if he could get this technique, it wouldn't be very useful, because Su Yihan couldn't spend more than ten years to learn it.

"It doesn't matter. I can come and press it for you whenever you need."

After that night, Wu Yao also wanted to understand.

For example, her fate in the future is nothing more than to be betrothed to a prince of a big family as a tool for marriage. In that case, it's better to choose the current Xia Jue. At least she doesn't hate the appearance of Xia Jue.

The only thing that worries her is that she doesn't know whether Xia Jue is married or not. If Xia Jue is married...

Wu Yao's eyes are dim at the thought.

"No need." Xia Jue refused her offer without thinking about it.

Xia Jue came to the table, picked up his mask and put it on his face.

After putting the mask on his face, Xia Jue pressed the edge of the mask with ten fingers, and soon the mask and his face became one."Wow, your mask is so lifelike, but why do you wear it?" Wu Yao looked at Xia Jue's ugly face and exclaimed.

"Do you know why Xiao Ming's grandfather can live to 103 years old for the society?"

"I don't know. Why?" Wu Yao asks curiously.

"Because his grandfather never mind his own business." Xia Jue glared at him, then pushed open the door and went out.

Wu Yao in the rear was stunned for a while when she heard the answer, but she soon recovered and went after her.

"Mr. Xia."

Not far from the door, the garrison of the Wu family saw Xia Jue coming out and said hello.

"Where is Wutong?" Xia Jue wanted to ask about the situation of the Chu family.

"He is in our Wu family's training ground. Shall I ask him to come to see you?" The garrison said respectfully.

"No, take me there." There is a way for the Wu family to train their people. Otherwise, there would not be so many powerful people in Kyoto who asked their children to go out to be bodyguards at a high cost. So Xia Jue wanted to see how they trained.

"Yes, Mr. Xia, please follow me." After that, the garrison officer turned to lead the way.

"Let me take Mr. Xia." At this time, Wu Yao came to Xia Jue.

"Yes, Miss Yao." The garrison turned around and saw that Wu Yao was coming. He didn't dare to refuse.

"Come with me, Mr. Xia." Wu Yao got up immediately.

Xia Jue looks at Wu Yao discontentedly. After all, he still says anything and follows Wu Yao.

As a big family in Kyoto, the Wu family covers an extremely large area. Wu Yao takes Xia Jue to an empty training ground.

At this time, there are many training facilities in this arena. Because of their experience, there is a challenge arena above. There are two men fighting in the challenge arena. The men and women watching from below clap their hands and cheer from time to time. As for martial arts, they are like experts pointing to one side.

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