
The Lama and others here are responsible for cleaning up the fish, and the people in the knight's temple over there start to burn a fire and set up a grill to prepare a roast rabbit.

"Zila Zila."

The fire was lit, and the rabbit, which was cut into dozens of pieces, was strung up by branches and roasted in the fire.

Soon after.

A smell of meat came out, which made the people in the field flow continuously. Even some people's stomachs were lured by the smell.

"It's such a charming place for rabbits to breed."

The Lama's saliva has reached the corner of his mouth.

Another half hour passed.

The rabbit meat is more cooked, and its flavor is more strong.

"Master Xia, you can eat it."

One of the Knights' Palace's subordinates endured the saliva in his mouth and handed the roasted rabbit meat to Xia Jue.

Xia dangjue didn't bite when he was polite.

The meat is soft and mellow in taste. Even if it is roasted without any seasoning, it is so delicious that Xia Jue has to praise it.

A piece of rabbit meat.

Xia Jue was pleasantly surprised to feel that there was a very pure vitality in his body, converging in his Dantian.

After a while, his strength improved a lot. Even he felt that the rabbit meat was weaker than the vitality of the beads taken from the stone man's head.

It's really a great tonic.

Xia Jue sighed in his heart.

"Do you have any more ripe ones? Give me another one!"

Xia Jue asked the man who was roasting the rabbit.

"Master Xia."

One of the temple's men came with a piece of rabbit meat.

Xia Jue ate again after the result.

Other people couldn't help swallowing their saliva when they saw Xia Jue eating so well. They also wanted to try how the rabbit meat tasted.

A few minutes later, Xia Jue ate up another piece of rabbit meat.

Two pieces of rabbit meat down, his strength has improved a lot, unfortunately too full to eat, the stomach has been completely unable to hold, otherwise he really want to come a few more.

"Mrs. Meizhi, take one for each of you."

Xia Jue said after wiping his mouth.

If Mrs. Meizhi hadn't brought him to this place, he would not have found such a treasure land, and he didn't have such a series of adventures, which led to the great increase of his strength. His cultivation gave out his inner Qi and became a real expert in the legend.

So he really has to thank Mrs. Meizhi.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia."

Mrs. Wen Yan's face was full of joy.

This kind of rabbit meat makes up for Xia Jue, a master who has already cultivated internal Qi. If they can eat one piece, what will the effect be?

Mrs. Meizhi can't wait to have a try.

Here, Lama and others saw that Xia Jue gave three pieces of rabbit meat to the three wastes. They were both envious and envious.

If only they could taste one piece.

"That Lama, you worked hard just now. I'll give you a piece."

Xia Jue said lightly.

Hearing this, the Lama couldn't believe it.

To tell you the truth, what kind of character this bastard is has been almost touched by them all the way, that is, extreme greed and selfishness.

How can he give such precious rabbit meat to himself now?

To Mrs. Meizhi, it's better to say that it's at least his staff.

But he clearly has a grudge against him, and he also knows that once he has a chance, he will absolutely resist him. Why does he do this?

Is there a conspiracy?

Or is this a decapitation meal, after which you will send him to die?

Actually, the Lama thinks too much.

Xia Jue has no tricks on him.

He thinks it's not good to press these people all the time.

I don't know what will happen next.

At that time, it's hard to guarantee that these people will not find an opportunity to eat him back.

So he's doing it now to divide them.

Some of them have a taste of sweetness.

In this way, if you want to play some tricks on yourself at that time.

Then these people who are divided by themselves will definitely worry more, and at that time, their hearts may not be so unified. This is what he most wants to see.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia."

No matter what the bastard surnamed Xia wants to do to him, he can't resist him. Lama can only take the meat.

Anyway, he had long wanted to try the flavor of this day's wood and earth treasure. As a result, he didn't write any ink on the rabbit meat, so he ate it with a big mouthful."It's so pure. It's a great tonic. It's a great tonic."

After eating, the Lama yelled with joy.

How can we not be happy.

He has been stuck in the early stage of the terrace for nearly ten years.

In the past ten years, apart from just coming in and feeling the pure vitality and strength of this place, this is it.

He felt that as long as he ate four more pieces of this rabbit meat, his strength would break through to the middle of the earth level in an instant.

Thinking of this, the Lama looked at the rabbit meat that was still roasting.

To make the Lama so excited, people are more sure that the rabbit meat is not simple, and the monk of enlightenment and other local level masters are salivating for the rabbit meat.

"Wow, this rabbit meat is really incredible. Now my whole sense of tiredness has disappeared, and even I feel like I am ten years younger."

After eating the rabbit, Mrs. Meizhi said strangely.

"Yes, ma'am, I'm the same. The most important thing is that I feel that my muscles and flesh have changed a lot, and my whole body is full of strength."

Madame Meizhi and others did not cultivate the internal Qi, so the feeling they got was just the change of bones and skin. They did not feel the increase of internal Qi like Xia Jue and Lama.

"Mr. Xia, may I ask you something?"

Madame Meizhi suddenly came to Xia Jue and pleaded.

"What's the matter?"

"This kind of rabbit meat is so incredible, I want to take a piece back to my daughter to try, which should be able to help her condition."

"What did your daughter get?"

"Advanced liver cancer, the doctor said it's just a few months."

Speaking of the pain on Mrs. Meizhi's face.

"Your daughter is basically incurable. At present, although the rabbit meat has some magical effect on the body, it is still unrealistic to cure your daughter's disease by this, unless there is the kind of magic medicine you said.

Let's have a look. Now the palace hasn't been searched. After the search, let's see if there's any magic medicine. If not, I'll give you a marrow washing bead. You can take it back to your daughter to have a try. It's more effective than rabbit meat for your daughter's illness. "

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