"If you kneel yourself, I won't kneel."

Seeing that Wu Qing also came up to beg for mercy, Wu Xiaodu woke up a little bit, but even so, he still couldn't kneel down and beg for mercy, so shameless.

And then again.

This is the Wu family.

No matter how powerful this guy is, he doesn't believe what he can do with him.

"You... You bastard, don't kill our Wu family." Wu Cha didn't care so much, so she yelled out.

"Break my legs and drive me out of the family, Wu cha. Since he is your brother, do you want to do it or let me do it?" Since Wu Xiaodu is so ignorant, Wu Tong has nothing to be polite about.

When the children of the family heard that Wu Tong had given such a severe punishment, they were in an uproar.

Even if you break your legs, the key is to expel the family. This punishment is worse than death.

Every child of the Wu family is proud of being a member of the Wu family. Once they lose their reputation and are expelled from the family, their fate will be worse than that of dogs. No one can accept it.

Leng is also in place to hear this words.

He didn't expect that Wutong would announce his expulsion from the family.

What else does he have to get rid of the family?

No one will look at him again when he goes to the street. How can he bear it.

"Brother Tong, you are going too far. How can you help outsiders treat their own people like this?" As usual, Wu Xiaodu didn't dare to talk to Wu Tong like this, but it was time for his life. He couldn't care so much.

"Pa pa."

Wu Cha slapped Wu Xiaodu in the face again.

"It's good to talk back and save your dog's life." Wu tea is even more angry.

Although the punishment was a little more severe, Wu Tong was kind. After all, he saved his life because of his family friendship. I didn't expect that Wu Tong even dared to talk back.

"Why do you beat me? Why do you abuse your people one by one for the sake of this outsider Wu Xiaodu is going crazy with anger.

"Outsider, Mr. Xia will soon become my uncle of Wu family. What is an outsider?"

Wu Tong knows that Wu Yao arrived at Xia Jue's room last night. He also knows that Xia Jue didn't refuse. They have been lingering for a night. So Wu Tong thinks Xia Jue should be satisfied with Wu Yao.

Hearing this, the children of the family were in another uproar.

Wu Yao is one of the most beautiful girls in their family. Even in Kyoto, she is the top beauty. How many aristocratic childe brothers come to the Wu family to ask for marriage? Wu Hong, the owner of the Wu family, doesn't agree.

But in front of him, the master betrothed Wu Yao to this ugly man. How could this not make all the Wu family's children panic.

On one side, Wu Yao was embarrassed and coquettish when she heard Wu Tong's words.

She didn't do anything with Mr. Xia last night, and Mr. Xia didn't say what he wanted to do with her. In a word, it hasn't been written down yet.

"What are you talking about?" Xia Jue looks at Wu Tong discontentedly.

"Yes, I said something wrong. I should fight." Wu Tong pretends to make amends and fans his face

in fact, in Wu Tong's opinion, Xia Jue is just a little embarrassed.

Just imagine that on the first day when I came to the Wu family, I ran away from the great beauty of the Wu family. Who else would have a good face.

"Young man, since you are so dissatisfied, I'll give you a chance. As long as you can take my punch, I'll take it as if it never happened." Xia Jue looked at Wu Xiaodu with an unconvinced face.

"Mr. Xia, I'll break his leg and throw it out." Wu Cha said immediately.


Even Wu Tong didn't dare to say that he could take Xia Jue's fist. Let Wu Xiaodu go up to take Xia Jue's fist. Isn't he looking for death, so Wu Cha immediately came to break Wu Xiaodu's legs.

"You said that." Wu Xiaodu didn't care so much. Xia Jue's words made him grasp the straw.

He has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and has gone through all kinds of cruel training of the martial arts family. As for his fighting ability, he has no further words.

He has a heart that even if he goes to the road to fight a 60 yard car, he will be safe. What's the point of receiving Xia Jue's fist now.

"Xiaodu, don't make a fool of yourself, you will die." Wu Cha came to Wu Xiaodu and said softly.

"What's the matter with his body? What can he do with a fist? Even brother Tong doesn't dare to say how powerful he is if he can kill me with a fist." Wu Xiaodu directly pushed away Wu tea.

"You said that." Wu Xiaodu stares at Xia Jue.

"Yes, I said." Xia Jue looked at him lightly.

This guy is very similar to him who just entered the Dragon hall. At that time, he was also born like him. He was not afraid of tigers and dared to fight anything.

"OK, let's go to the challenge arena." Wu Xiaodu jumped into the challenge arena regardless.On one side, Wu Tong shook his head.

Originally, he intended to defend Wu Xiaocha and wanted to save his life. Unexpectedly, he wanted to challenge Mr. Xia so unwittingly.

In that case, even if the gods came, they couldn't save him.

As soon as Wu Cha saw that the overall situation had been decided, she could not change. She had to kneel in front of Xia Jue again.

"Mr. Xia, please take my life around him for the sake of these days. I'm just such a brother. I don't want to see him die like this." Wu Cha's eyes are red. He knows that if Xia Jue doesn't leave his strength, Wu Cha will surely die.

The children of the nearby families could not help muttering when they saw Wu Cha's appearance.

Is it really necessary for Wucha to be so afraid?

It's just to take his fist. What's the fear of relying on the training of martial arts for so many years.

No matter how fierce Mr. Xia is, he is just a person. Wu Tong may not be able to beat Wu Xiaodu to death with one blow. How can he do that.

Xia Jue ignored Wu Cha and went around him to the challenge arena.

"Come on." Wu Xiaodu tied up the horse step, waiting to meet Xia Jue's fist.

Xia Jue nodded, then walked slowly towards Wu Xiaodu.

"Doesn't he run up?"

"Yes, if he doesn't run up, he won't be able to hurt a little even if he hits ten or 100 punches."

The people under the stage looked at Xia Jue's slow action and began to talk.

Everyone who has practiced martial arts knows that if a person wants to do great damage to others, his body must move violently. At present, Xia Jue's slow pace can't store strength. That's why all the martial arts children feel a little puzzled.

Wu Xiaodu looks at Xia Jue so not to put him in the eye also came a few minutes temper.

"Are you sure you want to walk up to me before you punch?"

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