Soon, Shen Shao and others got off the plane.

Looking at the plane taking off slowly, Shen Hongzhen was relieved.

Unconsciously, his back sweat had soaked his clothes.

"Dad, who is he?"

Seeing that he had escaped, Shen Shao finally summoned up the courage to ask.

"The owner of the Wu family called himself and said that if we can't let Mr. Xia be our Xia family, it will be over. Who do you think he is?"

Hearing this, Shen Shao gasped.

The owner of the Wu family called himself...

what is the background of Mr. Xia.

At this time, Shen Shao was very happy to survive.


as the situation in Africa is very unstable, there is no flight to arrive directly, so Xia Jue's flight is to fly to the South first, and then pass through Africa from the south.

After arriving in the south, Xia Jue chose to take a bus to cross into the territory of Africa.

The bus goes slowly through the South and Africa.

Because it is a border area, public security is not very good, everywhere you can see all kinds of chaos.

"Are you Chinese?"

Asked a woman sitting next to Xia Jue.

Is the woman fair, tall and with a video camera around her neck.

"Yes, you are also from Xia."

Xia Jue did not expect to see a compatriot in such a place.

"Yes, I'm a reporter. My name is Lin Yao. I went to Africa to cover the current situation." The woman named Lin Yao said.

"Then you have courage."

The situation in Africa is so chaotic that people all over the world can't avoid it now. Lin Yao still takes the initiative to run inside. Xia Jue has to admire his courage.

"You too." Lin Yao glanced at Xia Jue.

Xia Jue said nothing with a smile.

"By the way, what are you here for?" Lin Yao asked again.

"Me..." Xia Jue thought for a moment, "I'm here to do business!"

"You have a lot of guts to do business here."

"It's OK. I'm looking for wealth in danger."

While they were talking, the car had begun to slowly cross the border of the south, and it would not be long before it reached Africa.


At this time, the bus seems to have encountered some situation, directly a brake stopped.

"Master, what's the matter?" Lin Yao said to the bus driver in a non Chinese language.

"There's something wrong. There's a piece of wood falling in the middle. Let's go down and help move the wood away," the bus driver said.

"All right." Lin Yao said that she would go down.

"I advise you not to go down."

Just when Lin Yao wanted to go down, Xia Jue made a sound.

"Why?" Yao Lin stops.

"Because you can't come back when you go down."


Hearing this, Lin Yao was shocked.

"This is not China. This is the world of the jungle. If you want to enter here, you must first understand the rules here. That is, there is no so-called benevolence, righteousness and morality here. There are only prey or hunters here."

Xia Jue said to him in the tone of a lesson.

After hearing Xia Jue's explanation, Lin Yao suddenly woke up.

She looked around again.

After so many people in the bus heard the driver say this, none of them made any action except her.

This is very strange.

Now Lin Yao has believed Xia Jue's words.

Then he ignored the driver's words and went back to his seat.

Seeing that Lin Yao wants to get off the bus from the previous one, he is persuaded back to his seat by Xia Jue's words. Everyone looks at Xia Jue with strange eyes.

The bus driver here also looked at Xia Jue with dissatisfied eyes.

"Boy, you broke the rules." Said the bus driver in a non Chinese language.

"If it's bad, what can it be?"

Although Xia Jue's words were only eight words, they fell into the ears of the bus people, but they were undoubtedly thundering.

You know, the rules here have never been broken.

I can't say never.

It's just that those who broke the rules before were already buried in the wilderness, so they had to admire Xia Jue's courage.

"What did he say broke the rules?" Lin Yao turned to Xia Jue.

"You should have been their man."

Xia Jue's words made Lin Yao petrified.

Of course, she understood what Xia Jue meant.She knew that Africa was in chaos, but she didn't expect that it would be so chaotic. As soon as she entered the territory of Africa, there would be murders and pirated goods.

If you go inside again, she may not even have any bones.

Thinking of this, Lin Yao began to feel regret.

Maybe it was a mistake for her to come here.

"If you break the rules, you will have to bear the consequences. You two get off the bus. You two are not qualified to take this bus any more."

Then the bus driver spoke again.

"We paid. Why should we get out of the car?"

Lin Yao was not satisfied and immediately fought.

"You hear, we paid for it."

Xia Jue repeated Lin Yao's words again.

"It's a matter of whether to pay or not, boy. You know the rules here. Now you can get off the bus on your own initiative and have a decent life. Otherwise, hum."

The bus driver's words are full of threat.

"If you dare to do so, is there any royal law? Is there any law? We will sue you." Lin Yao said.

Hearing Lin Yao's words, not only the bus driver laughed, but also other passengers in the bus cheered.

"What are they laughing at, aren't they afraid?" Lin Yao turns to see Xia Jue.

Xia Jue shook his head, rather helpless.

"As I told you, there are no laws and regulations here, just whose fists are big."


Lin Yao is speechless.

"Boy, don't talk so much nonsense. Will you get off the bus or not?"

The bus driver has no time to listen to Xia Jue's ink here.

"I'll choose two places for you, and then I'll send them to you."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Once Xia Jue said this, there was another burst of laughter in the car.

How can the driver who can drive this bus be an ordinary person?

Not to mention the relationship behind it, it is not an ordinary ruthless role.

So people were amused to hear Xia Jue's words.

"Ha ha boy, your grandfather, I haven't heard such a funny joke for a long time. Please repeat what you said before. Let me have fun with your grandfather."

"Ha ha ha ha."

The bus driver's words caused a lot of laughter in the car.


Xia Jue smiles, then stands up and walks in front of the bus driver.

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