So when they heard Xia Jue ask if the other end of the phone is Wutong, they were very surprised.

People soon recovered from their surprise. They thought it must be the same name. How could Xia Jue know the Wutong of the Wujia family in Kyoto.

Because if the other end of the phone is really Wutong, then how can Xiajue dare to call the other party's name directly? How can they call brother Tongtong respectfully? So they think that Xiajue's phone must be just a person with the same name.

"I'm in a family called Ning family in Tiangang, do you know?" Xia Jue continues to talk to Wu Tong at the other end of the phone.

"I don't know? Let me ask Xia Jue put down the phone and looked at Ning Xue, "what is the specific address of your Ning family?"

"XX Road, Tiangang." Ning Xue replied.

Xia Jue, who got the exact address, immediately said to Wu Tong at the other end of the phone: "No.XX, Tiangang XX Road, OK, I'll wait for you here for a while."

Xia Jue hung up the phone and returned the mobile phone to Ning Xue, "brother Ning, I'm sorry, I'll wait for my friend to pick me up and disturb you for dozens of minutes."

"No harm, brother Xia, just wait here." Ning Cairen said feebly.

To tell the truth, he didn't want Xia Jue to leave him.

Because their brother and sister are in a precarious situation now. If Xia Jue is around, they can at least have more protection.

But Xia Jue has done enough for them, and has paid back their brothers and sisters for saving their lives. He can't even do what he promised to Xia Jue, so he really has no face to speak to Xia Jue again.

"Er Shao, all the people Xu Chong took were lying in the yard with unknown life and death." At this time, Ning Zhiheng sent to inquire about Xu Chong's men and returned.

"What, how could that be?" Ning Zhiheng was shocked when he heard this.

If Xia Jue had solved Zhou Quan and others who had sent him before.

Then Xia Jue can also be attributed to Xia Jue's skill. In addition, those individuals of Zhou Quan are really a little rubbish.

But now Xu Chong and others he sent are the most elite bodyguards in the family.

But even so, it was solved so easily by Xia Jue. What's the explanation?

This person is by no means an ordinary person. Although I don't know where Ning Cairen came from, I still don't want to make too much trouble.

Anyway, he is going to leave the Ning family. When he leaves the Ning family, it's not too late to cook the brothers and sisters. Ning Zhiheng quickly calculates the gains and losses in his heart.

"Brother Xia, let's go. I'll take you out to pass the time."

Ning Cairen knew that no matter what, Ning Zhiheng would not let him see his father today, so he would not be shameful here.

"Good." Xia Jue nodded, took a look at Ning Zhiheng, and followed Ning Cairen out of the door.

After they sat in a pavilion for a while, the sound of "daddada" suddenly sounded in the sky.

The three looked up and saw a helicopter hovering over their heads.

"Here comes my man. Take care of yourself." Xia Jue looks at Ning Cairen and Ning Xue.

"I'll see brother Xia off."

They stood up immediately.


Ning Zhiheng was just about to take people back to his office when he suddenly saw a helicopter hovering over their heads, which immediately aroused his curiosity.

"Is this our helicopter?" I'd rather ask a man about ambition.

"Second young master, it's not our family."

"Not ours?" Ning Zhiheng thought for a while and then said, "let's go and have a look."

The helicopter stopped in an open area of Ning's home.

At this time, Xiajue and ningcairen Ningxue also came to the side of the helicopter.

With the slow stop of the propeller, the engine room door opened and Wutong came out.

Seeing the two brothers and sisters of Wutong coming out of the helicopter, their pupils suddenly became bigger, and their expressions solidified.

Although he didn't see Wutong with his own eyes, they naturally saw the photos of Wutong because his name was too big.

In front of him, the man who came out of the cabin was the Wu family's Wu Tong, so they were a little stunned, because he didn't expect that Xia Jue was talking to the real Wu family's Wu Tong just now.

"Mr. Xia, I haven't heard from you for two days. Miss Su is frantic and asks me to look for you everywhere." When Wu Tong saw that Xia Jue had nothing to do, he was finally relieved.

Ning Cairen, who hasn't recovered from the shock, was shocked again when he heard this.

What is this martial arts foot Xia Jue?

Mr. Xia?

You know, this is Wutong, the arrogant Wutong of Wu family.

I've never heard of him being so respectful to anyone.

And now I'm so respectful to Xia Jue, who just came back at sea.

This film shocked them to the identity of Xia Jue.They really don't know what kind of identity they need to make Wu Tong so respectful.

Ning Zhiheng, who came here with a large group of people, saw this scene as if he had seen a ghost alive.

Just now, he thought that Xia Jue was talking to a Wutong of the same name, but he didn't expect that he was really the Wu family of Wutong.

Thinking of this, Ning Zhi's heart sank.

Things have gone beyond his expectations.

Before Xia Jue, no matter how much he could fight Ning Zhiheng, he didn't pay much attention to it.

Because he's just a martial arts man. It's only a matter of minutes if he wants to play with each other seriously.

For example, he would seize his family and threaten them, and use the power of the officialdom to encircle and suppress his whole family, making it difficult for him to move.

But Ning Zhiheng just thought that Xia Jue was going to leave. As long as he didn't jump out to get involved in their family affairs, he would let him go. He didn't care.

But now Xia Jue even knows Wu Tong of Wu family, and Wu Tong is so respectful to him, which makes him plan to deal with the brothers and sisters after Xia Jue leaves. For a moment, he doesn't know what to do.

Ning Zhiheng doesn't know how Ning Cairen's brother and sister get along with Xia Jue. He doesn't know whether Xia Jue will turn around and look for trouble if he moves them.

If Xia Jue wants to come to him for trouble, his Ning family can't resist such a monster as Wu family, so he doesn't know what to do now.

Just when Ning Zhiheng is still thinking, Ning Xue is ready to make an action.

Before, she didn't want to involve Xia Jue, because Ning Zhiheng's influence was too big, so she knew that Xia Jue was their only talisman, and she could only let him go.

But now it's different.

Even Wu Tong should be so respectful to Xia Jue. Xia Jue is definitely a man with a good eye.

As long as he said, Ning Zhiheng would never dare to make a mistake as long as he could not lose his mind.

Although Ning family is the most powerful person in Tiangang, it is only in Tiangang.

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