
When the silver sword came out of its sheath, people at the scene were blinded.

"Wow, what room is this?"

"It's a sword, absolutely."

All the members of the Wu family looked at the sword in Du Wu Tong's hand, and all of them salivated.

"Wu Cha, come here and have a try." Wu Tong said.

"Good." Wu Cha also wants to try its power.

Wu Cha raises the long sword in her hand and cuts the silver sword in Wu Tong's hand.


There was a sound of iron collision. Wu Cha's sword was cut in half like tofu when it touched the silver sword.

"Good sword." The crowd again uttered a sigh of admiration.

"Brother Tong, where did you get this sword?" Wu Cha is full of salivation, looking at the silver sword in Wu Tong's hand.

"Hey, hey, don't think about it. It's Mr. Xia's sword."

Wu Tong kept stroking the grain on the back of the sword.

It's a pity.

If only he had such a sword.


in the lotus Pavilion in the backyard.

Wu Hong came here with Xia Jue and left quietly.

Far away, Xia Jue seemed to see two women sitting in the audience talking.

"What are you talking about?" Xia Jue approached and said.

"You're back, Xiajue." Su Yihan's eyes are full of joy when he sees Xia Jue's appearance.

Wu Yao was glad to see Xia Jue, but in an instant, he was dim.

"Sister Yihan, you talk first. I have something else to do." After Wu Yao finished this sentence, she turned and left without waiting for Su Yihan to talk.

"Are you all right?" Su Yihan looks at Xia Jue anxiously.

"Your husband, I am good at martial arts. Do you look like someone who has something to do?" Xia Jue turns around in front of Su Yihan.

But Xia Jue's appearance attracted Su Yihan's white eyes.


Xia Jue put his arms around Su Yihan's waist.

"Ah." By Xia Jue's sudden appearance, Su Yihan is a little flustered.

"Stop it. Someone's watching." Su Yihan looks at the Wu family and others who pass by from time to time.

"So what if someone dares to disturb us?" Xia Jue did not care.

"Ask you something."

"Say it."

"Wu Yao... Is she a little interested in you?"

"Why do you say that?" Shaq relaxed his arm and looked at him.

"As a woman, I can see it."

"Are you jealous?" Xia Jue smiles.


"Don't worry, your husband, I only love you. No matter how good-looking other women are, I won't cut a glance at them."

"I believe you." Su Yihan gives Xia Jue a white look.

"No?" Xia Jue said a few words in Su Yihan's ear.

"You're going to die, in broad daylight." Su Yihan's face turned red.


in the main hall of the Dragon hall headquarters.

"Lord, he is not dead yet." A man in black knelt down in front of Chen Qi.

"Oh?" Chen Qi came up with a trace of interest.

"We found his trace. He first appeared in Tiangang, and then in the capital." Said the man in black.

"Call out 30 men of the black feather guard and get his head back to me."

Chen qishang knows his younger martial brother's ability.

I also know that only 30 black guards are unlikely to win him.

But Chen Qi resented Xia Jue.

Since he is not dead, let him enjoy being dealt with by the Dragon hall.

And then slowly torture him.

Thinking of this, Chen Qi showed a strange smile


late at night.

Many places in the Wu family are still brightly lit.

All of a sudden.

Many shadows flashed over the roof of Wu's house.

However, no one in the Wu family was aware of this.

The Central People's court.

The first one is in the upper middle.

Inside, Shaq was lying on the sofa watching TV.

And Su Yihan is taking a bath in the bathroom.

All of a sudden.

Xia Jue smelled a strange breath.

"Murderous With years of experience, Xia Jue was aware of the danger around him.

"Yihan, you stay in the bathroom first and don't come out." After Xia Jue left this sentence, he pushed the door open and went out.

Out of the door, Xia Jue stopped his body, and then his earlobe moved slightly.A moment later, Xia Jue heard a slight sound from the southeast.

"On the roof." Xia Jue got hold of the edge of the eaves with his feet and jumped up to the top of the building.

Because most of the WUS are loft style buildings, so the floors are not high, which is very suitable for hiding people on them.

But today's night was dim, and the moon did not appear, so although he went up to the top of the building, Xia Jue could not see the people hidden above.

"Well, I see how long you can hide." Xia Jue calmed down and listened to all the sounds around him with his ears.


He still heard a slight breath.

"Pop." Xia Jue stepped on a magnetic tile, which broke into five or six pieces instantly.

Then Xia Jue gently kicked with his toes, and a tile flew in the direction of the hazy.

"Well." With a painful sound, a figure on the roof fell to the ground below.

When the man fell to the ground, Xia Jue finally knew the identity of the man.

It's actually from the black feather guard of the Dragon hall.

How could the people in the Dragon hall attack him?

Whose order is it?

Second elder?


It shouldn't be him.

He has abdicated. He doesn't have to kill himself.

Is that...

is it his elder martial brother Chen qishang?

Although he knew that he was resentful of Chen qishang.

But now I give up my seat to him.

Why did he do that?

Can't it be that his resentment towards himself is so deep that he will never die.

Thinking of this, Xia Jue's mood is very complicated.

So it seems that when he was on Shenlong Island, the helicopter attack seemed to have something to do with him.

"There are enemies, there are enemies."

One of the black feather guards was shot down on the ground by Xia Jue, so he immediately attracted the attention of the night watchmen of the Wu family.

On this side, other black feather guards who were hiding on the roof no longer hid themselves when they saw this situation. They directly killed Xia Jue.

"Bang bang." The fierce fighting awakened many of the sleeping people in the Wu family.

Here, Wu Hong just finished his family business and fell asleep. He was awakened by the fighting. In a big surprise, he quickly dressed and rushed out.

"No, master, someone is attacking our Wu family." The housekeeper Wu Fu just wants to come in and report to the police. He just meets Wu Hong who is going out to check the situation.

"Who is it?"

"I don't know yet, because they are on the roof and can't see Ben clearly."

"Where's the roof?" Wu Hong asked.

"Zhongyuan, the roof of Mr. Xia's residence."

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