That's the mountain gate.


A car stopped at the gate of shanyuemen boxing hall.

After Xia Jue's car stopped for a while, the cars of Wu family owner and others arrived.

Xia Jue took a look at them without paying too much attention.

"Tongge." Wu Kaile and others, who have been watching the situation from a distance, rushed over.

"Waste, will it be a broken boxing hall soon? I can't take it. What do you want to eat?" Wu Tong is very dissatisfied.

"Tongge, these guys are really not ordinary people. We can't beat them at all." Wu Kaile complained.

"Well, I'll see how powerful these guys are." After Wu Tong finished, he went in first.

after Wu Tong went in, Xia Jue and others also jumped in.

"Hum, it's you guys again. I don't think the lesson just now is enough." The man in the boxing hall was angry when he saw that Wu Kaile and others dared to bring people over.

"Don't be wild. I'll beat you to your knees and beg for mercy later." Being told in front of so many people that Wu Kaile couldn't keep his face, he fought back on the spot.


Wu Hong, the owner of the Wu family, came in with the owners of the major families in Kyoto.

"Master, why are you here?" Wu Kaile was flattered to see that Wu Hong had all come in person.

"It's not because of you trash. I'll deal with you later." Wu Hong looked cold.

"Less nonsense, single fight or group fight?" Martial arts men are very arrogant to Wu Tong said.

Wu Tong stood out in no hurry, "whatever you choose."

"Ah, go up and practice with this guy." The man in the boxing hall called to a man next to him.

"Yes, elder martial brother." The man named ah Xi stood up.

"Let me see how many kilos you have." Wu Tong didn't talk much nonsense. He immediately attacked the man named ah Xi.

"Bang bang."

The so-called expert will know if there is one.

In the blink of an eye, Wu Tong had already gone through three moves with the other party, and he didn't take advantage of them, which made him very surprised.

How could this guy be so good?

And where is this boxing center?

At present, this is just a common phenomenon among them.

However, such a person has such skills. How powerful is his so-called elder martial brother?

Wutong is a little bit unimaginable.

Now he already knows why several people in wukaile were beaten black and blue and thrown out.

I can't imagine that this little Castle Peak town is hiding these talents. How come I've never heard of them before?

It seems that the world is so big that some things, even those Kyoto dignitaries, have not yet understood clearly.

Wu Tong and the other side of the fight, the owner of the Wu family and others naturally see in the eye.

In the same way, they also set off a storm in their hearts.

As the first master of martial arts, if someone can take one or two moves of Wutong, he can boast for a long time, but in front of him, anyone in the martial arts school can fight with Wutong.

How powerful will their elder martial brother and even their master be?

Wu Hong has already begun to feel some regret.

I regret that I should not bring all the family owners here.

At the moment, if we can't succeed in building power, we will lose the face of the Wu family.

Although Xia Jue is here, he also knows his power.

But as the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat four hands.

Although Xia Jue was able to destroy the Chu family, it was based on the fact that there were not many powerful figures like Wu Tong in the Chu family. Now, I'm afraid all the martial artists in the martial arts school are no less powerful than Wu Tong. No matter how powerful he is, he can still defeat ten or even twenty or thirty with one?

The sound of fighting here soon spread into the tea room where the three of the Chu family lived.

"Master Han, did the people of Wu family come to me again?"

Hearing the sound of fighting, the three of the Chu family were a little flustered.

Because Xia Jue gave them a terrible impression.

Moreover, it seems that master Han is not absolutely sure that he can deal with Xia Jue, so how can they not panic.

"Take it easy. You'll be safe with me and someone here." Master Han stood up and went out.

After master Han left, the three of the Chu family looked at each other.

"Now I can only trust master Han." Chu batian took the lead.

"Dad, do you think it's possible for us to make peace with that Xia now?"

"Peace?" Chu batian began to think.

"Yes, let's cancel the offer of reward, and let everyone turn the fight into friendship. Plus master Han, I think that Xia doesn't want to fight to death." Chu Yuan also opened his mouth."You can have a try." Chu batian nodded and agreed that it would be a good way if both sides could make peace.

"OK, let's go out and meet them."

The three of the Chu family went out.

At this time, Wu Tong and the man who called ah Xi had already gone through dozens of moves, and both sides were sweating.

Although the other side is a bit difficult, it has to be said that Wutong is still a bit enjoyable, because he hasn't dealt with such a close opponent for a long time since he became famous.

"Here comes the master."

At this time, the people of the martial arts school saw master Han coming.



All the disciples said hello one after another.

"Well." Master Han made a nasal sound, and then looked at each other. Suddenly, he saw Xia Jue in the crowd.

Because Xia Jue's face is easy to recognize, he also heard from the mouth of Chu family and others that it was an ugly Mr. Xia. It seems that he was the man.

While master Han looks at Xia Jue, Xia Jue also looks up at master Han.

The eyes of both sides seem to rub out sparks.

"Chu batian, Chu Yuan has come out."

Just at this time, the three Chu family members also came to master Han, which caused the sigh of the family owners beside Wu Hong.

After all, the Chu family was the dominant family in Kyoto yesterday. Today, they are being hunted everywhere for the sake of a lost dog. This will make the heads of the major families feel a sigh in their hearts. They don't know whether they will be in this situation in the future.

Facing the sympathy and pitiful eyes of all the people, Chu batian, Chu Yuan and Chu biezhi were not comfortable.

Because it's really a big gap for them.

"Mr. Xia, can we have a talk?" Although the heart was as disgusting as eating a fly, Chu Yuan still had to speak.

"What do you want to talk about?" Xia Jue looks at Chu Yuan with great interest.

"We can cancel the offer of reward, and then we can let bygones be bygones for what our Chu family has done to you. Let's turn the fight into friendship. What do you think?"

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