I have to say that Li Qingtian really guessed it right.

But at this time, he had no chance to verify, because he did not have this kind of bead in his hand to give him the experiment.

"Do you choose to help me take out the beads from the stone man's head, or do you take them yourself after I kill them all?"

See everyone's unpredictable look, Xia Jue continues to say.

If Xia Jue said that before, they would not be polite.

However, in the face of Xia Jue, who has killed four members of their league in the blink of an eye, they have no confidence to tell him.

They feel that no matter how hard they fight with Xia Jue now, they won't have a chance to win.

What's more, they don't want to work hard because of the great disparity of strength.

No one wants to die now.

"Xia, how are you?"

Li Qingtian asked in a complicated mood.

"You don't have a long memory or something. I told you so clearly just now. Do you want me to help you recall it?"

At the end of the speech, Xia Jue raised his sword.

"Will you let us go after you... Help you finish this?"

Li Qingtian had to bow his head.

"It depends on the mood."


Xia Jue, Li Qingtian and others have no temper.

I can't imagine that they are the masters of cultivating internal Qi. According to people in the secular world, they are the masters of peerless talents. Today, they are killed like a chicken. They want to be killed. Even their life depends on the mood of others.

"I'm afraid Xia's realm has reached the middle stage of the earth order. I don't think we should fight with him. There's no chance of winning at all." The Lama whispered.

When you get to the ground level, you have become a standard master at the beginning of the ground level.

In the future, the stronger the internal Qi cultivation in the body, the higher the level.

Now the internal Qi in Xiajue Dantian has reached the standard of the middle stage of the earth stage.

There is a difference between the middle stage and the early stage.

Don't underestimate this realm.

Above the ground level, the strength of each realm is not as simple as one plus one, but a world of difference.

This is also the reason why Xia Jue just killed four members of their league in the blink of an eye, but they didn't respond.

In fact, it's not necessary for the Lama to say that people can see it.

Xia Jue's strength has really reached the middle stage of the earth order. Although he has just stepped into the middle stage of the earth order, they are not able to compete.

"Well, we'll help you get the bead, but I hope you'll give us a hand when we're done."

The Lama took the lead in saying.

The Lama's words have already represented people's thoughts.

At this time, all the people are directly seeing Xia Jue, want to see what he will reply.

"Do it now!"

Xia Jue did not pay attention to his question, but directly threw out such a sentence.

"You... Hum!"

The Lama gave a cold hum and then came to one of the stone men.

Others have no choice but to do things first.

"You, come over there and bring me a jade stool."

Just when Li Qingtian wanted to go to the stone man, he suddenly heard such a sentence, which made him subconsciously turn his head.

"Are you talking to me?"

Li Qingtian pointed to himself uncertainly.

"It's you who are talking so much nonsense. I'll give you 20 seconds. If you can't move here, you can die."


hearing that Xia Jue was really talking to him, and still asked him to do such dirty work as this, Li Qingtian almost couldn't help yelling.

Although it's extremely insulting for him to help the bastard destroy the stone man and get the beads, at least there are so many people with him. It's not only his shame, it's acceptable.

But in front of him, this bastard actually asked himself to move a jade stool for him, which can be regarded as a shit on his head. How can he accept this arrogant.

"You still have 15 seconds."

Xia Jue ignored his complaint, but raised the xuanjing sword in his hand.

In the end.

Li Qingtian, whose teeth are almost broken, still compromised.

As the saying goes, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Gou Jian, the king of Yue, can even test the dung for the king of Wu. What's more, what the bastard wants him to do is just move a stool, not to the point of the king of Yue. What's unacceptable.

As long as he goes back safely from here, he will surely invite the higher martial uncles to go out for internal cultivation. Are you afraid that the bastard will not kneel down in front of him to apologize?Thinking of this, Li Qing turned around and quickly went to the direction of putting the jade stool.

The weight of the jade stool is not light. Even as a master of internal Qi cultivation in the ground steps, he also spent a lot of time to move it to Xia Jue's side.

"Time exceeds a second, how do you say to punish you?"

Looking at the stool moved by Li Qingtian, Xia Jue was not polite at all. He carried his ass and sat down.

"What... One... Second!"

Li Qingtian is gritting his teeth to highlight these words.

Now he's got the idea that this asshole was working on him.

It took him a lot of effort to move the stool over here. This bastard actually played this kind of game with him. It's not meant to be difficult. What is it?

"If you don't say so, I'll help you choose it. I'll give you twenty slaps."

Seeing that Li Qingtian was indifferent, Xia Jue had to help him make a choice.

Li Qingtian, whose eyes are about to blow fire, is about to faint.

If it wasn't for the fact that his reason was restraining himself, and his heart was crazily reciting the two words "if you leave a castle peak, you're not afraid of no firewood", he would have to fight with this bastard.

"Pa pa pa."

After thinking for a moment, Li Qingtian still gritted his teeth and waved his palm wildly in his face.

In order to avoid being made difficult by this bastard again, he dare not be too perfunctory, so the slap on his face is really hard.

Before long, Li Qingtian took out his face into a pig's head, and even his teeth fell to the ground.

"Well, that's it this time. You can go and get the beads for me."

Seeing the slap finished, Xia Jue drove Li Qingtian away like a fly.

Li Qingtian didn't say anything more, and he didn't have any ink. He turned his head and headed for the crowd behind him.

Not far away, Mrs. Meizhi, who has been quietly observing this scene, has been speechless for a long time.

They witnessed Xia Jue run away from being beaten by them.

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