

In a moment.

There was a lot of wailing around.

Is this still human?

It's a monster, isn't it?

After a few minutes, none of the younger brothers he brought could stand up again.

The man with a full face looks at Xia Jue alone, and his legs tremble unconsciously.

"You Who the hell are you? "

"The one who wants your life!" Xia Jue smashed his fist, covered his face with flesh and covered his stomach and fell to the ground,

"said, who asked you to come."

The man with a face full of flesh didn't say anything.

Xia Jue stamped on his wrist again.

"Don't fight, don't fight. Brother snake asked us to come." The fleshy man began to beg for mercy.

"Who is snake brother?"

He didn't expect that Xia Jue didn't even know snake brother, but he explained immediately: "snake brother is the biggest underground circle organization in Zhonghai city."

"The boss of the underworld? Then why did he send you here? " Xia Jue asked again.

"I don't know. I don't know. Please forgive me. I'm just a little brother under his hand. It's none of my business. I just follow orders."


Xia Jue stamped his foot on his wrist again: "go back and tell your snake brother that if he dares to make trouble again, I'll come and kill him myself."

Xia Jue doesn't pay any attention to these gangsters. He makes a phone call to the people in the 4S shop, and then walks to the construction site with Su Yihan.

"Miss Su, these gangsters come here day by day. They fight when they see people and smash when they see things. They dare not start work." Su Yihan, the foreman in a dilemma, said.

"It's OK. I've dealt with it. They don't dare to come back any more. Double the salary for the big guy. Let the big guy start work quickly. Don't delay the progress."

This cooperation with Tianhai group is very important.

As long as this cooperation is completed, then sushi group will enter the real estate industry, which will make sushi group to a higher level, so you can naturally see her contribution to the group.

After hearing that the foreman wanted to double his salary, he finally agreed.

At the same time.

In a bar in a prosperous block of Zhonghai city.

The fleshy man stood in front of a man in his thirties with a broken hand in his hand.

The man's face is full of beard, his arms are tattooed, and he smokes a cigar in his mouth. From time to time, he spits out bursts of white smoke.

"No one in the seventies can stand up again?"

"Yes, snake, this guy is not human." The man with a face full of flesh dare not look at snake brother.

"Can you do that?" Snake brother suddenly turned back.

The man with a face full of flesh was scared back by brother snake's fierce turn.

Because he knew that the snake was impetuous. If he was upset, he would suffer.

"Yes, snake brother, so many of us can't even touch his clothes."

Snake brother thought for a few minutes, then said: "telephone!"

The little brother immediately sent the phone to a snake.

"Hello, Mr. Su, it's me."

"Snake, what's the matter?"

"That's a good idea. Who is this guy?"

"It's just a piece of trash that's been driven out of the family."

"Well, as you said, this trash can be beaten."

"Snake elder brother, I have said that this boy is not easy to deal with. I want you to prepare more people."

It's OK not to mention this. I'm angry when I mention this snake brother.

"It's all in the 70s, isn't it enough?"

Su Junhao's cell phone at the other end of the phone almost failed to hold.

No one in the 70s can handle the ugly?

This snake brother's younger brother is too useless.

"Snake brother, as long as you help me with this matter, you can drive as much as you want."

In order to get rid of Xia Jue and kick Su Yihan out of the group, Su Junhao has done whatever it takes.

"Five million." Snake brother reported a number.

"OK, transfer to your account right away." Su Junhao agreed without any hesitation.

"Find 20 people and take all the guys. That kid can fight. I'll let him get shot." Snake brother said to the younger brother below.


In the evening.

All the workers in the construction site have finished work.

Su Yihan, who has been guarding here, is finally relieved.

It seems that the other party is afraid to come again.

"Mr. Xia, I'm here." After parking the taxi, master Zhou came down from the car and said respectfully to Xia Jue.

As the car was taken to the 4S store for maintenance, Xia Jue had to bring master Zhou to work as a driver."Let's go back."

"Well." Su Yihan nodded and got into the taxi with Xia Jue.

The car drove out of the path of the construction site.

At this time, three golden cup cars came in outside the construction site.

Master Zhou's taxi just came face-to-face with the other party's Jinbei car,

"it's him, stop quickly."

Xia Jue's appearance is easy to recognize. The people on the Jinbei car knew at a glance that Xia Jue was the target they were looking for.

Jinbei car directly braked in front of master Zhou's taxi.

I don't know what happened, master Zhou can only slam on the brake.

When the car stopped, the door opened immediately.

Then the car kept jumping off people.

"My God, there's a gun." Master Zhou lowered his head and curled up under him.

Hearing that Xia Jue didn't dare to neglect him, he said to Su Yihan, "get down first."

Su Yihan's head fell down in fear.

"Come down."

A group of young gangsters with robbers are kicking the taxi arrogantly.

Xia Jue got off the car slowly.

In the face of twenty points, his expression did not change at all.

"You're the one who hurt my number seventy brother, aren't you?" The first one with AK47 said arrogantly.

"So what?"

"What else can I do? It's a tooth for a tooth, of course. Come on, break his legs first. If he dares to resist, he will be shot."

Although Xia Jue was a fierce man who hurt their No.70 brother.

But now they don't pay any attention to Xia Jue.

As the saying goes, you can't be afraid of a good knife.

What's more, what they are holding now are not kitchen knives, but twenty guns.

Twenty guns in hand, not to mention Xia Jue is ugly, even if the gods come, they are not afraid.

"Brother Bao, I'll take care of this. I like to break other people's legs." A little gangster came to Xiajue with a grim smile.

"Hey, ugly, if you kneel on the ground and kowtow to my grandfather, maybe I'll do it less."

Xia Jue ignored him and looked at him like a fool.

The little gangster was infuriated by Xia Jue's contemptuous look and kicked Xia Jue's knee.

Just when people thought that Xia Jue's leg would break like a stick.

I saw Xia Jue fiercely to the side of his body for a position, and then quickly kicked at the little gangster's knee.

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