"Mr. Xia, all your clothes have been packed."

The store manager said respectfully to Xia Jue.

The man in front of her is not simple. It's the first time that she has met the rich man who bought many clothes at one time.

This time, Xie Linlin can be regarded as kicking the iron plate.

Xia Jue nodded: "swipe card!"

"No, Mr. Xia, chairman Zhu has already paid.

"Wife, let's go back!" Xia Jue turns his head and says to Su Yihan.

Su also Han white his one eye, then light "Er" a.

"How can you take so much back?" Su Yihan looks at the packed bags.

"Don't worry, Miss Su. Just give it to me. I promise it will be delivered to your home." Lin Zhen stood up immediately.

Deng Feigang wanted to say this, but he was preempted by Lin Zhen, and his face was very chagrined.

"Yihan, this one will definitely look good on you, and so will this one."

After thinking about it for a while, Xie Linlin figured it out. If she could curry favor with Xia Jue, she would be prosperous. So she put down her face and kept making friends with Su Yihan.

Su Yihan certainly knew what kind of virtue Xie Linlin was and didn't pay much attention to her.

Under the constant surprise of the people in the street.

Zhu Qing, Yulin Zhen and others put all the packed clothes on the car, and then started to drive toward Su Yihan's home.

At the gate of the community.

The residents were surprised to see so many luxury cars coming in, and they all gathered around to talk.


Su Yihan opens the door with the key.

"Mom and Dad, we're back."

Fang Xiaoqin and Su Changming are watching TV on the sofa when they suddenly see a group of people coming in.

They stood up in a hurry.

"Daughter, what happened?"

"It's all right, Ma. It's just for us to deliver clothes." Xia Jue said to Xiaoqin.

"Clothes? What kind of clothes are you sending? " Fang Xiaoqin is baffled.

"It's just some clothes you buy casually on the street. If you like that one, just wear it casually."

"You You've bought too much... "

Fang Xiaoqin looked at the bags of clothes sent to the house, a little surprised.

"It's just more than one clothing store."

"A shop..."

This made Fang Xiaoqin and Su Changming almost lose their footing.

"You are Zhu Dong Sorry, I've got the wrong person

Su Changming saw that the clothes moving worker was a bit like Chairman Zhu on TV, but then he thought about how chairman Zhu could do this kind of work and apologized.

"You are Mr. Xia's father-in-law. Hello, I'm Zhu Qingyu."

"What Are you really chairman Zhu Su Changming can't believe it.

The chairman of Tangtang Guangneng group, how can he start to move clothes?

"It's my pleasure to help Mr. Xia." Zhu Qingyu said with a smile.

Mr. Xia?

Xia Jue?

Su Changming and Fang Xiaoqin began to think.

Is this Xia Jue or is it not the loser selected by his elder brother?

He bought a car again. The old man who was the leader seemed very afraid of him. Now chairman Zhu is proud to help him.

So who is he?

Why does he have so much energy?

"Xia Jue, how can you let chairman Zhu do this kind of work?"

Su Changming put aside his speculation about Xia Jue.

Chairman Zhu, even his father Su Jianwei, has to let three of them do this kind of work. It's really not decent to let chairman Zhu do this kind of work.

"It doesn't matter. It's over in a minute."

In a moment.

All the clothes from GUCCL's store were moved into the house.

This makes the space of the whole house narrow for a moment.

The clothes are gone.

Zhu Qingyu, Lin Zhen and Deng Fei stand in front of Xia Jue with their heads down.

"You go." Xia Jue spoke.

"It's Mr. Xia."

Several people are relieved to leave.

Back in the car, Zhu Qingyu and Wenlong are paralyzed.

They swore it was the most stressful time of their lives.

Even more nervous than when the financial crisis happened.

"It seems that Mr. Xia should let us go." Zhu Qingyu said weakly.

"Chairman, what is the origin of Mr. Xia?" Wen long asked with lingering fear.

It's OK that Wen long doesn't speak. When he speaks, Zhu Qingyu gets angry.


"You have the face to say that you almost killed me this time. Let your little brother get out of Zhonghai city for me immediately, so as not to be seen by Mr. Xia and cause his displeasure later.""Yes, yes." Wen long covered his face and dared not speak.


In the room.

Su Yihan looked at Xia Jue: "don't do that in the future."

"Which one?" Xia Jue looks innocent.

"I know you come from extraordinary sources, and I don't want to ask, but please don't bully others in the future. I will get what I want through my own efforts."

Xia Jue was worried to hear this.

He wanted to take off the mask and tell Su Yihan that he was the little boy she told him to be full of hope for life.

Without what she had said to herself.

Maybe I'm dead.

Hesitated for a long time.

Xia Jue still didn't take off the mask.

Because the time is not yet.

Su Yihan doesn't have much affection for him now.

"Then work hard. To tell you the truth, I really want to try what soft rice tastes like." Xia Jue said with a smiley face.

Xia Jue's smiley face attracts Su Yihan's white eyes.

"Ding Ling Ling."

Su Yihan's phone rings again.

"Well, I'll be right there."

"What's the matter?"

Originally, he likes to get along with Su Yihan alone, but all kinds of things make him restless.

"The construction site was smashed and beaten again." Su Yihan has a dignified face.

"Hum, are these little gangsters really so forgetful?"

Xia Jue's face was grim.

"Let's go. I'll teach them a lesson this time."

Xia Jue drives to the construction site with Su Yihan.

When driving into the road towards the construction site, the tires suddenly "bang" all burst out.

Even if a tire bursts.

Four tire colleagues burst. If Xia Jue doesn't understand that someone deliberately arranged it, it's a pig.

Sure enough.

When Xiajue stopped the car.

There were a lot of gangsters on both sides of the path.

It's roughly estimated that there will be about seventy-eight.

"Lock the door and don't get out of the car." Xia Jue and Su Yihan finish this sentence and jump out of the car.

"Well, you are the ugliest one who has ruined more than ten of my younger brothers?" In the middle, a big man with a face full of flesh came out.

"So what?"

"Hum, I heard that you are very good at fighting. How many people can you beat here?"

"Not one." After that, Xia Jue moved.

The big man with a face full of flesh didn't see Xia Jue's action at all, and the two little brothers flew out with a "ah".

"Damn it, come with me."

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