"It's too early for us to find out where the palace is. There are so many treasures here. Let's search for them before we leave."

Hearing this, the faces of lamas and others became ugly again.

No matter how much this treasure is, it has nothing to do with them now.

This bastard clearly wants to continue to use them as free labor.

"Mr. Xia, we just agreed..."

the Lama's tone should be as gentle as possible. He didn't want to make Xia Jue fight him.

"What have we agreed?"

"You said you would let us go."

"When did I say that I would let you go? I just said to look at my mood. Now I'm in a bad mood. Isn't it reasonable not to let you go?"


no one can understand the feelings of lamas and others at this time.

They were born this time to look for treasure, but they didn't expect that they didn't get one now, but they became fish on the chopping board.

If they had known the result, they would not have come anyway.

"Don't be so fussy. Go and find the next place."

Xia Jue waved impatiently.

Lama can only helplessly turn around, and then according to Xia Jue's instructions to do.

When other people saw that the Lama had taken action, they all gritted their teeth and went back to take action.

More than an hour later, people who didn't seem to find any clues in the field returned to Xia Jue.

"Mr. Xia, it seems that there is no passageway in this place except the passageway just came in."

Said the Lama.

"No way. There must be a passage. Keep looking."

"All right."

Lama and others have no choice but to continue searching.

Another period of time passed.

The light in the training ground dimmed.

Looking up at the sky, it turned out that it was caused by the sharp decrease of light in the jade.

"Is it dark now?"

They entered the palace near noon.

It's almost dark to calculate the time.

"Mr. Xia, we'll be a bit blind when it gets dark."

The beauty wisdom madam of one side worries of say.

They didn't expect to stay here for so long before, so they didn't prepare for any lights and so on.

If it's dark, won't lamas do anything when they don't have enough sight.

"Look at the situation first."

Xia Jue also looked around.

Lamas and others who are looking for a passage in the distance also noticed this situation.

Once it's completely dark inside, they can fish in troubled waters and have a chance to escape from Xia Jue's clutches.

So their minds began to come alive again.

But then with a slight sound, their mind was completely suppressed.


Lotus patterns on the jade walls above the training ground began to shine.

The light of a lotus is nothing.

But all together, it completely lit up the entire site.

Then the whole training ground is brighter than during the day.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing this side, Xia Jue had to stand up from his chair.

"Mr. Xia, the light seems to come from the lotus pattern carved on it."

After observing for a while, Mrs. Meizhi came to such a conclusion.

"What on earth is this lotus pattern? How can it be so magical?"

It's just a pattern. It can emit such an incredible light. It's just wonderful. Xia Jue can't help but marvel.

"Mr. Xia, look, what's over there?"

Mrs. Meizhi seems to have found something, and then points to the north.

Follow the direction of Mrs. Meizhi.

I saw the jade in the field is full of lotus patterns emitting light, only one place does not have lotus patterns, nor does it emit any light.

And the place that didn't emit any light just took on the shape of a door.

It's not the passage they've been looking for for for most of the day. What else can it be?


Xia Jue left this sentence, and then ran to the wall that didn't emit light.

Although they didn't want to continue to be Xia Jue's slaves, they still had to follow Xia Jue's figure to the door of the suspected passage.

"Cluck, cluck."

Xia Jue first knocked on the suspected passage door with his hand joint, and then knocked on the wall with lotus pattern."Yes, it must be the door."

Mrs. Meizhi recognized the difference between the two places.

In fact, it's not only Mrs. Meizhi who can hear it, but also other people who are not deaf.

"Get out of the way."

After saying these two words, Xia Jue stepped back behind him.

When the others heard the peace, they quickly stepped back.

Waiting for others to retreat behind, Xia Jue directly cut to the suspected door.


This door is not as hard as people think. It was cut apart by Xia Jue.

"Wow, what a pure vitality of heaven and earth!"

There is vitality between heaven and earth.

However, there are few places where the vitality of heaven and earth still exists.

Because the vitality of heaven and earth is polluted by various facilities and gases of modern people and the nature itself.

Therefore, the places where the vitality of this world still exists are some deep mountains, old forests and some sparsely populated areas.

This is the reason why those secluded sects and their masters are rarely born.

Once born out of the zone mixed with the vitality of heaven and earth, then their internal Qi will be polluted, leading to a retrogression in strength.

It's like a fish out of water will die of lack of oxygen.

Although they are not up to that point, they are almost there in principle.

After the door was opened, all the others felt a pure air, except for Mrs. Meizhi and the Lord of the knight's temple, who didn't cultivate the internal Qi.

The essence of each school is much stronger than that of their own.

That's why they were shocked.

"Where on earth is this? As far as I know, there is no place in the whole blue star that has such pure vitality of heaven and earth."

The monk was shocked.

"Let alone there is no place more pure than the vitality of heaven and earth here, or even one third of the vitality here."

The Lama on one side also said in a shocked tone.


Lama monk and other ground level masters seem to think of something, and then they look shocked.

It's not true to get the baby.

But at present, this is the extremely pure and huge vitality of heaven and earth.

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