"Let's see what's going on." After Wu Hong said this, he also went to the place of the incident.

Such a huge fight here naturally awakened Wu Tong.

After Wu Tong wakes up, his first thought is that someone comes to take revenge on Mr. Xia.

"No, I still have Mr. Xia's silver sword." Thinking of this, Wu Tong immediately picked up the silver sword and ran out.

Originally, the lights in many places of the Wu family had gradually gone out, but now because of the fight, all the lights were on again.


Wu Hong, Wu Tong and others came to the courtyard.

However, even if they came to the central courtyard, because there was no light on the top of the building and the two sides were fighting too fast, they did not know what was going on.

At this time, Wu Tong was very anxious.

With the fighting above, he could conclude that there were many people coming, and it was not easy.

If Xia Jue had this sword in his hand, it would be easy to deal with him. However, he borrowed the sword in front of him. Now he can't give it back to Xia Jue.

Xia Jue, who is fighting fiercely on the top of the building, feels a little hard to deal with the black feather guard.

Because the black feather guards are specially trained in the palace, and their eyes are more fierce than wolf eyes.

It's like a hundred days to them in this envious and dark place.

But Xia Jue is different.

Xia Jue didn't practice his eyes, and in the face of so many people's siege, he couldn't give full play to his ear power, so he had some difficulty in facing.

Thinking of this, Xia Jue decided not to entangle with them any more. He wanted to escape here and go down to the brightly lit place below to fight with them again.

As long as we get to the place with bright lights below, the black feather guards will lose their advantage. At that time, the team is just a group of local chickens and dogs, and he can destroy them with a wave.

Xia Jue's plan naturally can't hide the eyes of these black feather guards.

As the people of the Dragon hall, they naturally know the power of Xia Jue.

Now they can compete with Xia Jue with their own advantages. Once they get to the bottom, they have no chance of winning.

"Stop him." One of them gave a loud drink.

The words of Wei are like moths to the black fire.

"Bang bang." Xia Jue kicks the two black feather guards who are the first to rush over, and then jumps down in the neutral.

See Xia Jue so fled to below, they have no way, can only be tail with chase down.

"Mr. Xia, sword." After fighting for a long time, Wu Tong saw that Xia Jue had finally come down and wanted to give him his sword.

"Here you are."

after the summer's words, Indus threw his sword at him without hesitation.

After Xia Jue took the sword, the black feather guard jumped down with him.

Seeing these black feathers, the children who came down from the Wu family came to Xia Jue's back in a hurry for protection.

These people can make so many moves with Xia Jue that they don't need to think that they won't be rivals, so in order to avoid hurting the fish in the pond, they quickly retreat behind Xia Jue.

"Nigger, it's you!" After these people of the black feather guard jumped down, Xia Jue finally saw the person coming.

This time, it was the nigger, the vice captain of the black feather guard.

"If we offend, we are only acting on orders." The nigger's face was indifferent.

"I ask you, where is Liuli?" Xia Jue squinted.

"Captain Liuli has been deprived of the duty of captain of the black feather guard for violating the rules of the palace, and is now in prison." The nigger didn't hide it.

"Did Chen Qi send you here?"

In fact, now you don't have to ask Xia Jue to guess, but Xia Jue is still a little reluctant.

He couldn't understand why Chen qishang wanted to kill him now that he was no longer fighting.

In the face of Xia Jue's question, the nigger didn't answer.

"It's a personal feud between Chen qishang and me. It's too late for you to withdraw." Xia Jue knew that these people were just acting under orders, so he didn't want to embarrass them.

"I can't do it." After that, the nigger killed Xia Jue.

"In that case, you all stay."

As he spoke, Xia Jue gently pulled the scabbard in his hand.

The silver sword came out of its sheath, but there was not much glory in the dark night.

The nigger Mou, who came in front of him, had enough strength to kill Xia Jue.

See Xia Jue not flurried of raise the silver sword in the hand to go up to his body one chop.

The nigger who can be the vice captain of the black feather guard is not a simple role. He has lightly measured his figure and evaded Xia Jue's sword.

At that time, the black feather guard behind him rushed up like a shadow.

Xia Jue once again raised the silver sword to a black feather guard who came first.The black feather guard saw that Xia Jue's silver sword didn't break away like a nigger. Instead, he raised his arm to resist the sword.

As for why he did it.

That's because there are many special iron rings on the small arm of the black feather guard. This kind of iron ring can be effectively used as a protector. Of course, it can also be used as a weapon when necessary.

The key is that this kind of iron ring is very hard. It's not too much to say that it's invulnerable, so he is confident that he can carry Xia Jue's sword.

However, his confidence was destroyed in the next second.

Xia Jue's silver sword was cut like a watermelon, and he cut off the iron ring in his hand with his arm.

Because it was just a moment, he was dull in the same place, and didn't even feel any pain.

"No, be careful with the sword in his hand."

The nigger here also realized that the sword in Xia Jue's hand was not ordinary, so he was glad that he didn't want to rush the iron ring in his hand to resist his sword just like the black feather guard.

Otherwise, he would be the one who lost his arm now.


Being drunk by the nigger, the black feather Wheaton, who had his arm cut off, felt the pain. He screamed, covered his broken arm and retreated.

However, he didn't push far and was stabbed in the throat by Xia Jue's sword.

Then Xia Jue's body turned into a shadow. Holding a silver sword, he went down to earth like a Sword Fairy. Everywhere he went, he screamed and fell down.

One side of Wu Hong and others see this scene, can not help but secretly hit the tongue.

Before Xia Jue didn't have this sword, these guys could fight him back and forth.

Now Xia Jue is holding a sword. These guys can't even resist.

this shows how much combat power Xia Jue has gained from this sword.

The niggers here look ugly, too.

It's hard for Xia Jue to know that they can get his life today.

But he didn't expect that he and others were defeated so badly.

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