Chapter 232 hopelessness?

Chapter 232 hopelessness?

"Yes, master Ning." The boatswain left.

"Sister, if there's something in case later, you leave to hide in the cabin under the bottom of the boat. They must not find out."

His sister looks so beautiful. Ning Cairen is worried that if the pirates come up to see her, they will have evil thoughts. Then it will be terrible.

"I see, brother." Rather snow night know the seriousness of the matter, so not too hypocritical.

The stern.

Several light boats driven by the pirates have caught up, and they are trying to climb into the big boat.

However, no matter how they tried to climb up, they were driven down by the rice on them with sticks.

"You bastards, if you dare to stop us, we will throw you into the sea to feed the sharks when we go up." The next Scarface pirate said angrily.

Hearing scar face's words, the sailors above were a little flustered.

They just work and get paid. They don't have to fight with these pirates.

"Don't listen to them. Let them come up. We'll all die. Let's cheer up and don't let them come up."

The boatswain saw that some of the people on his side were in a trance, so he spoke out.

However, it was the moment when the sailors were in a trance that several rice men climbed up.

"Get down on your knees."

The pirates climbed up, holding long knives and gesticulating to a group of sailors.

When sailors see this situation, they don't dare to resist. They are not professionally trained. They are just ordinary sailors. Of course, life is important.

The boatswain, who was leaning behind, was annoyed at the situation, but he had no choice. He slipped away quietly.

The boatswain came quickly into the cockpit.

"Young master Ning, go and hide. They have come up."

Hearing this, Ning Cairen's heart sank. It seems that the worst thing happened.

"Sister, hide in the cabin under the ground."

"Brother, what about you." Ning Xue looks at Ning Cairen worried.

"These pirates are nothing more than robbing money. They won't be killed. Besides, I'm the eldest son of Ning family. If they dare to move, I'll be avenged by thunder."

When Ning Cairen said this, he had no confidence.

This group of Pirates dare to appear here, which proves that they are not afraid of the Ning family, so Ning Cairen, even the eldest son of the Ning family, is not afraid of each other.

"Well, brother, be careful." Ning Xue immediately ran to the cabin below.

Not long after Ning Xue left, a group of Pirates arrived in the cockpit.

Pirates don't understand the principle of catching the king first.

They know that as long as they control the cockpit, they control the whole ship, so they came here the first time.

"Who are you? Do you know where this is? Do you know whose boat this is?" Ning Cairen looks at the pirates calmly.

The scarred faced pirate looked at the cockpit. He found that there was no one in the cockpit except the captain and the boatswain. He immediately turned back and whispered a few words to some of his men.

Several men nodded and left..

"You want money, don't you? Go and give them all the money we have on board." Ning Cairen can't figure out the other party's idea, so he can only throw it out and try to find out the other party's reaction first.

After getting Ning Cairen's signal, the boatswain opened a safe in the cab and took out a large amount of dollars to put them in front of the scarred faced pirate.

"There are millions here. It's enough for you to spend. Take the money and go." Ning Cairen said.

Scarface pirates came to the money in front of them, and then opened the dollars as if they were kicking a pile of worthless rubbish.

Ning Cairen and others were shocked when they looked at each other.

It seems that the other party is not trying to make money, then things will be dangerous.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Ning Cairen yelled.

The Scarface pirate didn't mean to answer at all. Instead, he came straight to Xiajue.

"What are you doing?" Ning Cairen retreated.


Scar face pirates kick in Ning Cairen's belly, Ning Cairen immediately half kneels on the ground.

"What do you want? This is our young master of Ning family. Do you dare to move our young master? Are you not afraid of the Revenge of Ning family?" The boatswain made a loud threat.

"Oh, revenge, come brothers, let them know what revenge is." Said the Scarface pirate with a grim smile.


the sound of anxious footsteps and all kinds of shouts came from outside. Xia Jue was not deaf, and naturally heard them.

But Xia lijue got up and went out to see what happened.Liying was a little confused by Xia Jue. It took her a long time to recover.

"Xiajue, come with me." Ning Xue said she was going to take Xia Jue's hand.

"Go, where do you want to go?" Just then two pirates found two people in the corridor.

"Run, Xiajue." Seeing the situation, Ning Xue is more flustered.

But at this time, two pirates also came to the other end of the corridor. Both ends were blocked by pirates. They couldn't fly.

"Come with us." One of the pirates said to them with a weapon.

"Xia Jue..." Ning Xue didn't care so much at this time. She grasped Xia Jue's arm hard, and her whole body began to tremble.

"Don't be afraid. It's OK." Xia Jue comforted her.

They were taken all the way to the cab.

As soon as Ning Xue gets into the cab, she sees her brother being beaten into this miserable situation, and she bursts into tears.

"How are you, brother?" Ning Xue came to Ning Cairen's side.

"It's OK. I can't die." Ning Cairen wiped the blood on his nose.

"Why do you want to beat people? Don't you want money? I have hundreds of millions in my card. I'll give them to you. Will you let us go?" Ning Cairen cried and said to the Scarface pirates.

"Sister, it's no use. They're not here for money." Ning Cairen has seen some purposes of these people at this time.

This group of people may not be pirates, or they come for themselves.

"I beg you to let my sister go. She's just a girl. She can't threaten anyone." Cairen pleads with the pirate.

"I'm sorry, Ning Shao. We can't help ourselves. If you don't die, we'll die. Let's do it." Scar face man opens a way.

Scar face man's words fall, its behind several hand immediately toward rather snow and Ning Cairen body came over.

"Brother, it's a pity that this chick is killed like this. Let me enjoy it first and then solve it."

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