Su Yihan, dressed in a wedding dress, looks at the ugly man walking slowly and feels chilly.

Is this the man you want to marry?

A man who hasn't even met?

Why are you so cruel to yourself?

Su Yihan can't help looking up at Su Jianwei, only to find that his grandfather didn't even look at him.

Although she was cold hearted, Su Yihan was not surprised. From childhood to adulthood, she was a dispensable existence in the eyes of her grandfather. The only meaning of her existence was to create income for her family.

Even this wedding, is to use her life's happiness, to compose a shocking joke, just to attract many dignitaries smile, so as to bridge the family and create more interests.

Her anger and despair were intertwined.

She wanted to resist, but when she saw Su Changqing praying, she finally bowed her head and accepted everything in silence.

"The auspicious time has come, the wedding begins, please the bridegroom and the bride go forward hand in hand, witness the marriage!"

"Pa pa pa..."

Warm applause, like the tide.

As if this is really a happy wedding with your love and my wish and endless love.

But Su Yihan felt cold all over. The warm applause was more like endless ridicule, like a sharp knife, stabbing at his chest.

Especially when the ugly man took her hand, he couldn't help shivering all over and wanted to shake it off.

But in the end, she is still in the ugly man's hand, step by step to the MC.

"Ms. Su Yihan, are you willing to marry the man in front of you, no matter poor or rich, for the rest of your life

"I I will Su Han also opens her mouth, and she is completely desperate.

"Mr. Xia Jue, are you..."

"I will!" Before the master of ceremonies finished speaking, Xia Jue interrupted directly, saying every word:

"no matter poor or rich, sick or healthy, I will hold her hand for the rest of my life, and I will never give up until I go to the yellow spring!"

The sound of Cello and the firmness of oath made Su Yihan tremble.

What is he talking about?

You want to go to the yellow spring with yourself to the white head?

Does that mean that I can't get rid of this ugly man all my life?

"It's a great time for the Su family to have such a good son-in-law."

"The luckiest one is Su Yihan, who got such an infatuated husband!"

"You're right. She's the luckiest one!"


All the people speak well, but the schadenfreude in their eyes is not covered up, and some people laugh in a low voice without scruple:

"Su Yihan was not arrogant before, and no one looked up to him! Now, I'm so lucky to have an ugly man

"The matchless beauty matches the matchless ugly man, isn't it?"

"I don't know if she can sleep with such an ugly face in the middle of the night. Maybe she will wake up in a dream!"


Su Yihan listened to the public's comments. His face turned pale and he was shaking all over. He couldn't even stand steadily. His high-heeled shoes sprained and he almost fell down.

"Be careful!" A strong arm, will hold her firmly up.

Su Yihan red eyes, turned to look at Xia Jue, but can only see the deep eyes under the mask.

She was stunned for a moment, but she soon recovered. She sighed softly, acknowledged her fate with a bitter smile, and said, "this is the end of the matter. Let's have a good life in the future! It's my su family that is sorry for you... "

Xia Jue under the mask, pursed his lips.

He did not speak, just quietly looking at this picture in his mind, outlined a million times the face.

She is still so kind, clearly she is the biggest victim, but also in turn comfort themselves.

"Actually, I..." Xia Jue opened his mouth, wanted to uncover the mask, wanted to show his identity, wanted to tell her that he was a man who could make her proud all her life.

But as soon as the words began, they were interrupted by a jeer of schadenfreude:

"cousin, congratulations on finding your husband. You are a perfect match in the world. You should take good care of your husband in the future!"

"Say up, you still have to thank me well, if not for me regardless of hardships, thousands of choices, how can you get such a good husband!"

Without looking around, Su Yihan knows who the speaker is?

Su Junhao, Su Changming's son and his cousin, has always loved to bully himself.

Sure enough, he wrote about this incident.

If not for reason, Su Yihan really wants to slap him in the face.

Such a "Mr. Right", you choose for yourself!

Looking at Su Yihan, pale and helpless, Su Junhao is more and more proud"Why don't you talk? As soon as you get your husband, aren't you going to tear down the bridge? "

"Alas! If grandfather knew that you were so ungrateful, he would be sad! "

"I don't know where you learned your unconscionable personality. Is it your father who taught you?"

"My father is not a fool, he is your elder, you give me respect!" Su Yihan is biting his teeth. He wanted to put up with it, but when it comes to his father, he can't bear it.

Su Junhao raises eyebrows: "elder? Your father's fool deserves to be my elder? "

"Over the years, it's us who make money for the family, which means we are supporting your family. Otherwise, you would have starved to death!"

"You can't be grateful to us. It's wishful thinking that you still want to fight for the inheritance right of the family."

"I advise you to live well with this ugly monster, have a baby early and be your housewife. Don't think about what you shouldn't think, otherwise, I will make you regret all your life!"

Su Yihan trembles with anger. In her clenched fist, her nails plunge into the flesh. But she doesn't feel any pain, only endless anger.

But in the end, she put up with it.

She knows better than anyone that in the eyes of her grandfather Su Jianwei, only grandchildren are human beings.

Granddaughter? It's just for profit!

Understand to understand, but endless grievances, or let Su Yihan eye red, tears.

"Do you want to hit him?"

At this time, Xia Jue suddenly hoarse mouth.

"Yes Su Yihan, who indulges in grief and indignation, subconsciously answers.


The sound of a clear and loud slap on Su Junhao's face suddenly rang out and slapped him heavily.


Su Junhao is stunned by the slap!

Su Yihan, standing on one side, is also confused!

All the guests and dignitaries who are watching have been cheated!

How dare you beat Fang Junhao?

Is he crazy?

Or do you think you're going to die soon?

All people's eyes, like looking at the dead, looked at Xia Jue.

"It's over!" Su Yihan's face is very white, and his heart only has these two words, constantly turning.

"You Why do you do this? Do you know that you are looking for death

With Fang Junhao's personality, Xia Jue can't survive tomorrow.

"You are my wife now. I will do what you think!" Xia Jue spoke lightly.

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