He knew that if he didn't give some meat to the wolves, they would never take the bait easily.

Now the flesh is my own blood.

Your own blood is not just blood.

This is hope.

It's about giving them hope to win over themselves.

So there was a slight change in their mentality.

This change may not even be known to them.

Of course.

They don't need to know.

Because they're going to pay for what they're doing.

"Puchi, Puchi, Puchi."

A flash of white light, bursts of blood gushed out, it seems to the setting sun shining on the floor and spread a bit of color ink.


The two elders gave a violent drink.

With the sound of the second elder, Jinyu guards, who are immersed in the dream of defeating Xia Jue, wake up.

However, when the team members who could still stand recovered, they found that their companions were almost down.

The remnant of the golden feather guard withdrew in an instant.

When they all retreated to seven or eight meters away, they found that there were only six of the former 28 Jinyu guards left.

This is in addition to the situation of the leader of the golden feather guard.

When I saw that there were only so many people left, not only the leader's heart was dripping blood, but also the elder two who stopped to watch.

This is the inside information of their dragon hall, but in the present battle, Xia Jue directly killed 22 people.

In addition to the nearly dead black feather guards in front of them, the Dragon hall is now in great danger.

At this time, the second elder already regretted to deal with Xia Jue. He should have advised Chen Qi to go up. Now he really lost his wife and broke his army.

The elder here looks at Xia Jue with complicated feelings.

He knew that Xia Jue was very strong, and that the reason why the old lord chose Xia Jue as the LORD was based on his strength.

But he didn't expect that Xia Jue's strength had reached this point.

It's almost against the whole dragon hall on its own.

Thinking of this, the elder had to look at Chen Qi with resentful eyes.

This bastard, Xia Jue, has already returned home. Why do you want to provoke him.

Now it's chicken feather.

We should know that although their dragon hall is very powerful, it is not without enemies.

It's just that these enemies chose to avoid the attack when they saw the strength of their dragon hall. If they knew that such a big change had taken place in their dragon hall now, they would not be able to bear it.

"Lord, what shall we do?" The second elder has begun to panic.

His proudest Jinyu guards are almost killed by Xia Jue, which is just like the Ming Dynasty's loss of the mountain when the Qing army went south.

The next Xia Jue must be them.

Chen qishang couldn't laugh now.

He may have thought about everything.

I never thought that Xia Jue's strength would be so terrible. The most important thing is that there is a sword I don't know where to get it.

"Do you want to fight again?" Xia Jue looked at the leader of the golden feather guard in front with a joking look.

"Life is the person of the Dragon hall, death is the ghost of the Dragon hall."

Gold feather guard teeth a bite, fierce fearless toward Xia Jue rushed over.

"Yuzhong." The word "cool summer" stands out.

Ten minutes later, the only remaining leader of the golden feather guard and others were killed by Xia Jue's sword.

At this time, the sword in Xia Jue's hand can no longer be called a silver sword. It should be called blood sword, which is more in line with the current image of the sword.

So far.

Xia Jue was able to destroy the most elite power of the Dragon hall in the first World War.

This scene is so stupid for Li Qing and others.

You know, it's like twenty-eight sect leaders besieging Xia Jue together.

Now they are also beginning to be glad that when Xia Jue went to borrow people from their sect, they didn't have a hot head. Otherwise, I'm afraid the end here is the end of their sect.

Even worse.

Because the people here are several grades better than their respective sects.

"It's your turn?" Xia Jue raises his sword and looks at Chen qishang and others.

By Xia Jue such a stare, two elder immediately got goose bumps.

He felt like he was being watched by a hungry tiger.

Although his personal strength is better than the leader of the golden feather guard.

But it's no use being better than the leader of the golden feather guard.

Xia Jue is a man who can kill even the whole guard. No matter how strong he is, he will be ten dead now.

"Hum, it's just relying on the power of that sword. What's so great about it?" At this time, Chen Qi did not forget to ridicule."With a sword? Good, then I don't need a sword. " After saying this, Xia Jue directly throws the sword at Li Qing behind him.

Li Qing hurriedly holds the sword in her arms, even ignoring the blood on the sword.

"Come on, elder martial brother, I know you always want to win me. In order not to hurt your self-confidence, I have never been willing to compete with you before, but today I will show you how far you are from me."

This stabbed at the pain in Chen Qi's heart.

"Yes, I want to see how good you are."

Speaking of this, Chen Qi can't shrink back, and now he can't.

"Today, we will not only divide the high and the low, but also decide life and death." Xia Jue clenched his fist and looked at Chen Qi in front of him.

There is no ink on Chen Qi. He rushes directly to Xia Jue.

There used to be a strange phenomenon in the Dragon hall.

So, as the most powerful young people in the Dragon hall, they have never had a fight or even a duel.

Although it is generally acknowledged that Xia Jue is relatively strong, it is hard to avoid that he has made countless conjectures.

And the duel in front of us was the first time, so the elder and the second elder also left all their mind and focused on the fight.

"Bang bang."

Both of them are from the same master, so they all know each other. You come and I go, which makes people dazzled.

"Elder, what do you think?"

Although there are some disagreements with the elder, this kind of thing is a feast in martial arts, so the two elders can't help talking with the elder.

"The rumor is true."

Although it's only four words, it's obvious.

That is to say, the rumor about the Dragon hall is true, that is, Xia Jue's martial arts attainments are much better than those of Chen Qi.

Two elder also agreed of nod.

Although his vision may not be as old as the elder, he also clearly saw some disadvantages in some of the two men's moves.

For example, Xia Jue's boxing speed is much faster than Chen qishang's, and the strong wind of his fist is hissing.

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