Can't that son of a bitch keep all of them for himself?

This kind of thing can be absorbed as long as the elixir field is open. Unless that bastard is going to attack them immediately, what else can he do with them?

As long as that bastard doesn't fight them immediately, it's not impossible to break through to the middle stage of the earth level quickly relying on such pure vitality of heaven and earth.

Let's take a step back.

Even if they can't break through to the middle of the terrace.

But with the pure vitality here, they can also improve their strength a lot.

The most important thing is that not only one of them will improve, but all of them will.

As long as they have some capital, they can't compete with everyone?

Thinking of this, people are excited and nervous.

Excited naturally now see hope, nervous is worried that Xia Jue will come to an end, directly now start to kill them clean, in order to avoid future trouble.

"Monk, go in and see what's going on."

Just as they were all thinking, Xia Jue opened his mouth.


After so many things, the monk didn't dare to say anything nonsense. He just walked in according to Xia Jue's orders.

For about a minute, there came the voice of the monk.

"Safe, come in!"

Hearing the words, Xia Jue was the first to walk in.

Walking into it, he felt the vitality of heaven and earth that the monks said before seemed to be more strong.

Then he tried to open up the Dantian.

All of a sudden.

He felt a strong gas pouring into his Dantian.

But just a few seconds later, he felt that his strength had improved a lot, which made him excited and surprised.

Although the vitality of heaven and earth is not as pure as the energy on the bead, the bead is a consumable. I don't know how long the vitality of heaven and earth can be absorbed.

Treasure land.


Xia Jue felt strange again.

Calmed for a moment, he looked at the place.

He didn't look too carefully outside before. Now after entering this door, he found that there was a unique cave here.

At a glance, there are dense plants and trees. You can see where the end is, just like a vast forest.

However, there is one thing that is similar to the outside training ground, that is, the sky is still covered by a layer of jade, which is also carved with the pattern of lotus light.

"Isn't this the private botanical garden of the master of gutuo palace?"

Mrs. Meizhi, who came in, was amazed at the scene.

"Botanical garden? Isn't gutuo palace nearly 10000 years old? How can these plants survive so long? "

The bodyguard beside Mrs. Meizhi suddenly thought of this problem.

"If you live in such a vigorous place, you can live for at least a thousand years, not to mention these plants!"

After the Lama, a master of the early stage of the earth order said.

"So it is..."

this person's words can not help but solve the doubts of Madame Meizhi and Xia Jue.

"First it's the marrow washing beads, then it's the Green Magic beads, and then it's the place full of vitality of heaven and earth. The gutuo palace is really full of treasures."

Wudao had to sigh.

But the more he sighed, the more he wanted to die.

If those old people in the door were not worried that their elixir fields would be polluted by the gas of the secular world, how could they be led by the nose by Xia, and the baby would not belong to him.

"Monk, lead the way. Go inside first and see what's there!"


The monk immediately walked forward.

Xia Jue and others followed him.

"Chucka, chucka."

Because the plants are too luxuriant and thick, the monk in front of him can only keep cutting down the road with the mysterious weapon in his hand.

When they walked like this for about seven or eight hundred meters.

The distance between them was about 300 meters.

"Be careful, there's something unusual ahead."

After the carnivore and the stone man of the training ground, people have learned that there are many treasures and crises in this place.

And these two crises are not easy to deal with. If a person is not careful, even those masters who have cultivated their internal Qi will die.So at this time, everyone was staring at the grass in front of him.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

The sound of the grass is getting louder and louder, even the unknown things in it even start to jump towards the direction of their crowd.

Seeing this scene, people were even more shocked, especially the monks in front of them.

If Xia Jue hadn't been staring at him, he would have run away.

When you run fast, you have to face it.

The monk of enlightenment directly waved his xuanjing weapon to the unknown things that came from the road.

A bang.

With this blow, the monk of enlightenment directly lifted the countless plants in front of him.

At the same time, people also saw a white line, about the size of a pig, flying up and hitting a tree, then shaking a few times and then lost the movement.

"What's that?"

The Lama looked at the white object in the distance with puzzled eyes.

"Just look at it."

If he could be hit like this by the Lama, he would not be able to go anywhere. So Xia Jue just walked over to see what it was.

Even Xia Jue himself was thousands, others had nothing to be afraid of, they all followed closely.

When he came to the white object, Xia Jue had some changes in his expression.

This seems to be a... Rabbit?

It's really similar to a rabbit in shape.

Long ears, white hair, and short limbs.

But to his regret, the rabbit is a bit too long.

It's almost catching up with a pig.

That's right.

Xia Jue suddenly thought of the words of the ground level master when he just came in.

That is, these plants have changed themselves after staying in this vital place for a long time, and the most obvious is their life span.

So this rabbit has been living here for a long time, so it has a mutation, which makes it grow so big?

"Lama, is this rabbit also mutated because it has lived in this vigorous place for a long time?"

What kind of lineage do lamas come from.

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