Su Yihan was shocked and subconsciously looked up at Xia Jue.

What did he just say?

Because he is his wife, because he wants to beat people, so he beat them?

"Do you know that he is Su Junhao, the eldest grandson of the Su family?" Su also Han Leng Leng asks a way.

Xia Jue raised his head: "yes, so what?"

Su Yihan opened his mouth and couldn't say a word. In addition to worry and fear, he was still sweet.

Although he is ugly, he seems very gentle!

"Don't you dare to beat me, a little son-in-law? You want to die

"You, give me up, fight to death, no matter life or death!"

Su Junhao, who has come back to his mind, is suddenly angry. He stares at Xia Jue and shouts at the big bodyguard behind him.

"Yes, young master!" The bodyguard answered, swung his huge fist and hit Xia Jue with a ferocious face.

"Don't be afraid to fight me!"

Xia Jue raised his head, and his eyes behind the mask were shining fiercely. The big bodyguard who was close to him was cold, as if he had been watched by death.


Before the bodyguard could react, Xia Jue held his fist in one hand and twisted it slightly. Then he heard the bone make a sharp and crisp sound.

Immediately, a sharp pain of concentration came from the arm.

"Ah! My hand... " The bodyguard gave a shrill cry.

Seeing this scene, everyone took a cold breath and stepped back one after another. Looking at the twisted arms of the bodyguard, everyone could not help touching their own arms.

They're all bones. Can they be harder than this big bodyguard?

Su Junhao is also scared. He knows the strength of bodyguards best.

For ordinary people, it's easy to deal with a dozen or ten.

However, it was defeated by this ugly man. How could it be?

"There is no one in the world who can do it to me without paying the price!" Xia Jue said slowly, and then suddenly kicked the bodyguard on the knee.

With another click, the bodyguard fell to his knees and screamed more and more bitterly.

After hearing the news, the people in the banquet hall gathered around one after another.

Seeing this, Xia Jue throws away his bodyguard and reaches out his hand to pull Su Yihan behind him. He stares at Su Junhao coldly:

"my woman, no one wants to bully her!"

After that, he directly pulls Su Yihan away.

Su Junhao, who was shocked by Xia Jue's eyes, was relieved. He was angry and angry, but he couldn't help being afraid. But he couldn't be soft spoken in front of everyone.

"Su Yihan, Xia Jue, I will never give up today's disgrace to you

When he grew up, he never suffered such humiliation.

A slap in the face is a disgrace.

Su Yihan, Xia Jue, you are finished!

I will make you kneel in front of me and kowtow to make amends!

Su Junhao walked into the hotel's presidential suite and gritted his teeth at Su Changming, who was resting:

"Dad, I was beaten!"

When Su Changming saw the palm print on Su Junhao's face, he suddenly turned cold: "who did it? Did you kill him? "

This is his son who was spoiled since childhood. Let alone beat him, he even couldn't bear to scold him.

Now I've been beaten and slapped.

I'm tired of living on Taisui's head!

"It's the ugly Xiajue." Su Junhao is biting his teeth.

"A waste who has no power, no power, and whose appearance is destroyed, dare to attack you?"

"I'm tired of living!" Su Changming suddenly gets up and drinks angrily.

"It has something to do with that little bitch Su Yihan. If she wants to hit me, ugly people will really hit me!" Su Jun's eyes were red and he was gnashing his teeth.

He had thought that Su Yihan had the ability after all. If she could work for her family after she got married, she would not want to inherit.

It doesn't hurt to give her a little face!

But this bitch dares to do this to herself, so don't blame me for not living!

"Dad, I'm going to drive Su Yihan out of the family. I'm going to let her down like dust. I'm going to make her the lowest woman!" Su Junhao said maliciously.

Su Changqing pondered for a while and then shook her head slightly:

"Su Yihan's marriage has made your grandfather very happy. Now it's not time to drive her out of the family!"

"However, we can let her lose everything bit by bit, which is the ultimate torture to her!"

"Dad, you have a point!" When Su Junhao heard the speech, his eyes suddenly brightened and his face showed sinister color. He sneered: "isn't the family trying to compete for the contract of Shengshi group now? That's a hard bone. We can't chew it down at all! "

"Why don't we just let Su Yihan go, and when her negotiation fails, we can drive her out of the family on the ground of her incompetence!""That's a good idea!" The father and son looked at each other with a sinister sneer.

On the other hand, Su Yihan is anxiously taking Xia Jue to the airport.

"What did you bring me to the airport for?" Xia Jue asked with a frown.

Su Yihan took out a bank card from his bag and put it into Xia Jue's hand:

"this card has 100000 yuan. Take the money and leave the city as soon as possible! The farther you go, the better. Never come back! "

She knows Su Junhao's character better than anyone else.

Evil and vicious, flaws will be reported.

Xia Jue slapped him in the face, and the hatred became big.

If he stays in Zhonghai, he may lose his life at any time.

He is for his own sake, how can he stay here and die?

Xia Jue understood Su Yihan's meaning and was amused: "I'm not going anywhere. I'm your husband, so I will accompany you naturally."

"As for Su Junhao's revenge, you don't have to worry. It's far from him!"

This is arrogant, but Su Yihan doesn't believe it at all.

But Xia Jue didn't want to go, and she had no choice but to take him home with worry.

"Mom, we're back!" Su Yihan looks at Fang Xiaoqin sitting on the sofa and says.


Fang Xiaoqin, with red eyes and indignant face, grabs a glass and smashes it in front of Xia Jue, wailing:

"get out of here! You're so ugly, you trash

"I hate your daughter all my life! I hate you

Fang Xiaoqin can't accept such a waste and become her own son-in-law!

Xia Jue didn't care about his mother-in-law's disgust.

After all, compared with Su Yihan, I really don't deserve my present status.

As long as you show your identity, everything will be solved.

Just as he wanted to take off his mask to show his identity, Su Yihan suddenly held his hand:

"Mom, don't drive him away!"

"Daughter, how do you..."

"He is now my husband, and I I recognize it Su Yihan said tremblingly.

She is not willing, but the matter has come to this point, do not recognize how?

Fang Xiaoqin suddenly stepped back. She never thought that her charming daughter really recognized her ugly husband.

"That's all! I don't care. I hope you don't regret it! " Fang Xiaoqin trembled her lips, and finally left with a dispirited wave of her hand.

Su Yihan took Xia Jue back to his room, hesitated for a moment, and said, "you'll play in my shop in the future, I I can't share the bed with you for the time being. I hope you can give me some time, OK? "

Xia Jue hesitated to show his identity, but in the end he thought it would be better to endure.

With Su Yihan's character, if you don't drive yourself out, it's estimated that if you leave here, you will get Su Junhao's revenge.

If he shows his identity now, Su Yihan, who has no feelings for him, will let him leave without hesitation.

Thinking of this, Xia Jue nodded silently and did not want to uncover the mask for the moment.

The atmosphere between them is a little awkward, just when Su Yihan wants to find a topic to ease.

Her cell phone rang.

It was su Junhao on the phone. The voice of schadenfreude came through the microphone.

"Su Yihan, my father said that you are fully responsible for the cooperation with Shengshi group. If you can't talk about it in three days, you will get out of the family!"

"Su family, don't support the waste of dry food!"

Su Yihan looks at the hung up mobile phone and looks as pale as paper.

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