The big golden bird in the East.

The big bird was chopped by Xia Jue, and the feathers on its chest were covered with blood.

In the west is also a big golden bird.

But this big golden bird is nearly a third bigger than the one in the East.

Not only that, this big bird has a crest on its head, just like a giant rooster.

To the south is a huge tiger.

The tiger's fur is gray, its tusks are bare, and its face is extremely fierce and ugly.

The animal in the north is a leopard.

But this leopard is four or five times more powerful than the others.

Knowing what it was, people were relaxed and nervous.

Why do you say that.

Because people always have a fear of the unknown.

Now this unknown thing appeared, so people naturally relaxed.

But these four beasts are not easy to deal with.

Especially after seeing the golden bird's hard body before, people's eyebrows locked up again.

The four beasts seem to be easier to deal with than the one that attacked them before, and the rest don't seem to be able to deal with.

There must be a bloody battle this time.

It's hard to say who will survive.


Just as the so-called enemies are very jealous when they meet, Xia Jue and others rob the golden bird's offspring and hurt it. The golden bird with a feather crown on the head of the West rushes towards him first.

The big bird in the West rushed towards Xia Jue, and the beasts in the other three directions didn't neglect him, and they all rushed forward with tacit understanding.

Xia Jue's face was cold, and his xuanjing sword crossed his body to welcome the golden bird.

The golden bird's speed was very fast. It was ten meters away from them before, but it was in front of him in a twinkling of an eye.

"Die for me."

It was at this time that Xia Jue aimed at the head of the golden bird, and then cut it with his xuanjing sword.

But what surprised him happened.

The golden bird seems to have been premeditated. When he cut out of this room, the big bird asked directly, and forced to hit him sideways with a quick figure, directly avoiding Xia Jue's attack and coming back to him.

In a panic, he could only hold up his xuanjing sword in front of him to resist.


The two big claws of the golden bird grasped his sword, and then pulled it hard. He felt the extremely strong impact. Xia Jue had to loosen his hand on the sword.

The golden bird broke the most threatening weapon on Xia Jue, and took advantage of the victory to catch him directly.

Not knowing what to do, Xia Jue was directly caught by the big claw of the golden bird with the top of his head, and then carried it to the sky.

All the people who were still fighting were shocked by this scene.

They didn't expect that the big golden bird with a feather crown was so fierce, and that Xia was caught in the sky by it.

But then they seemed to think of something, and suddenly they were ecstatic.

You know what it means to be caught in the sky by the golden bird?

Let's just say that.

It's like a man being caught in the water by a crocodile.

It's a near death. Life is light.

Generally speaking, there is no life without death.

The big golden bird with a pinnacle on its head caught him in the sky so easily, which means that Xia is not its opponent.

Since it is not its opponent and has entered its territory in the sky, does that Xia still have a way to live?

How can we not be ecstatic when we think of the lamas and monks below?

The one surnamed Xia is dead, so Mrs. Meizhi's three people are nothing but ants to them. They can crush to death with one finger. What kind of rabbit meat, fish meat and these precious eggs on their backpacks are theirs?

But it's still too early for them to say that.

Because they still have three beasts in front of them.

If we can't solve these three beasts, then everything is empty talk.

"Brothers, don't hide. Let's all work hard to solve the three beasts first. As long as we solve the three beasts, then we will...

when Garro said this, Xia Jue's figure suddenly flashed in his heart, and then he closed his mouth.

In the final analysis, although they all think that bastard is more or less vicious, they never see the body, and they are not too sure.

In order to avoid being punished by that bastard, it's better not to be happy too soon.

Although Gallo did not say the next words, how could they not understand what he meant? Then they all gritted their teeth and increased their strength to deal with the remaining three beasts.Here, Mrs. Meizhi is in a hurry.

Once Xia Jue makes a mistake.

Then they are completely reduced to lambs that are slaughtered by others.

Let's not say they are Xia Jue's people.

Every man is innocent and guilty.

It's their backpack and their rabbit.

If Xia Jue really can't come back, then Lama and others can't let him go.

"What shall we do, madam?"

Mrs. Meizhi's bodyguard was flustered.

"Don't panic. Mr. Xia is very strong. He must be OK!"

Mrs. Meizhi was actually comforting herself.

Discerning people can see that Xia Jue can be captured by the big bird. It must be that Xia Jue lost the initiative.

If it's going to come back alive, it's going to be out of luck.

"Bang bang."

The battle between man and beast is still going on.

Although the three beasts are ferocious, there are many ground level masters in the field. At the beginning, they were confused by their ferocious actions, and now they have some advantages.


The remaining female golden bird had suffered some injuries, and was besieged by four ground level masters with xuanjing weapons, and finally couldn't stand it.

I saw his body from the air was a monk sword to split down, struggling for a few times, also failed to get up again.

It is the so-called taking advantage of its illness to kill it.

How could people let go of such a good opportunity? Then they rushed up and gave the golden bird a few cuts.

The rest of the tiger and leopard saw the golden bird, and they were the only two left. It was estimated that they would not pose any threat to the people in front of them. They had to flee back.

"Animals, still want to run.."

"they will not dare to come here again, or don't go up to fight with them. The ferocity of these animals is still terrible."

Just as the monk wanted to catch up with him, he was suddenly stopped by the Lama.

Seeing through the crisis, everyone gasped.

Among them, Lama, monk Jialuo and others looked at each other.

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