
Their fists collided with each other again, and there was a sense of impact around them, which made Li Qing and others feel some sway.

"What a powerful punch."

"Yes, it seems that the man who fought with Mr. Xia is not weak."

The people of the major sects began to talk about it.

During the conversation, Xia Jue in the field fought back and forth with Chen Qi for several rounds.

Gradually, Chen Qi began to be overwhelmed.


Chen Qi was hit in the abdomen by Xia Jue's fist, and his blood gushed out immediately.

"Oh, that's it?"

Xia Jue looked at him with a playful expression.

Chen Qi wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, then gritted his teeth and rushed to Xia Jue.

A few minutes later, Chen Qi was kicked in the abdomen by Xia Jue, and he knelt down.

"Elder martial brother, you really can't support the wall with mud. You can't beat me even if the Dragon hall is given to you. I beat you like a dog again. Do you think you're ready now?"

"I'll kill you."

Where has Chen Qi been insulted like this? He bites his teeth again and rushes to Xia Jue.

One side of the two elders and elder faces are very ugly.

On a second still call wind and rain Lord Chen Qi up, at present unexpectedly by Xia Jue humiliate city so.

Even if Xia Jue didn't kill him today, he would not be qualified to be the Lord of the Dragon hall in the future.

Because no one will convince a lord who has been beaten all over the house.

In the field, Chen Qi stood up again and again, and then he was beaten down by Xia Jue again and again. After repeated 16 times, Chen Qi finally had no strength to stand up again.

At this time, there was no blood on his face. He was lying on the ground like a dead man, gasping for breath.

"Look at you. If the good Lord of the Dragon hall doesn't do it, he has to die himself. Now are you satisfied with all this?"

Although Xia Jue solved Chen qishang, he didn't have any happy expression in his heart.

After all, the Dragon hall was created by his mentor, but today it is greatly damaged by him. The responsibility lies with Chen qishang, and of course also with him.

"Kill me."

At this time, Chen qishang regained some strength, but his eyes were still very empty, which made people not know what he was thinking.

"If I can save everything by killing you, then I will not hesitate."

Xia Jue was too lazy to look at him again, but he looked up at the elder.

"Let everyone come to the main hall to discuss business." Xia Jue said in an indisputable tone.

The main hall.

At this time, Xia Jue was sitting on the first seat, and beside him was the glass that had just been rescued by Xia Jue.

The elders and the leaders below all knew what had happened just now, and they did not dare to breathe.

"Look at you people. How many days have I left my post as Lord? What have you done to the Dragon hall?"

Xia Jue felt that this was very strange.

It's obvious that you brought people to the door to make the Dragon hall suffer heavy losses. Now it's our fault?

But people think so, but no one dares to say so.

Now all the golden guards in the Dragon hall are dead, and the black guards are almost dead. There is no capital to fight against Xia Jue, and no one to fight against Xia Jue.

"Bring it up." Xia Jue said to Li Qing standing on one side.

Soon, Chen qishang was dragged up by two disciples like a dead dog.

Seeing that Chen qishang has become what he looks like now, the glaze is very relaxing.

At the beginning, she advised Chen Qi not to fight against Xia Jue. She didn't listen. Now he asked for everything.

"Mr. Chen Qi, he abused his power and did evil deeds. Now he is going to abolish his position as Lord. Who is in favor of it and who is against it?" Xia Jue looked around the elders below.

"I agree. I've already advised this man not to take revenge on the Lord. I didn't expect that he still didn't listen and had to do so. This kind of man is really no longer suitable to be the Lord of our dragon hall."

The five elders said this.

Chen qishang is now cleaned up by Xia Jue, and his end is no better. Therefore, he naturally changed the muzzle of his gun without hesitation, and even changed his name to respect Xia Jue.

"I agree."

"I agree."

Under the leadership of the five elders, the rest of them spoke one after another.

"Well, that's not what you little people say at the beginning."

Liuli looks at the elders and others below with a sarcastic look.

At that time, when Chen Qi wanted to deal with Xia Jue, the group of people not only stopped him, but also offered their own ingenious strategies on how to deal with Xia Jue.And see Xiajue kill back, and one by one in the grandson, this let her very despise.

In the face of the irony of glass, the elders and others below are red and can't say a word.

"Liuli, don't talk nonsense."

If Xia Yu's imperial guards had been destroyed, they would not know where they had been.

"Elder, as the most prestigious and senior elder of our dragon hall, why didn't you dissuade Chen Qi when he was dizzy? What should you do?" Xia Jue looks at the elder.

This seems to be a question to the elder, but the elder's mind is clear. It's Xia Jue who is giving him the steps, so he quickly replied:

"Lord, I have a wrong number. I'm willing to be punished."

As soon as the elder said this, he announced that the Lord of the Dragon hall had changed his master again. That is to say, the position now returned to Xia Jue without any procedure.

"Now that you have the right to control the Dragon Guard, you will know."

Now that the golden feather guard is dead in name, the annual dividend is also dispensable for the senior elder who is in a high position. This punishment can be described as tickling.

Seeing that the elder was punished so lightly, the second elder on one side was relieved.

Although his nature is a little more serious than that of the elder, Xia Jue should not do anything to him at the time of employment.

"Second elder, as the second elder of our dragon hall, you didn't just dissuade Chen qishang, but also gave advice to him to deal with me. What crime should you commit?"

"Lord, I've lost my heart for a while. Please give me a chance to atone for my sins." The second elder bent down.

"Atone for what you have done? Well, as you wish, the non Kingdom area will be given to you. You also know that the Dragon hall needs that area. "

Hearing Xia Jue's words, the two elders were silly.

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