"Let's go. He's not the Lord of the Dragon hall now. It's better to die. If he's not dead..." Chen qishang said this with a sneer on his face.

After Chen Qi finished, the yacht left slowly.

About a few kilometers from the site of the incident.

A person's body is now quietly floating on the sea.

The body was found for more than an hour by a ship.

"Brother, look, there seems to be a man there." A beautiful woman on the ferry found a figure floating on the sea.

"Come on, come on, get him up and have a look." The man called brother by the beautiful man immediately ordered the sailor.

Soon, the whole ship leaned in front of the figure.

"Put down the ladder and save people."


Several sailors put the ladder into the sea, and then one of them climbed down the ladder.

A few minutes later, the figure below was picked up by the sailors, and it was Xia Jue who was shot down.

"Still breathing?" Seeing that the man was rescued, the beautiful woman came quickly.

"I don't seem to be breathing." The sailor put his hand on Xiajue's nose.

"Get out of the way." Beautiful woman went to Xiajue side, and then kept to Xiajue do cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

After about a few minutes of fruitless, the woman broke off Xia Jue's mouth with her hand, then looked up to take a breath, and kissed Xia Jue's mouth.

"Sister, this..." the woman's brother just wanted to stop, but at the thought of his sister's career, he immediately swallowed his words.

Because his sister studies medicine, which is normal for her.

"Miss, he's dead. He can't be saved." It's a sailor who can't watch.

The woman raised her head from Xia Jue's mouth and gasped, "it's one thing whether we can save or not, it's another thing whether we can save or not."

After that, the woman continued to give Xia Jue artificial respiration.

Another seven or eight minutes later, when the woman's brother couldn't help admonishing, a sailor made a surprised voice.

"His hand seems to have moved."

Hearing this, people's faces changed, and then staring at the comatose Xia Jue, and the woman also worked harder to do artificial respiration.

Suddenly, Xia Jue opened his eyes.

When Xia Jue opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful face, and now the face was leaning against himself, and his mouth had not left his mouth.

Seeing this, Xia Jue pushed her subconsciously.

Xia Jue's seemingly gentle push is not something that ordinary people can resist. The woman's body falls directly behind her. Fortunately, her brother's eyes are quick and hands are quick to hold her.

"How can you be like this? We are saving you." Her elder brother looks at Xia Jue discontentedly.

Xia Jue rubbed his head and stood up.

He only remembered that he was in a helicopter just now, then the plane seemed to be attacked by something, and then he fell into the sea.

Thinking of this, Xia Jue couldn't help looking around.

"What is this place?" Xia Jue said.

"This is our boat. You just floated in the sea. We rescued you." The man looks at Xia Jue discontentedly.

"Thank you." Xia Jue said thanks.

"What's the matter with you?" The beautiful woman stood up.

He was not too angry with Xia Jue's action just now.

Because once people wake up after experiencing this kind of thing, they must have a sense of self-defense, and Xia Jue just made a sense of self-defense resistance, which is very normal.

"There was an accident on my plane." Said Xia Jue.

In fact, Xia Jue did not say that everyone had already guessed a few points.

Xia Jue's clothes were ragged, and there were many burns on his body. It was clear that he fell into the sea after a huge disaster.

"You're lucky." After the plane crash, she can still survive. This survival probability has to make women feel sad.

"Ah Hai, go and get this brother good clothes." The man ordered another sailor.

"Yes." The sailor trotted away.

"My name is Ning Xue. This is my brother Ning Cairen. Our ship is going to Tiangang of China. You can go back together on our ship." The woman said.

"My name is Xia Jue. Do you have a phone? Can you lend it to me?" Xia Jue was attacked not long after he left the Dragon hall.

If it had nothing to do with the people in the Dragon hall, Xia Jue would not believe it.

He worried about whether some people would attack Su Yihan and others.

"Ah, get a water phone."

Soon, Xia Jue's phone and clothes were sent over, and then Xia Jue was taken to a room in the cabin to have a rest.He calls Su Yihan and finds that there is no accident in them. Xia Jue puts down his mind.

After changing clothes and lying on the boat, Xia Jue was thinking about what had just happened.

Who wants to kill him?

Second elder?

I don't think so.

He has given up his seat in the Dragon hall, so he has no reason to do it himself.

After thinking about it, Xia Jue didn't understand who it was. He decided to go back and sit down again. He must find out the people behind it.

Otherwise, if the other party can attack him once, it can attack him twice. We can't let this happen again.


just when Xia Jue was in the room again, there was a sudden situation outside.

At this time, all the sailors injured by the ship were like enemies.

"Master Ning, there are many people ten nautical miles away from us. They seem to be pirates." The boatswain came to the two brothers and sisters of Ning Cairen.

"This route is always taken by my Ning family. How can there be pirates?" Ning Cairen's changeable thoughts.

"My subordinates don't know. It's reasonable to say that there can't be pirates on this route, but he just showed up today." The boatswain looks ugly, too.

This route is Ningjia's route. No pirates dare to come to this route all the time, so their Ningjia ship has no weapons and protection. Now it's very troublesome.

"Prepare the water guns, then speed up and go all out to see if you can get rid of them." Ning Cairen speaks.

"Yes." The boatswain left to convey the message.

About an hour later, the boatswain came to the two brothers and sisters again.

"No, master Ning, we are being chased by them. They are forcing us to stop the ship." Said the boatswain anxiously.

"We must not stop. Once the ship lets them up, we'll be the fish injured by the chopping board."

"But master Ning, they have weapons..."

"no matter what, you must not let them on board, or I will only ask you."

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