"This fool has no strength to punch, and his body method is as slow as that of a pig. I expect the family to send him out to be a bodyguard and not be killed." Wu Tong below looked at a man on the stage who was beaten without fighting back, and kept scolding.

"This is the training ground of our Wu family. Every morning our Wu family members come here for training. Brother Wu Tong is our examiner. Only with his permission can they be sent out as bodyguards. Otherwise, they can only stay in the family for continuous training until they reach the training standard." Wu Yao explained to Xia Jue.

"Well, isn't that Yao Mei?"

"Yes, isn't Yao Mei always indifferent to the training ground? Why did she come here for the first time today?"

"Look, who is the ugly man beside Yao Mei? It seems that he is very close to Yao Mei?"

At this time, many members of the Wu family discovered the arrival of Wu Yao and Xia Jue. However, because Xia Jue arrived late last night, many members of the Wu family did not know him.

People's comments made Wu Tong turn his head. When he saw that Xia Jue had come here, he couldn't help running.

"Mr. Xia, you are up." Wu Tong said respectfully.

Since last night's World War I, Wu Tong's fear of Xia Jue has deepened a little bit, which makes him more careful about his words and deeds, for fear that Xia Jue might be upset.

Because of their curiosity, they had been looking at Xia Jue. Suddenly, they were shocked to see that Wu Tong was so respectful to Xia Jue.

As the first master of Wu family, Wutong is famous in Kyoto.

On weekdays, he is a proud and self respecting master. People have never seen Wu Tong so respectful in front of anyone.

Even in the face of the owner, Wu Tong didn't have such a look, but in front of such a young man, he had such a look, so how could people not be shocked.

On one side, Wu Yao also set off waves in her heart.

At first, he thought that Xia Jue was just a childe of a certain family or a certain force, but she knew that if such a person could not let the arrogant master like Wu Tong bow his head, which made her keep guessing.

"Not yet, Mr. Xia." Wu Tong doesn't dare to breathe.

"They haven't been dug out all night. What do you Wu family do for food?" Xia Jue's tone was indifferent.

"Boy, what are you talking about?"

"Do you know where this is? How dare you say that to our face? Do you want to die?"

Although I don't know what xiatoujue is.

But these children of the Wu family are used to being arrogant. As long as they hang up the sign of the Wu family when they go out, who can not give them some face.

Now they are criticized by an outsider in their family headquarters. No matter what the origin of this person is, they can't stand it.

Wu Tong was scared out of his wits by the words of the children of the rear family. He immediately looked back to see if it was the blind thing.

But there were too many children in the family behind him. He couldn't tell which two bastards said that.

"Who said that just now?" Wu Tong's eyes were full of killing intention, scanning all the children of Wu family back and forth.

Looking at Wu Tong's ferocious appearance, the two children of Wu family who blurted out just now were also frightened. They didn't dare to admit it for a moment.

"Wu Cha, who said that just now?" Wu Tong looks at Wu Cha whose face is changeable.

Wu Cha's heart is very cold at this time.

Because one of the people who said one of the words just now was his brother, his father and mother. At that time, he didn't think that his brother was so bold, so he didn't have time to stop him.

So at this time, he did not know how to choose.

If he confessed his brother in this way, his brother would be finished. He knew Xia Jue's temper well after he had been with him for so long.

That is to say, Xia Jue would not be polite to those who offended him.

"Wu Cha, what did I ask you?" Here, Wu Tong was stunned by Wu Cha for a long time, but he didn't speak, so he became angry.

After the inner struggle, Wu Cha decided to speak out.

Because even if he didn't say that so many people at the scene saw it, it's not difficult for Wu Tong to get the answer. Besides, if Xia Jue can't be satisfied with this matter, maybe the whole Wu family will have to follow the bad luck.

Which is more important is the best.

"It's Wu Xiaodu and Wu Qing, Mr. Xia. I beg you to take my brother's life around. He's not sensible yet." Wu Cha couldn't look at his younger brother with her eyes, so she was killed. She came to Xia Jue and knelt down.

A group of Wu family children were shocked by Wu Cha's sudden action.

You know, although Wu Cha is not one of the best in the Wu family, he is also the best in the family. But now he is begging for his brother's mercy in front of this ugly young man. What's the matter?Who is this ugly young man?

"Brother, are you crazy? Why do you want to beg for mercy from him? We are the Wu family. You have completely disgraced my Wu family." Wu Xiaodu, Wu Cha's younger brother, came out of the crowd angrily.

"Shut up." Wu Cha stands up and walks towards Wu Xiaodu.

"Pa pa."

Wu Xiaodu was slapped twice by Wu cha. After that, Wu Cha picked up Wu Xiaodu and walked towards Xia Jue.

"Let me go, brother. What are you doing? Let me go." Wu Xiaodu kept struggling.

Wu Xiaodu is just a young man who didn't pass the examination. How can he break away from Wu cha? He is soon carried to Xia Jue's face

"come on, kneel down and admit your mistake to Mr. Xia." Wu Cha was very worried. He was afraid that if Xia Jue spoke later, it would be useless.

At this time, another "troublemaker" Wu Qing also realized that he might have made a big mistake.

Although he is a bit reckless, he is not stupid. The actions of Wutong and Wucha have already told him that the ugly man in front of him can't even be provoked by their martial family. If he can't satisfy the ugly man in front of him, what will happen...

Wu Qing doesn't dare to think about it any more. He immediately rushes out to Xia Jue's side and kneels down Come on.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xia. I was a little impatient just now. I'm sorry. Please go around me once." Wu Qing kept smoking his mouth.

"Get down on your knees." Wu Cha hates looking at his brother. If he's not his own brother, he doesn't care about him.

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