Chapter 200 come to the door

Chapter 200 come to the door

the man in the boxing Hall said this, and more than 20 people immediately surrounded him.

"Well, no penalty for a toast." Wu Kaile looked cold, and immediately started to work with each other.

"Bang bang." The fight started in the ring.

Five or six minutes later, Wu Kaile's four men were carried out by several people in the boxing hall.

"Hum, I dare to learn from others in this skill." The man in the martial arts center sneered, then turned to the door with his sweetheart.

"Asshole, it's just a broken boxing hall. Why are these guys so powerful?" One of the Wu family stood up tremblingly.

"Damn, I didn't expect such a powerful person in such a small town. It's really hidden in the city."

"No matter how many people there are, let's call the owner of our house and ask him to send people to support us. We can't deal with these guys." Wu Kaile picked up the phone.

Wu family.

After hearing Wu Fu's words, Wu Hong smashed the teacup in his hand.

"Waste, Wu Kaile, these guys are really a pile of waste. How can they not even take down a few Wufu in a boxing house?" Wu Hong was so angry.

He clearly told Xia Jue that he would bring it back soon, but now he has to send someone to come. This time, it will take a lot of time. What will Xia Jue do when he blames him?

"Master, listen to Kaile. I'm afraid the people in these martial arts schools are not as simple as Wufu. They seem to have met some experts." Wu Fu made a hard remark.

In fact, Wu Fu means to remind Wu Hong.

Since these guys are so powerful, it's impossible to send ordinary family members to deal with them in the past.

Hearing this, Wu Hong calmed down. He was thinking.

"Master, do you want to inform Mr. Xia?" Wu Fu asked carefully.

"No, I can't inform him, otherwise Mr. Xia will definitely think that our Wu family is rubbish." Wu Hong immediately dismissed Wu Fu's idea.

"Go, let Wutong lead the team, and then pick a few good players from the family. I don't believe how powerful these Wufu can be." Wu Hong said.

"Yes." Wu Fu turned and left.

In a pavilion in the backyard of the Wu family, Wu Tong is playing chess with Xia Jue. Just at this time, a player comes over and says nothing.

"Say what you have. Mr. Xia is not an outsider." Wu Tong is a little dissatisfied.

"The master asked you to go out on a mission."

"What mission?" At the moment, Wu Tong doesn't quite understand that the master will let him go out to perform the task.

"Qingshan Town, a boxing house, set out immediately."

"Castle Peak Town, isn't this the hiding place of Chu family's father and son? What's wrong with the people we sent?" Wu Tong immediately thought of this problem.

Xia Jue also looked up at this Xia Jue. He seemed to hear what was going on.

"I don't know. That's what fauber asked me to tell you."

"Where's fauber?"

"We've already ordered people in the front yard."

Wu Tong turned his head and looked at Xia Jue: "Mr. Xia, this...

" let's go. " Xia Jue also wants to see what is sacred. He can't even get the people sent by the Wu family.

In this way, Wu Tong took Xia Jue to the front yard.

When they came to the front yard, Fubo had already brought three Wu family members here.

Fubo looked at the arrival of Xia Jue, a little surprised, and then turned to look at Wu Tong.

"Xia... Mr. Xia, I'm sorry, my Wu family despised the enemy. I didn't expect that there was an expert in Qingshan town to come out for the father and son of Chu family." Wu Fu can't hide it. He can only make amends to Xia Jue.

"Let's go." Xia Jue said two words without expression.

"Yes, drive." Wu Tong said to one of the Wu family's children.

"Yes, tongge." The child of the Wu family immediately got into the driver's seat and started the car.

After the car started, Xia Jue and Wu Tong also sat on it, and then several people galloped to Qingshan town.

When Xia Jue and others set out, Wu Fu quickly came to Wu Hong.

"Master, Mr. Xia knows about it. He has gone there in person."

"What? Did Mr. Xia show his dissatisfaction with our Wu family? " Wu Hong asked anxiously.

"No, Mr. Xia is very calm."

"That's good." Wu Hong breathed a sigh of relief, but soon he seemed to ring out something, "inform those families last night, let them go with us to capture the Chu family."

Wu Hong thinks that this is a good opportunity to build power, so that people can see the fate of the Chu family with their own eyes, so that the major families will be more afraid of their Wu family.

"It's the master."

Soon, the owners of the major families in Kyoto were invited by the Wu family to drive to Qingshan town....

at the same time.

In a tea room of shanyuemen boxing hall in Qingshan town.

All three of the Chu family are here.

Next to the three members of the Chu family, there was a man in Tang costume, about 50 years old.

"Master Han, are we safe here? The Wu family will not give up." Chu biezhi asked in a low voice.

"Since you are kind to my younger martial brother, and my younger martial brother has asked you to come to me, I will protect you." The man called master Han blew the hot tea on his hand.

"Master Han, but Wu family..."

"don't mention it, master Han is an expert. He said that if he could protect us, he would certainly protect us." Chu batian was a person who had experienced all kinds of ups and downs after all. His eyesight was not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Only his disciples beat all the children of the Wu family who came here today. Master Han, as a master, must be more terrible.

"Yes, master Han is an expert. I don't think we can deal with these individuals any more." Chu biezhi also realized that he had said something wrong.

"By the way, it was too late last night to listen to you. Now tell me the details of my younger martial brother's killing." Master Han put down his tea cup.

"Master Han, your younger martial brother died in the hands of a man surnamed Xia. This guy is very powerful. He can't beat a hundred people. Moreover, he can do such Kung Fu as iron cloth shirt. No one can deal with him." Chu Yuan said.

"What? Iron cloth shirt Hearing this, master Han seemed a little shocked. He didn't expect anyone in the secular world to know this skill.

"That's right. I heard from your younger martial brother that this guy's iron cloth shirt has reached the level of Dacheng, so your younger martial brother is invincible."

"The realm of Dacheng?" Hearing this, master Han showed a dignified look on his face.

Seeing master Han's look, the three of the Chu family are also playing drums. They don't know if master Han can deal with it if Xia Jue comes.

An hour later, a large number of vehicles and people and horses suddenly poured into this small place of Qingshan town. The direction of these people and horses and vehicles was the same.

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