Hearing Xia Jue's words, Mrs. Meizhi was deeply moved.

Now she is very glad that she met Xia Jue and invited him over.

Otherwise, she would have been dead for a long time.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia. If you need me for anything, I will go through fire and water."

Meizhi said excitedly.

"No, it's something we've discussed. Besides, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have got so many chances."

"Well." Mrs. Meizhi nodded heavily.

"The monk, and the one in black, your name is Jialuo, right? You two work very hard. Let's get a bunch of them each."

Since we want to divide them, we need to divide a few more, so Xia Jue continued to speak.

Hearing this, the monk and Garo were stunned, and then turned into joy.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia."

When they saw the Lama eating so well, they had long wanted to taste the rabbit meat. Now they finally got their wish.

Now the enlightenment monk Lama Jialuo and Mrs. Meizhi have all got the rabbit meat, while the others are very anxious.

There's so much rabbit meat. There are so many people left. It's impossible for everyone to have a share.

People can only look at Xia Jue with praying eyes, hoping that they can get a share.

"Take those cleaned fish and bake them."

Since this rabbit meat can be so tonic, Xia Jue wants to try what effect this crystal clear fish will have.

"I'll do it, I'll do it."

"I'll do it. Don't rob me."

With a lesson from the past, everyone knows that only diligence can win Xia Jue's reward, so at this time, everyone has to fight for the job of grilling fish.

"Bang bang."

"Don't fuck with me."

A group of people are fighting for the roast fish.

"Fight for anything, move quickly for me!"

Xia Jue frowned.

Seeing Xia Jue's words, the people didn't dare to fight. Several people who got the fish came to the fire and leaned up.

Before long, another fragrance came out.

The roasted fish shows delicious juice, which makes people salivate.

"Mr. Xia, it's done."

A knight's palace man swallowed a saliva and sent a roasted fish to Xiajue.


Xia Jue took it over, looked at it a few times, then took it to his mouth and bit it gently


The fish is tender and juicy, and melts in the mouth. Xia Jue has never tasted such delicious fish.

Taste is only the second.

The key is that a very pure vitality of heaven and earth flows towards his Dantian.

This vitality is even more pure than the rabbit meat I just ate.

It's really a big tonic.

Xia Jue could not help sighing.

"Monk, are you all full?"

"I'm full. What's Mr. Xia's order?"

The monk looked at Xia Jue with anxiety. He would not be sent to death just after eating, would he?

"When you're full, go into the water and see if there are any such fish."

Xia Jue is not willing to let go of this treasure. If he can get more, he can get more.


Hearing that he was not asked to die, the monk was relieved, and then got up and went into the water.

"Let's have some dry food to replenish our strength. Let's get ready for the road after finishing."

Xia Jue's words make the Lord of the temple and the Lord of the knight's temple and other people who don't get rabbit meat want to curse their mother.

This bastard himself is a big fish, but let them eat dry food, this is simply not a human thing.

Can complain to complain, Xia Jue has made it clear that they do not have their share, for the sake of their stomachs, the Lord of the knight's palace and the Lord of the temple and others can only take dry food from the materials they brought.

Half an hour later, the whole pool was turned upside down by monks and others, and finally five more were found.

"Clean it up and bake it!"


Monks and others are busy killing fish again.

"Put all these in your backpack."

Now Xia Jue has been eating very much, but these are so much tonic things, only to take them away and digest them slowly.

"Yes, Mr. Xia."

Mrs. Meizhi's bodyguard took out some useless things from her backpack, and then put in the rest of the barbecue and fish.

Nearly an hour later.

The remaining five fish were baked and packed into the backpack, and they were almost finished. Xia Jue said:"Let's go!"

The army began to move deeper into the jungle.

"What kind of tree is it and how can it grow so big?"

Deep in the forest, people can't help but marvel at the sight of a big tree surrounded by five people, which they can't even hold.

"Look, what's on the tree!"

Lama seems to have found something on the tree.

"That's the bird's nest?"

When they looked up, they suddenly saw a nest like a bird's nest on the top of the tree.

But the nest is a little big, almost two arms wide.

"Mr. Xia, the fish and the rabbit are so replenished, and the high nutritional value like eggs must be more replenished. Do you want to go up and see if there are any?"

Before I tasted the sweetness, now the monk began to pay attention.

There's a point in what the monk said.

It's not to mention that duck eggs are of high nutritional value.

It's possible that such a great tonic can absorb the pure energy in Qi and make itself break through the later stage of the earth terrace as mentioned by monks and others.

Thinking of this, Xia Jue said, "go up and have a look."

"No problem."

The reason why the monk made such a proposal is to show it well, so he would not have any ink when he heard this.

He took two steps in three steps and climbed to the nest at the top of the tree.

"Mr. Xia, there are eggs. Look at them."

The monk at the top of the tree took out an egg about the size of a shot put from the bird's nest.

It's a bit of a surprise to see the people under the egg farm.

"What kind of egg is this? How can it be so huge?"

One of them couldn't help but ask.

"Here we can't look at everything in the same way as the outside world."

The Lama spoke out.

What he said made people think back. It's really such a truth.

He took off his robes and jumped directly from the tree.

In less than five seconds, the monk landed on the ground steadily.

Seeing this, Xia jueyan was surprised.

He just got out of his inner Qi, and it didn't take long.

Many operation methods of internal gas are not well understood.

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