He can't afford that.

Those airport staff at the back haven't recovered from their thoughts just now. They suddenly saw Shen Hongzhen kick Shen Shao, which made them completely stupid.

What's going on?

Isn't Shen Hongzhen here to help his son take out his anger? Why is he beating his son up when he's still angry?

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

Shen Shao had been beaten by Xia Jue, but now he was beaten by Qian Hongzhen, which made him almost die on the spot.

"What's the matter? Look at the goods you broke out. You almost killed our Shen family. Do you know?"

The more Shen Hongzhen said, the more angry he was, and then he kicked Shen Shao a few feet.

"Ouch, ouch."

Poor Schengen didn't want to know what happened.

One side of the airport staff is confused by Shen Hongzhen's words.

Shen Mingshao was interrupted by Shen Mingshao. Now that Shen Mingshao was hurt by Shen Mingshao, that's what happened.

Does the person who broke Shen Shao's leg have a strong background?

Airport staff guessed some.

"Come on, lift him up for me."

The urgent task now is to find a way to get Mr. Xia's forgiveness first, and put other things aside first.

"Yes, Mr. Shen."

Several security guards put up Shen Shao on the ground according to Shen Hong's orders.

Shen Hongzhen takes Shen Shao directly to the plane.

First class.

At this time Xia Jue is not worried, so quietly sitting here, looking at the hands of the non country of this map.

At this time, Qian Hongzhen and Shen Shao came carefully.

"That... Mr. Xia, right?"

After arriving at Xia Jue, Qian Hongzhen asked carefully.

Hearing the cry, Xia Jue looked up at him.

"That... My name is Qian Hongzhen. Just now the dog was unreasonable to you. I specially treated him to come and apologize to you."

Hearing this, the bodyguards and crew members who came up with them were all jaw shocked.

You know who they are.

That's the president of Shenshi group, a famous figure in Kyoto. However, at this time, he bowed his head to apologize to such a young man. What's the origin of this young man?

"Just now your son said that he would tear me to pieces. What do you say?" Xia Jue said lightly.

Hearing this, the cold sweat on Shen Hongzhen's forehead kept flowing out.

I think he has been in business for so many years. When did he feel so embarrassed as today.

But he can't afford to offend this man.

Behind him stood the Wu family.

A Wujia who can destroy their Shen family in an instant.

"Bring him to me."

Shen Hongzhen gritted her teeth and said to the security guard who was carrying Shen Shao behind her.


Two security guards answered and brought up Shen shaogei.

Shen Shao is reckless, but Jean is not a fool.

He knew his father's temperament. If ordinary people had dared to talk to him like this, he would have died 800 times.

Now his father beat him angrily, and he plans to put himself in a fight with this asshole. The asshole's background is absolutely strong.

Thinking of this, Shen Shao began to panic.

Even his father can't keep him now. What should we do?

"Dad, Dad, help me." Shen Shao shivered all over.

"Shut up." Shen Hongzhen roared at him, then turned to Xia Jue, "Mr. Xia, as long as I can let you get rid of your anger, I'll understand this rebellious son myself."

As soon as Shen Hongzhen said this, everyone on the scene took a cool breath.

They know that the young man's background is strong enough to make Shen Hongzhen bow down, but they didn't expect that Shen Hongzhen would not hesitate to kill his relatives in order to get the young man's forgiveness.

How scared is it to do such a thing?

"Dad, this gentleman, I know I'm wrong. Please let me go."

At this time, Shen Shao's face was pale and his legs were shaking. Even if there were no two security guards beside him, his legs were not broken. I'm afraid it's hard to stand.

Qian Hongzhen completely ignored Shen Shao's request for help.

As long as Xia Jue nodded and agreed to Qian Hongzhen's proposal, he would never be soft hearted.

It's just a son. You can regenerate if you don't have it. If the Shen family doesn't have it, it's really gone.

Xia Jue did not speak, and no one dared to speak at the scene. The atmosphere began to solidify.

"Tick, tick."

When the atmosphere calmed down, people heard a slight drip of water.People quietly side head to follow the direction of the sound to see, see Shen Shao's crotch do not know when it has been wet.

Suddenly, a smell of urine came out, and everyone smelled it.

Xia Jue frowned.

"When will the plane take off?" Xia Jue looks up at Shen Hong town.

Before hearing this, Shen Hongzhen's face showed a trace of rudeness.

"As long as Mr. Xia nods and agrees, the plane will take off immediately."

"Go away, let the plane take off, and let your people clean the floor."

"Well, thank you, Mr. Xia. Thank you, Mr. Xia. I'll get them ready to take off in a minute."

Shen Hongzhen was very happy. He knew that he had passed the test today.

"People who have nothing to do with it, get out of here. Don't delay the flight. And the stewardess, clean up the floor. If there is any smell, I'll ask for you."

When Shen Hong said this, the irrelevant security guards immediately retreated, and a group of stewardesses also picked up all kinds of cleaning things to wash the floor.

Just when Shenhong town was ready to retreat, suddenly it seemed to think of something.

He grabbed Shen Shao's neck and then pulled to Xia Jue.

"Look at Mr. Xia clearly. Today, Mr. Xia is kind enough to save your dog's life. If there is anything useful for Mr. Xia in the future, you will take your dog's life as a reward."

"Yes, if Mr. Xia has any orders in the future, just say that I will certainly break my body to pieces."

Shen Shao, who escaped the disaster, was almost moved to tears.

Although it was Xia Jue who made it so embarrassing, on the contrary, he didn't resent Xia Jue at all. Instead, he felt that Xia Jue was his life-saving benefactor.

If his legs and feet are still convenient at this time, he must kowtow to Xiajue to show his thanks.

"Come on, go away, don't waste my time."

This guy is just a mole ant in Xia Jue's eyes. Xia Jue doesn't pay attention to him at all.

"Yes, I'm leaving now. Carry me away quickly. Don't delay Mr. Xia's time here." Shen Shao hurriedly asks the security guard beside him to take him away.

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