"Ah, ah, ah."

Seven or eight minutes later, the door of the yard opened again, and Xia Jue came out from inside.

At this time, the housekeeper rushed to the door without leaving.

"Mr. Xia, what happened?" As for what he heard just now, he didn't know what happened inside.

"Nothing, just a few flies." Xia Jue reached out and patted some dusty clothes.

Hear this money housekeeper Leng for a while, then seem to think of what suddenly rushed toward the yard.

When I came into the yard and saw one of the scenes, the money manager's face was full of disbelief.

Because in the courtyard Xu Chong and a group of people are lying on the ground with unknown life and death.

You know these dozens of bodyguards brought by Xu Chong are the most elite bodyguards in the family, but they were solved by the young Mr. Xia outside?

This makes money housekeeper a little unbelievable.

But whether he believes it or not, Xu Chong and others are already lying on the ground, while Mr. Xia is still standing there.

Steward Qian no longer cares about what happens in the yard. He comes directly to Mr. Xia standing outside the yard.

"You... How did you do it?"

"Take me to see Ning Cairen."

Xia Jue didn't answer steward Qian's words. Since the Ning family didn't welcome him, he didn't need to stay here any more. He'd better go back to Beijing as soon as possible to accompany Su Yihan.

"Yes, please follow me." Now Qian Guanshi already knows that Xia Jue is not an ordinary person. Since he doesn't want to say it, he can't continue to ask.


outside the room of the Ning family.

At this time, Ning Cairen and Ning Xue want to go in to see his father, but they are stopped by the bodyguards at the door.

"Young master, young lady, the master is seriously ill. No bacteria are allowed in the room, so for the sake of safety, you'd better not go in."

"What bullshit bacteria? Do you think we're carrying a virus? Get out of here and don't hinder me from going in to see my dad." Ning Cairen scolded.

"Don't embarrass us, young master. We are also under orders."

"Get out of here."

"Oh, isn't this my elder brother? The doctor said that Dad's condition is best not to have any bacteria close to his body. You two just came back from outside, you'd better not go in to have a look." Ning Zhiheng came over with a large group of dogs.

"Ning Zhiheng, do you want to do so well?" Ning Cairen's forehead is green.

"Ning Zhiheng, although we are not born to the same mother, we are brothers and sisters. Why do you want to deal with us to death?" Ning Xue also looks at Ning Zhiheng with an angry face.

"Well, needless to say, you don't want to see Dad today. Besides, the family meeting has decided that your brother and sister will be sent to run the family business in guajava islands. Let's start now." Seeing his face torn, Ning Zhiheng couldn't care more about affectation.

"What, you asshole." Ning Cairen rushes up to Ning Zhiheng.

He has never heard of where the guajava islands are. Ning Zhiheng let his brother and sister go to the frontier.

Besides, if there is no Xia Jue's protection, whether their brother and sister can safely arrive at this broken island is still two to say, so how can Ning Cairen not be angry.


Ning Cairen, who comes back from Chao Ning Zhiheng, falls to the ground when he is still one arm away from him.

"Oh, young master, it's slippery on the ground. Why are you so careless?" After the bodyguard knocked down Ning Cairen, he pretended to be innocent.

"Brother, are you ok?" Ning Xue ran down Ning Cairen's side and helped him up.

"Ning Zhiheng, you bastard, you want my life, but I will not let you go as a ghost." Ning Cairen looks at Ning Zhiheng with murderous eyes.

"Brother, you are right. You and I are brothers. How can I be fraternal?" It has to be said that Ning Zhiheng's performance is really good. If there are outsiders here, they will believe his lies.

"Young master, young master, what's the matter with you?" At this time, the money steward who just brought Xia Jue here saw Ning Cairen fall on the ground and rushed over.

"Er Shao, look." Ning Zhiheng's bodyguard ignores money housekeeper, but looks at Xia Jue.

"Is this the guy he brought back?" Ning Zhiheng asked in a low voice.

"Yes, that's him."

"I asked Xu Chong to take care of him. How could he come here alive?" Ning Zhiheng is looking at Xia Jue with uncertain face.

"I don't know, Xiao Liu. Go to find Xu Chong and see what's going on." Ning Zhiheng's bodyguard motioned to one of his rear men.

"Yes." The man immediately turned and went out."Oh, Qianbo, my elder brother fell down just now. I'm going to help him up."

"I'm going in to see my father, chambers." Ning Cairen said a word to steward Qian.

"Second young master, the first young master just wants to be filial. Do you think you can...

" no, it's the doctor's order. No one but the doctor wants to go in. " Haven't waited for money housekeeper to say to finish, Ning Zhiheng then firmly says.

"Brother Ning, if there's nothing wrong, I'll leave first." Xia Jue came to Ning Cairen.

"I'm sorry, brother Xia. The hospitality is not good enough. I'll make you laugh. If there is another day, let's have a good drink."

Xia Jue has safely sent him to Ning's home, and Ning Cairen is hard to protect himself now. Where can he have time to entertain Xia Jue again.

"By the way, brother Ning, lend me your phone." Xia Jue has nothing on him now. It's really difficult to go back to Kyoto like this.

"Sister, give your phone to brother Xia." Ning Cairen said to Ning Xue.

Ning Xue nodded, took out his mobile phone and handed it to Xia Jue.

Xia Jue picked up his mobile phone and dialed Wutong.

Soon, the phone was connected.

Xia Jue didn't know whether he had dialed the wrong number just by his memory, so he asked in the first sentence after connecting: "is it Wutong?"

Xia Jue's words seemed to him to be a very normal question, but they fell to Ning Cairen and Ning Zhiheng's ears, no less than thunder from the ground.

Tiangang is very close to the capital, which is only an hour's drive away.

The powerful families in Kyoto are no stranger to the Ningjia family in Tiangang. They also have cooperative relations with several powerful families in Kyoto.

As for the Wu family, they are naturally too familiar.

Wu Tong, as the banner of Wu family, naturally, they are also like thunder.

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