So he was surprised to see the monk jumping down from such a high place.

Even Xia Jue was so surprised, as for others like lady Meizhi, the Lord of the knight's palace was even more shocked.

You know, this tree is less than 20 meters.

What can such a living man do besides the legendary lightness skill?

These really deserve to be real talents. Fortunately, Mr. Xia brought them down today. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Have a look, Mr. Xia."

The monk who jumped down untied the cassock wrapped with eggs.

Xia Jue quickly came to check.

Before, the distance was too far, I didn't see the shape of the egg too clearly. Now I come closer and see it.

Most of the body under the egg is white with some small patterns, and the top of the head is cash yellow, just like a king with a crown.

"This egg looks very extraordinary. It's just an egg. It has such a noble attitude. I really want to see what it looks like after breaking its shell."

Lama's eyes are full of curiosity when he looks at the egg.


When the Lama said this, suddenly a sharp voice came from the distance.

Is this voice as if it has the power to take people's heart and soul? It makes everyone on the scene feel a little creepy.

"What's that sound?"

"It seems to be the call of some animal."

"It's not the mother of these eggs, is it?"

Gallo dropped such a sentence.

Garro's words shocked the public.

Not to mention that they had just taken down the eggs in the nest, and in a twinkling of an eye, they made such an animal's cry. It would be reasonable to say that the mother bird found it.

"Hum, it's just a beast. If you dare to come, I'll kill it with a sword!"

The Wudao monk was so murderous that he didn't pay any attention to this animal.

The reason is very simple. They saw the rabbit before.

Although this kind of animal has some variation due to the pure vitality of heaven and earth, it has only some changes in its body. It doesn't have much strength at all, so he is naturally not afraid.

Wudao monk's cruel words made people raise some morale, and the fear in people's hearts disappeared a lot.


The sound of the song was getting closer and closer, and the minds of the people were gradually alert, and the xuanjing weapons in their hands were all clenched.

"Here we are, be careful!"

People have seen a rapid figure in the distance, stirring the trees in the jungle.

"Die for me!"

The monk waved his big hand fiercely, and the xuanjing weapon in his hand was Xiao, who was carrying the power to cut off the thick branches and leaves of the trees in the sky.


Countless branches and leaves in the sky were cut down by the monk's sword.

People kept patting away the branches and leaves blocking their sight, trying to see if the animal was dead.

But after searching for a long time, nothing was found on the ground except the leaves.

"Monk, did you hit that beast?"

Asked the Lama.

"It should have been hit."

The monk is not sure.

"Ah, ah!"

He Shang just finished saying this, the door suddenly behind rang out a few miserable cry.

"No, the beast is not dead yet!"

The monk was surprised and turned around.

Xia Jue, who had been on guard for a long time, also turned back with his sword.

When he looked around, he saw a golden long billed bird about three meters in size, two big claws holding a knight's palace man in one hand and flying into the sky.

Seeing this, Xia Jue moved.

He rushed directly with xuanjing sword in his hand.

However, as he rushed past, the big golden bird seemed to notice the threat, quickly spread its arms, and then jumped into the sky.

"It's not so easy to run."

Xia Jue Yun's body Qi leaped up, and the whole person suddenly soared about three meters, and then chopped at the golden bird



The golden bird was a little bit hurt by Xia Jue's sword, and then with a loose claw, two captured Knights fell out of the air.

"The animal's skin is really hard."

The Lama and others who came here were shocked.

Xia Jue broke through the middle stage of the earth order and took the tonic again. I'm afraid his strength has reached the peak of the middle stage of the earth order.

In this way, the big bird could fly away after being hit by him.

"Be careful, this beast may not be far away."Xia Jue reminds a sentence.

"That's right. This animal is very cunning. It knows how to pick soft persimmons. We have to be careful."

"Pack these eggs and let's go."

The party returned to order and walked slowly forward.

Walking, walking, I don't know why, Xia Jue always felt something was wrong, it seemed that something was watching them all the time.

Looking back around, it's quiet everywhere, which seems abnormal.

"Monk, do you feel something wrong?"

"Mr. Xia, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. It's too quiet here."

"Yes, I have an intuition that something is watching us all the time."

Monks and lamas all feel something abnormal.

"Cheer up, once something happens, deal with it immediately."


After a long walk, the monk finally couldn't bear the atmosphere.

He just waved his xuanjing weapon and split it two times towards the woods in the distance.

"Come out if you have the ability. What's sneaky?"

"Monk, calm down. They will come out sooner or later. Let's see how long they can endure."

On the contrary, the Lama has calmed down a lot.

"No, they're coming!" Xia Jue looked up at the surging branches in the north sky.

"No, it's moving in the East."

"In the west, too."

"It's in the north, too."

"It's in the south, too!"

There was movement from all four directions, and everyone in the field was in chaos.

Especially the Knights and Templars.

Xia Jue and others are OK. After all, they have the strength of the earth rank.

As for these ordinary people, if they are faced with animals like the golden bird just now, they really have no resistance.

"You stand by me."

Said Madame Xia Zhi.

Smell speech beauty wisdom madam three people dare not neglect, hurriedly toward his side to come over.

"Let's form a formation, so we can better resist their impact!"

After hearing this, Lama and others immediately formed a circle around them according to Xia Jue's instructions.

Waiting for the crowd to circle, the mysterious things in the four directions have already forced the crowd to ten meters away.

At this time, everyone finally saw what was coming again.

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