"Who knows, and besides us secluded sects, do you think there are other places where there are masters of this level in the later stage of xuanjie?" The chief executive glanced at the man who had just spoken.

"All right, let's start gathering our tracks." The chief continued.

A few hours later, after learning all the information, the chief executive said, "OK, thank you for coming here today. Let's go back first. If there is any news, the alliance will inform you at the first time."

"Well, let's get rid of some of our leaders first."

The people of all the major sects and families left one after another.

After everyone left, the chief said, "what do you think?"

"It's not like they did it." It's mostly three things to say.

"One thing they're right about is that there's no hatred between the mountains and their families, so they don't do it in winter." The six masters hold their chin.

"Can it be that the mountain gate has got some treasure recently, which is why it has brought about the misfortune?" The seven masters pondered.

"It's really possible."

"By the way, I suddenly heard something." Just as the public kept discussing, it seemed that the eight subjects who had not published a single one remembered something.

"Eight old stories?"

"Don't play it off, old man. Talk about it."

"A few days ago, people from the mountain sect came here and said they would apply to the secular world to do something." The eighth principal told the story.

"How to deal with affairs in the secular world? What can I do for you? "

"It seems that the people of the Mountain Gate of his clan were killed in the secular world, so he sent people down to investigate. Is the destruction of the Mountain Gate related to this?" Eight main things keep guessing.

"It's just a person in the secular world. No matter how powerful he is, he can't destroy the whole mountain gate." The three elders thought it was a little strange.

"In any case, this is a clue. Send someone to check it first, and find out the people in the secular world who are related to the Mountain Gate this time." It's a big deal.



over the headquarters of the Dragon hall, several helicopters landed slowly.

"Welcome the Lord back."

"Welcome the return of the Lord."

Know the news has been waiting for the Dragon hall and others respectfully said.

Xia Jue looked at these people. None of the elders came to take advantage of them. Yes, none of them.

"Lord, the elders have been waiting for you in the meeting hall." Said a woman in a black tights.

"Well." Xia Jue nodded and went to the meeting hall.

On the way to the meeting hall, the woman in black tight clothes leaned against Xia Jue.

"Lord, you should be careful. The elders are going to attack you." The woman said softly.

"Don't worry, Liuli, I'm free to make up my mind." Xia Jue comforted her.

Before long, Xia Jue came to the meeting hall.

The first seat on the main hall is empty, which is naturally left for Xia Jue.

On both sides of the main hall, the elders of the Dragon hall are sitting at this time.



When the elders saw that Xia Jue was coming, they all got up and saluted.

Xia Jue let out a "hum", then went to the first seat and sat down.

"Come on, what's the matter?" Xia Jue said carelessly.

Xia Jue's light and floating tone made many elders who were ready to make trouble feel uneasy.

Before the drill is another thing, but in front of the real face of Xia Jue, they keep beating the drum in their heart, even ready words are not easy to spit out.

You elders, look at me and I, you are all waiting for someone to act as a leader first. No one dares to speak first.

Seeing this, elder two couldn't bear it.

He took the lead in this matter. Since these guys don't speak, let him be the villain.

"Lord, I don't think what you are doing is proper." The second elder said.

"Elder two, the Lord is the Lord. No matter what he does, he doesn't need to tell anyone. How can he say that he doesn't conform to the rules?" Xia Jue didn't speak, and the glass beside him was the first to stand up.

"What are you, a maid here?"

As the second elder with high power, except the elder and the second elder, when did anyone dare to speak to him like this, so he immediately reprimanded him.

"You..." Liuli angrily looks at the two elders, and then looks at Xiajue.

"Elder two, Liuli, she has made great contributions to the Dragon hall. She has not been a maid for a long time. Besides, I said that she was the acting Lord when I was away. Now you dare to speak to the acting Lord like this. What should you do?" Xia Jue slapped on the table.One side of the glass to see Xia Jue actually speak for her, the heart is also touched.

"Lord, it's my hurry to make atonement. I'm going to palm my lips now." The two elders slapped themselves in the mouth.

Two elder is also a ruthless person, he these two slaps directly to own mouth corners all give to draw blood.

Seeing the two elders like this, it's not good for Xia Jue to pursue him too much. How can he say that he is also the two elders of the Dragon hall? Even if he is the Lord, he can't move him casually.

"You say I don't do things according to the rules, so you can tell me where I don't do things according to the rules." Said Xia Jue.

"Lord, these days, without a word, you leave the affairs of our dragon hall and go to the secular world to enjoy yourself. You also use the power of our dragon hall many times. Do you think it's in line with the rules?

What we need is an ambitious Lord to lead us to glory, not a lord who doesn't want to do anything to lead us to the end.

If we are not the old guys who are painstakingly running the Dragon Hall these days, I'm afraid the Dragon hall will fall apart at this time, and do you deserve the old lord? " The two elder's words are pearly.

"Yes, I agree with you. What do you want to do?"

Xia Jue didn't want to be the Lord for a long time, but his master insisted on putting this son into his hands.

But Xia Jue didn't want others to take this seat, because the Dragon hall was also his master's hard work. He didn't want to see his master's hard work destroyed like this.

But if his elder martial brother Chen Qi is in this position, then it's no problem, because he knows his elder martial brother's ability and he knows that his elder martial brother will never let the Dragon hall decline.

"We think that if you don't care about the affairs of the Dragon hall, you might as well abdicate as soon as possible. In this way, even if you love to play in the secular world, we won't care about you." The second elder told his purpose.

"Bold, do you dare to force the Lord to abdicate?" The pretty face of Liuli is full of anger.

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