There is no doubt that several people are to see each other's mind.

"We have consumed a lot of internal energy in this fight. We'd better sit down and recover first."

The Lama said.

People immediately understood what Lama said.

This is obviously to restore the internal Qi, but in fact is waiting to see if the bastard surnamed Xia will come back alive after he is out of luck.

As long as you wait for a period of time, the bastard has not come back, it is likely to die miserably in the golden bird's claw with a feather crown.

"Brother Lama is right. Mr. Xia will be fine. We are just waiting for him to come back."

The monk left a big shadow in Xia Jue's heart.

He didn't dare to do it again until he was absolutely sure of his death, lest the bastard would make him suffer again.

I believe that if that bastard can come back, but has his own words, he will not only not punish himself, but also reward himself.

Speaking of rewards, he thought of the roasted fish in Mrs. Meizhi's backpack.

Those fish surnamed Xia were not willing to give them to anyone. They must be more nourishing than rabbit meat. His heart immediately salivated, and then his eyes turned slightly towards Mrs. Meizhi's side.

After Mrs. Meizhi and monk solved the threat of the three raptors, they always looked at them with vigilant eyes, for fear that they would suddenly explode.

Fortunately, Mr. Xia's deterrent power to them was still there, and these people did not dare to make any action for a while.

"What shall we do now, madam?"

Mrs. Meizhi's bodyguards know whether these people will fight for a while, but if Mr. Xia doesn't come back, they will be unable to bear it sooner or later.

What Mrs. Meizhi can do at this time is to rely on God's blessing, to bless Xia Jue's safe return, otherwise everything will be over.

It's not far away.

Several ground level masters seem to have found something unusual about the dead golden bird.


Garro stabbed the bird in.

"What are you doing, Gallo?"

The Lama and monk stood up when they saw his action.


Garro said that he would not do anything, but he split the bird's body a little faster.

Seeing this, they didn't know what Garo had found. Even mang came.

Looking at the people rushing over, Garro didn't care so much. He just stretched out his right hand to catch the big bird's flesh and blood.

But in a flash, a green bead was caught by him from the bird's body and held in his hand.

"It's the bead."

"How can there be such beads in the bird's body?"

People were shocked to see that there was a bead in the bird's body.

"Pa pa."

When the Lama was still chopping the corpse, he was shocked that the great Xuanniao was still chopping the corpse.

Other people were also awakened by the Lama's action, and rushed up one after another, cutting down the body of the big bird like robbing some treasure.

Soon, the body of the bird was cut into more than ten pieces.

However, what disappointed everyone was that there was no green bead in the bird's body.

"Garo, show me this bead in your hand, and see what it has in common with the one among the stone men."

The Lama held out his hand to Garo.

"Ha ha." Garo looked at the Lama like a fool.

"Gallo, is this bead the kind of black one you took from the stone man?"

The monk couldn't help it.

Because the green beads that the stone man's head took out were too tempting for them.

Think about Xia.

However, it was less than a day after entering the early stage of the terrace, and then it broke through to the middle stage of the terrace with that green bead.

If they get this one, it's easy to break through to the middle of the terrace.

Gallo still did not answer, so quietly standing in place, it seems to be thinking about something.

But soon his momentum began to grow, and then an awe inspiring momentum came out.

"Ha ha ha ha, how many years, how many years, I finally broke through to the middle of the terrace." Gallo raised the sky and laughed.

Seeing his appearance, people don't understand.

It turned out that he had been absorbing the energy in the green bead before.

It seems that what he is holding in his hand is really the kind of green beads taken from the stone man's head before.

"You son of a bitch, I'll bring your ashes down!"With the breakthrough of strength, now Gallo's confidence is also expanding.

He even disdained the anger in his heart.

Because he is now a real intermediate level master.

Even if the one surnamed Xia can still come back alive, he can't even defeat him with his current strength, but it's not so easy for the one surnamed Xia to kill him.

"Ha ha, congratulations on brother Jialuo's breakthrough to the middle stage of the earth level. With brother Jialuo's leadership, why do we still fear that bastard named Xia?"

Seeing that Jialuo had broken through to the middle of the earth level, the monk and others were unwilling, but now they could only compliment him like this.

"Don't worry, ladies and gentlemen. Although I have reached the middle stage of the terrace, I still have so many places to search for in this palace. I still have to rely on you.

Don't worry.

I will never crush you like Xia. I will only take 30% of the rest, and the rest 70% is yours. "

Smelling this, there was some joy on people's faces.

They know the root and the bottom of Gallo.

Of course.

It's Gallo who knows them.

If they didn't go out alive, and this Gallo went back alive alone, the forces behind them will come to Gallo to ask for an explanation.

So even though the strength of Garro is one level higher than them, he is absolutely afraid to kill people and eat treasures alone. If he says to leave them seven levels, he must leave them seven levels.

"That monk, I'll show my respect for brother Jialuo."

"My Lama is willing to listen to you, brother Jialuo."

The situation is pressing. At present, Gallo is powerful, so they have to rely on him.

The sudden change of the situation at this end makes Mrs. Meizhi not far away even more pale.

Although they didn't know that the master's strength had increased to such a level, they could understand that they must have the strength to fight against Xia Jue.

At present, the form has been completely out of control, even if Xia Jue came back in person, it does not necessarily mean that he can still subdue them.

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