Chapter 253 Chen qishang's mind

Chapter 253 Chen qishang's mind

can't even fight back now.

What sword is Xia Jue holding?

How could it be so terrible!

At the moment of his separation, the scream stopped.

At this time, the nigger fixed his eyes and saw that all the black feathers he had brought fell to the ground. No one could stand except him.

After Xia Jue solved these people, he turned to the nigger.

"Why, I gave you a chance before."

"Don't disobey your orders." Even at this time, the nigger didn't look half flustered.

Since he joined the Dragon hall, life and death have long been ignored by him.

Though he hoped that day would never come.


He can't control it.


Xia Jue's sword fell on the nigger's arm. The nigger's right arm split away from his body and fell to the ground.

"Go back and tell Chen qishang to wash his neck and wait for me. I'll come to his door and take his dog's life."

Since Chen Qi is not benevolent, don't blame Xia Jue for his injustice.

The nigger covered his broken arm with a pale face and left without saying much.

"What are these people, Mr. Xia?" Wu Tong heard from their conversation that these were not alliance people.

"You don't have to know." Xia Jue turned and walked to the court.

Back in the room, Su Yihan still stays in the bathroom according to Xia Jue's instructions.

"Xia Jue, is that you? Su Yihan in the bathroom heard someone come in and asked.

Xia Jue suddenly had a bad taste and decided to tease the girl. He didn't reply, but quietly came to the bathroom door.

Su Yihan heard no reply, and she called, "is that you, Xia Jue?"

After su Yihan shouts this sentence, Xia Jue suddenly opens the door of the bathroom.


Su Yihan in the bathroom was startled by Xia Jue's sudden action.

"Ha ha, it's me."

"Asshole, you're playing with me." Su Yihan calms down and sees that Xia Jue is standing at the door of the bathroom. He rushes to Xia Jue in anger, even if his bathrobe falls to the ground.

"I want you to tease me, I want you to tease me." Su Yihan's small fist kept beating Xia Jue's chest.

"You lost your bathrobe." Feel a soft Xia Jue on the chest and say with a bad smile.


Hearing this, Su Yihan screamed again, and then quickly picked up the bathrobe on the ground.

"What happened just now? I heard a fight." After wearing clothes, Su Yihan didn't want to make any more noise and quickly changed the topic.

"It doesn't matter now." Xia Jue looked at her with hot eyes.

"What do you want to do?" Su Yihan's eyes were a little flustered.

"I don't want to do anything." Xia Jue approaches Su Yihan with a bad smile.



A helicopter slowly landed in the Dragon Island.

The propeller stops, the cabin door opens, and the nigger comes out with a simple bandage.

"Captain Black, what's the matter?"

"Captain Black, what happened?"

The people who came to meet him saw that the nigger had become like this and asked one after another.

"Where is the Lord?" The nigger didn't answer.

"Still in the Lord's hall, never left."

The nigger who got the news didn't make any stop and walked to the main hall.

In the hall of the Lord.

At this time, Chen Qi sat on the first seat with his eyes slightly closed.

"Lord." The nigger came in.

"How?" The LORD opened his eyes and looked at the nigger. He was not surprised when he saw the appearance of the nigger.

"Let the Lord down, we are not his opponents!" The nigger dropped his head after saying this.

The Dragon hall is a waste that can't be defeated. Although we are facing Xia Jue this time, if the mission fails, it is a failure. There is nothing to say.

"Tell me about the process." Chen Qi slowly stood up from his seat, and then walked towards the nigger.

"He... Has a silver sword, which cuts iron like mud. We... Can't stop it."

"Oh?" Chen Qi is a little interested in this.

"He also said..." the nigger stopped talking.

"Go ahead."

"Yes, he said to let the Lord wash your neck, and he will come to take your life." After that, the nigger hammered his head down again."Ha ha ha ha." Hearing this, Chen Qi didn't have any anger. Instead, he laughed.

"My younger martial brother is good at everything, but he has to pay for everything. If he knows the truth, he can live a long time in the mountains.

But I don't think he will do that with his temperament, so I'll wait for him here. I'll see what he's doing with my whole dragon. "

"The Lord is wise."

"Now that you have failed your mission and become a useless person, then the Dragon hall doesn't need you. You can go at ease."

After Chen Qi finished this sentence, he clapped his hand on the cover of nigger's spirit.

The nigger fell to the ground with a soft body and died with a look of horror on his face.

"Hum, Xia Jue, I'll wait for you to come, and then let the whole people of the Dragon hall see you in such a mess." Chen Qi gave a sneer.


Wu family.

In the first upper room of the central courtyard.

A touch of sunlight came in, making the scene in the room a lot clearer.

On the bed.

Su Yihan's eyelashes moved, then turned over and woke up.

After she woke up, she thought of what happened last night, and suddenly got angry. She also decided to tease Xia Jue.

Su Yihan showed a sly smile, and then picked up his hair and kept pulling Xia Jue's ear.

Xia Jue, who was sleeping, felt some itching in his ears, so he could not help scratching his ears.

Seeing this, Su Yihan almost didn't laugh. Then he shifted his target and lifted Xia Jue's nose with his hair.


Xia Jue's nose is itchy and suddenly sneezes. Su Yihan's face is full of Xia Jue's saliva.

"Hum, big lazy pig, still sleeping." Su Yijue was angry.

Xia Jue woke up in an instant.

"What happened?" Xia Jue looks at Su Yihan innocently.

"Well, you dare say, what do you see on my face?" Su Yihan points to his face.

"Why is there so much water?" Xia Jue is a little strange.

"I dare say you did it all." Su Yihan got up and was about to get out of bed.

But when she was standing on the ground with her feet, she suddenly felt her legs softened, and then almost sat down.

"How can you be so careful." Xiajue helped her arm.

"Well, it's all your fault." Su Yihan snorted coldly again, and then walked towards the bathroom with an awkward swing.

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