Chapter 301 improves strength again

Chapter 301 improves strength again

it's Li Qingtian who is held by the sword, not him, so the monk of enlightenment is not reconciled.

"That's right. You didn't do anything. It took us a long time to smash the stone man. It's good for you to pick up the ready-made one. Isn't it suitable?"

"Ha ha." Xia Jue laughed, and then looked back at Li Qingtian.

"They don't agree. What do you say?"

"It doesn't need their consent. The beads are in your hands now, and that's yours."

Li Qingtian had no choice but to say something against his conscience.

"Actually, I have another idea. I wonder if you can do me a favor?" Xia Jue asked again.

"What's up?"

"Well, how about you help me get some of these beads out?"


hearing this, Li qingtiannei was furious.

Now Xia Jue has robbed his bead.

He even wanted him to continue to fight with the stone man as a coolie and take out the beads for him.

It's just too much deception.

"Why, no?"

In the meantime, Xia Jue's sword worked harder.

Looking at the blood seeping from his neck, Li Qingtian compromised.

"Well, I promise you, I'll take out the beads for you."

If he wants to take out the bead, he must be free.

He has made up his mind

once Xia Jue lets him free, he will immediately return to the lamas and join hands with them to deal with Xia Jue.

"Well, do it!"

Xia Jue directly released the sword against Li Qingtian's neck.

Li Qingtian was surprised to see that he let himself go so easily.

Originally, he thought that Xia Jue would threaten him with words, and then let him make a promise to let him go.

No longer care why he so easily let go of himself, Li Qingtian directly stood up.

"OK, I'll do it now."

Seeing the xuanjing ax that fell on the ground, Li Qingtian wanted to reach out and pick it up, but he was afraid that once he picked up the ax, Xia Jue would be suspicious and immediately hit him.


Li Qingtian reluctantly turned around and quickly ran back to the Lama and others.

"What do you mean, don't you mean to help me get the beads?"

See Li Qingtian such action, Xia Jue is not very surprised, but very pondering toward him asked this sentence.

"Hum, you are so naive, ladies and gentlemen. If this man is here, we can't get other treasures. Why don't we kill him first?"

Li Qingtian looks at Xia Jue fiercely.


"Yes, we have to get rid of him, or we won't get any benefit."

Others agreed.

"Well, this man's strength has increased a lot now, and he is also armed with xuanjing weapons. I suggest we go together, OK?"

Li Qingtian was careless before.

He thinks that although Xia Jue's strength has increased a lot, it's not so easy to subdue him for a while and a half. When he fights with himself, other people have already come up.

But I didn't expect that he was subdued even without Xia Jue's support, which made him in this situation.

"Yes, we must not act alone and be broken one by one. We must cooperate properly."

Xia Jue is too powerful now. None of them has a chance to win one-on-one. There is only one way to kill Xia Jue. So the Lama proposed the same thing.


It shouldn't be too late. After the discussion, no one had any ink. They directly unified and killed Xia Jue.

Even before careful thinking has been a lot of enlightenment also did not play smart.

Because he also knows that only when Xia Jue is solved at this time can he have the chance to get the baby, otherwise it is empty talk to have him in everything.

In my mind.

Everyone's unified figure has reached Xia Jue.

At this time, Xia Jue's face showed a trace of smile, and his breath was also strong.

He is not a fool. The reason why he let Li Qingtian go back to gather with lamas so easily is that he has enough confidence.

This confidence comes from the green bead in his pocket.

At the same time of letting Li Qingtian go back, Xia Jue also opened the Dantian on his belly and kept absorbing the gas on the beads.

When they discussed how to treat him, he had almost absorbed the gas on the bead.

At this time, his strength has increased a lot.

Now he is confident that even if these people join hands, he can deal with it.Just when Li Qingtian and these people joined hands and arrived three meters away from Xia Jue.

Xia Jue disappeared in an instant.

With the improvement of strength, Xia Jue's body method is also more rapid.

As soon as he arrived, the crowd who rushed over didn't react at all, so he was chopped out by Xia Jue's sword.

The shock of the crowd has not come back, and then there are two people fly out.

In the blink of an eye, four people in the League were shot away, which made everyone calm down in an instant.

At the same time, they also have a huge question mark in their heart.

A moment ago, when they saw that they were not so strong against Li Qingtian, how could their strength increase so much in the blink of an eye?

What's going on?

Looking at this group of people who were shocked, Xia Jue stopped the action of killing.

Because these people are still useful to themselves.

For example, if you want to take out this kind of magic bead from the stone man's head, you can't say whether you can do it by yourself. You will die of exhaustion just because you are tired.

In addition, the palace of gutuo is so big that they only explored a few places, and then they need their help.

This is just a group of free labor and mice. How can Xia Jue waste too much.

"How about now? Do you want to continue playing?" Xia Jue looked at them with joking eyes.

Hearing Xia Jue's words, the stunned people finally recovered.

"You... How can your strength grow so fast..."

Li Qingtian looks at Xia Jue in fear and bewilderment.


In contrast, the Lama is quite clear headed.

It's easy to get the conclusion because Xia Jue's strength has been improved so quickly. It's just that Xia Jue hasn't left their sight before, which makes them feel so strange and shocked.

After such a reminder from the Lama, people also want to understand.

"What kind of beads are they? How can they be refined and absorbed in such a short time?"

Although it is known that the sudden rise of Xia Jue's strength has something to do with beads, Li Qingtian is still surprised.

Before, Xia Jue went to the jade stool over there and spent some time.

And this time, they finished the improvement of strength under their eyes.

Can this bead be absorbed by opening the elixir field?

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