"Chief Zhao, accompany Liuli down." But the elder Xia is not bothered by the woman any more.

"Yes, elder two." A tall man came to Liuli immediately.

"Liuli, you go down first." Xia Jue said to the woman beside him.

"Lord, but...

" no, I'm free to plan. "

"Yes, Lord." Although there are still some unwilling, but glass or helpless to retreat.

After Liuli retired, Xia Jue said, "who will take over the post after I retire?"

Although he received news that it was his elder martial brother Chen qishang, Xia Jue needed to confirm again.

"Lord, your elder martial brother, Mr. Chen qishang." Anyway, the words have been said, and the second elder has nothing to worry about.

"Is there any way you can get him back?" Xia Jue had repeatedly advised his elder martial brother to come back, but he refused. He wanted to see how the second elder could let him come back.

"We'll have a way to get him back, but only if you agree." The second elder said.

"If my elder martial brother comes back to take the position of Lord, I agree." Xia Jue has no ink.

"Well, this is the letter of abdication. If the Lord signs it, I will tell the whole dragon hall." The second elder handed a document to Xia Jue.

Xia Jue took the document, looked at it, did not hesitate, picked up the pen and wanted to sign it.

"My Lord, you didn't turn back. Are you sure you want to give up your seat?" The elder who has been silent looks at Xia Jue.

"These are just floating clouds for me. I believe elder martial brother will do better than me in this position." Xia Jue signed his name on the document.

Xia Jue only hopes to spend his life quietly with Su Yihan. As for the power, money and so on, it's just a thing of the past for him now.

Seeing how long Xia Jue had signed his name, the elders were very happy.

To tell the truth, they are not satisfied with Xia Jue's position as Lord, but they have no choice.

At present, Xia Jue takes the initiative to hand over the position of Lord. As the supporters of the next Lord, they naturally have the power to follow the dragon. Therefore, their power in the Dragon hall will certainly be improved a lot.

"Lord, since you have given way, please give me your keepsake." The second elder continued to speak.

Xia Jue nodded, took off the mask and put it on the table.

From today on, he has officially removed the mask, which is equivalent to removing the important role of the Lord of the Dragon hall.

In the future, he will be an ordinary person who only wants to live an ordinary life.

"The Dragon hall is yours." Xiajue stood up and went out.

"Lord, I will send you away." Said the man in black, who had been driving a helicopter to Xiajue.

"I'm not the Lord. Just give me Mr. Xia."

"Yes, Mr. Xia."

So they went out.

When he got to the helicopter, Xia Jue just wanted to step on the engine room, but Liuli rushed over with a large group of people.



The people led by Liuli look sad.

"Liuli, take care of yourself in the future. Besides, you should change your temperament. Don't be too impulsive and don't contradict the elders. Otherwise, it's hard to survive in the Dragon hall." Xia Jue said in an educational tone.

"Lord, are you really leaving?" Glass looks a little lonely.

"Yes, I'm leaving. The Dragon hall is not suitable for me any more. I'm going to live my own life. Maybe you can pursue the life you want one day." Xia Jue had a vision in his eyes.

"Take care, Lord." There are tears in Liuli's eyes.

She still vaguely remembers that night a few years ago, when her father's enemy destroyed her family, and when the other party wanted to have evil thoughts on her, Xia Jue came.

Xia Jue got rid of those enemies with fists and kicks. Since then, she has secretly vowed to repay Xia Jue with her life.

But now Xia Jue is going to leave, she suddenly lost the meaning of her existence, for a moment, she doesn't know what her goal is.

Looking at the helicopter leaving slowly, Liuli's eyes fell into a dull.

"Mr. Xia, are you going to be an ordinary person in the secular world in the future?" The man in black on the plane called this name awkwardly.

To tell you the truth, some of the men in black don't understand Xia Jue's idea.

The position of the Lord of the Dragon hall is almost the same as that of the emperor.

However, it's hard to imagine that Xia Wuling would not give up his power without hesitation.

"Ordinary people have the living methods of ordinary people, and people in the Dragon hall have the living methods of people in the Dragon hall." Xia Jue said meaningfully."What's that?" At this time, the man in black suddenly saw a black object flying towards their helicopter in the distance.

Hearing this, Xia Jue also looked up and saw that something was flying towards the helicopter.

"No, pull it up, pull it up." The man in black madly urged the helicopter pilot.

But it's still late.


There was a huge sound in the sky, and then pieces of debris fell from the air.

It's on the sea not far from the helicopter crashing.

A luxurious private yacht is now parked on the sea.

Several people on the yacht were watching the helicopter crash site with binoculars.

"Well, have you found anything?" One of the young men said.

"No, I don't see any sign of life." Another young man also said.

"It seems that he is dead."

"I'm afraid even the immortals can't live with such great power."

"Don't be careless. You don't know, but it's hard for me to know. My younger martial brother's diamond arhat training is extremely terrible. Although it's powerful, it can't kill him."

If Xia Jue saw this man here, he would be shocked, because this man is his elder martial brother Chen qishang.

"Yes, what the LORD said is, let's have a look. If we don't die, can we mend the knife for him?"

This is Yun Zhenlong, the only son of the two elders. He has learned from his father that Chen Qi will be the next Lord, so he now uses this name to compliment him.

"Then go and have a look." Chen Qi made a speech at the meeting.

Soon, the yacht started, and Chen qishang and others went to the sea area where the helicopter crashed for a turn, but they didn't find anything.

"I think it's turned into residue."

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