

The little gangster wanted to break Xia Jue's leg, but he was kicked off by Xia Jue.

The thugs around are angry.

Is this a fuckin 'display of a gun in my hand?

"Kill him for me." Brother leopard roared.

"Dada dada."

Little gangsters pull the trigger and shoot at Xia Jue.

Up to now, Xia Jue didn't look flustered.

I saw him incarnate into a shadow.

The snatch in the hand of the nearest little gangster was smashed into scrap iron by Xia Jue, and the parts were scattered all over the ground.

Then the little gangster "ah" fell to the ground and howled.

It's just a moment.

When other gangsters react and point the gun at Xia Jue's figure, Xia Jue becomes a remnant shadow.

Where Xia Jue went, the parts of the gun would be broken, and then the man with the gun would fall to the ground and wail.

There were nineteen howls.

At last Xia Jue stopped and looked at the lonely brother leopard with a playful expression.

Brother Bao looked at the 19 armed boys he had brought. Now the gun was destroyed, and people were wailing underground. His mind began to be spread by fear, and his cold sweat kept flowing down from his forehead.

Originally, brother Bao had 20 guns in his hand. He had regarded Xia Jue as a dead man. As for the man with a face full of flesh, he had forgotten how much he could fight.

But now he had the same question in his heart as the man with a face full of flesh.

Is this guy still human?

"What do you want?" Brother Bao looks at Xia Jue in horror.

It must be funny for someone to watch this scene here.

It's brother Bao who points the gun at Xia Jue. No matter how he looks at Xia Jue, he is the weak side. Now Brother Bao asks him what he wants. It's a funny scene.

"Didn't you come to trouble me, and now you ask me what I want?" Xia Jue asked.

Leopard brother was choked by Xia Jue's words, and his spirit was extremely tense.

Brother Bao clenched his AK47 and aimed at Xia Jue, but he never had the courage to pull the trigger.

He was also afraid that when he pulled the trigger, it would be the moment when these little boys would howl like guns.

Ignoring brother Bao who was scared into quail, Xia Jue walked towards him step by step.

"Don't come here." Leopard brother subconsciously back a few steps.

Xia Jue ignored him and went on towards him.

"If you come back, I'll shoot." Brother leopard has no confidence.

Thirty, twenty, ten.

Brother leopard seems to have made up his mind.

"Dada dada."

Brother Bao gnaws his teeth and shoots at Xia Jue.

To his surprise, fortunately, he didn't fall on the ground and howl like those little brothers, and the gun in his hand was not damaged.

But then something happened that shocked him.

I saw that there were several warheads between Xia Jue's fingers.

Isn't that the bullet he shot?

Can you catch a bullet?

Is this ugly monster or not human?

How could he have provoked such a monster?

Brother Bao is heartbroken.

brother Bao throws the gun aside and kneels down to Xiajue.

"Please spare me."

Xia Jue came to brother Bao and looked down at him: "go back and tell you brother snake, I'll go and have a good time with him tonight."

After saying this, Xia Jue ignored the gangsters and got into a taxi.

Brother leopard is a little incredible.

He couldn't believe that Xia Jue let them go so easily.

You know, they are here to kill Xia Jue!

The little gangsters certainly don't want to understand that Xia Jue didn't pay attention to them from the beginning to the end.

In Xia Jue's eyes, these guys are not even mole ants.

How can an elephant care so much with a few mole ants.

"Go home!"

Xia Jue, who got on the taxi, said to master Zhou.

Before, master Zhou and Su Yihan were scared, especially after hearing the gunshot, they covered their ears and dared not breathe.

Even Xia Jue had already got on the bus, and they didn't find it. Until Xia Jue spoke, they vaguely felt that there was something moving on the bus, and then they raised their heads.

"Xia Jue, are you ok?" Su Yihan looks at Xia Jue in shock.

"Well, I was shot." Xia Jue suddenly covered his chest in pain.

Hearing that Xia Jue was shot, Su Yihan's face suddenly changed and grabbed Xia Jue's shoulder: "are you ok?""Not very well."

Hearing Xia Jue's painful words, the tears in Su Yihan's eyes kept spinning.

"Master Zhou, go to the hospital quickly."

"Ha ha, I lied to you." Xia Jue's face returned to normal.

Su Yihan was stunned for a moment, and then became very angry: "if you hate to death, you will cheat."

Su Yihan scolded and hammered Xia Jue's body with a small powder fist.

Xia Jue grabs Su Yihan's two little pink fists and looks straight into Su Yihan's eyes.

Su Yihan is looking at Xia Jue so straightforwardly, and the deer keeps bumping in his heart. His eyes begin to dodge Xia Jue.

"If something happened to you, I'm not worried about it." Xia Jue looks at Su Yihan with a playful smile.

"No way." Su Yihan broke away from Xia Jue.

On one side, master Zhou was embarrassed to see the couple flirting.

But then he started the transparent man model.

In short, I don't exist, I don't see, I don't hear anything.

At night.

Night bar in Paris.

As usual, the night bar in Paris has already been full of people.

But this evening, there was no guest except the gangsters.

Bar lobby.

Snake brother sat on a sofa with several big muscular men.

"Snake brother, what's the matter with us in such a hurry?" Snake brother left a big man said.

"I met a cruel man." Snake brother said with a sad face.

"What kind of ruthless person needs us to come out at the same time?" Snake brother right of a big man voice.

These big men are now A-level wanted criminals in China.

They secretly helped brother snake to do a lot of murders, and each of them carried more than 20 homicides.

They are all invisible. They are usually hidden in the place arranged for them by brother snake, and rarely show up.

And they also know that snake brother would not let them out if he didn't have a tough problem.

But to their surprise, snake let them out at the same time just to deal with one person.

How terrible is this man?

"This morning, he broke the legs of a dozen younger brothers..."

"It's just breaking the legs of more than a dozen younger brothers. What's so cruel? I can do it casually!" One of the great men thought how terrible this man was, but it seemed so.

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