But he couldn't help it.

If it takes 50 breaths, this group of people must have given up on him.

Only if we try to let these people see some hope, then these people will fight.

Sure enough.

Li Qingtian said this.

Monks, lamas and other people are showing the intention of being ready to move.

"Will you do it?"

The monk asked them in a low voice.

No one responded, so the scene in this tight and quiet atmosphere deadlocked down.

"Do it, I'm going to enter the realm of the earth steps, quick!"

Seeing that none of these bastards wanted to fight, Li Qingtian yelled with her eyes.

I have to say.

Li Qingtian's roar has some effect.

Others make people feel angry, but also let some others who have been hesitant to make a decision.

"I'll spell it."

One of them is a fat man with a silver bracelet. He yelled and went to Xia Jue.

Under the leadership of this man, three more rushed to Xiajue.

Seeing that someone was finally encouraged, not only Li Qingtian was relieved, but monks and Lamas were also relieved.

Because it means they have another chance to improvise.

In my mind.

The four hands have rushed to Xia Jue.

A bang.

The fat man with the silver bracelet who rushed past first flew out and smashed on the jade wall in the distance.

"Together, we must buy time for Qingtian."

The remaining three people had planned to fight for their lives. Naturally, they would have considered the consequences of the incident, so they had been psychologically prepared for this scene and did not panic.

"The mantis arm is the chariot."

Looking at the formation of three people blocking in front of him, Xia Jue was very disdainful, and directly cut it with a sword.


The strength of the middle stage of the earth order is so terrible. With a sword, all the three people in the distant formation vomit blood and fly out.

"Li Qingtian, it's almost time for twenty breaths. Are you awake?"

Seeing that Xia Jue has solved the cannon fodder in a clean way, the monk and Lama here are in a hurry.

"Soon, success or failure depends on it. Brother Lama, brother Wudao, you must not retreat, otherwise you will not have this chance."


the enlightenment Lama and others looked at each other.

They are all waiting for one person to lead them.

As long as one person takes the lead, they swear that they will definitely rush in.

"It's not finished yet. Why don't I give you another 20 breaths? If you haven't finished yet, don't blame me."

Just when they were extremely anxious, Xia Jue came in a leisurely way in the distance.

In fact, he really didn't want to kill these people any more.

He's going to keep these people working for him.

So at this time, he can only throw this sentence to intimidate the lamas and monks who can't bear to fight.

Sure enough.

When lamas and monks heard Xia Jue's confident words, they all stopped immediately.

At this time, they are extremely nervous.

Xia Jue's words made them jump out of fear.

"Come on, don't be fooled by his words!"

Seeing that the plan is about to abort, Li Qingtian can't bear it.

However, no matter how Li Qingtian instigates, the people at this time have lost their courage, and they can't afford to fight against Xia Jue.

"One, two, three, four, five, it's time. If I give you a chance, you're useless!"

Sir Xia shook his head and cut it out with a sword.

A bang.

In absorbing the energy of the beads, Li Qingtian had no power to fight back and flew out directly.

"You bastards, poof, cough!"

Fell on the ground of Li Qingtian difficult support up the body, and then vomit blood.

"You, go and end him."

Xia Jue said to the monk lightly.

"What, I..."

seeing that Xia Jue asked him to do this, the monk almost couldn't help vomiting blood.

Once he did, it would be yellow mud falling into his crotch. It's not excrement, it's excrement.

If he can go back alive, will Yangmen let him go that day?

"You only have five seconds."


as soon as Xia Jue read out the number, the monk on this side immediately rushed to the position where Li Qingtian was in the distance.

Now that his life is hard to protect, the monk thinks it's better not to worry about so much.Just now Li Qingtian said that he was beaten to the head of a pig because he was slow.

Do what the bastard says first, and save yourself.

"Wudao, if you dare to do this, I will kill you all!"

Li Qingtian can finally understand the mood of Tokugawa Shaokang.

These team-mates are even more hateful than Xia.

"Go to hell."

Wudao ignored his words and clapped his hand on the cover of his spirit. Then he seemed to rush back to Xiajue's side as if he had escaped.

"Well, I'm not overtime, am I?"

When he came back to Xia Jue, he seemed to be gallant.

"Well, you are not overtime, but you still let him say a word, which makes me very unhappy. What do you say?"


said a word?

At this time, Wudao couldn't help cursing.

Can I control his speech?

He gritted his teeth and then gritted his teeth. He knew that this bastard was just like Li Qingtian. He had no way to understand the Tao.

"Pa pa pa."

There is no need for Xia Jue to say how to punish him. When he realized the truth, he slapped himself in the face.

"That's good. You're smart. It's almost done. Let's get to work."

Seeing that the Enlightenment was almost done, it had already played a deterrent role. Xia Jue believed that the rest of them did not dare to think any more, so he would not waste his time.

Looking at Xia Jue sitting on the jade stool in the distance, he turned around.

"What are you looking at? Don't you hear what they say?"


the next time goes on in an orderly way.

After Li Qingtian's lessons, the rest of them didn't dare to play any more tricks. They all helped Xia Jue to work honestly.

A few hours later.


The last stone man's head was broken, and Lama and others came panting toward Xiajue with the last bead.

"Here are your beads, Mr. Xia."

Lama respectfully handed the bead to Xia Jue.

"Good. I'm very satisfied with what you've done."

Xia Jue took the bead and put it in his pocket.

"Mr. Xia, now that the stone man has been killed, can we withdraw from this palace?"

With this bastard here, Lama and others can no longer expect any treasures in it.

So they can only hope that Xia Jue can let them go.

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